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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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I was curious about how much my teams have increased since Kitto Seishun was an EX last time (which was during the Rin event), so I played the song one time to see




That's a 57k increase in score :michiru:

@Eclipsed: Were you using your strongest team and a UR support? Because I almost beat your score, that doesn't seem right :michiru:

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so, i should be at 50 gems tomorrow... When is the guaranteed SR event exactly?

PS: Eclipsed, I wanna see the training schedule you followed because I still can't for the life of me finish a hard song (yes, even the easier ones... I'm very ashamed of myself :( )

For curiosity, how long did it take for you to get 50 gems?

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@Eclipsed: Were you using your strongest team and a UR support? Because I almost beat your score, that doesn't seem right :michiru:

Strongest team, but an off-color guest 'cos Smile & Cool are the trends atm :makina: (or maybe it was an SR pure support, dont ermember) edit: should've been an SR Pure support since 425k * 1.03 to make up the SR -> UR 3% difference equates to about 437k 

But i took the liberty to go grab a proper guest:


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Like Ceris i came into this game with experience in rhythm games so the adjusting period was fairly reduced.

I guess i understand those who never played a rhythm game before have more trouble with it but practice makes perfection.

When i played my first ever rhythm game back in middle school i also sucked at it, now i still suck at it (:Kappa:) but i found other games where i didn't suck as much because i had experience which helped along the way.

So yeah just keep playing.

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Practice makes perfect =) You'll get there soon enough~! Not everyone starts out FC-ing expert mode, unless they're broken :amane:


I don't play EX mode at all. I just stick with hard, heck I screw up 95% of the time on hard.


Comrade! I also having hard time to play Hard songs. Let's practice till perfection!



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off topic wtf ceris nosebleed alphacake are all august peeps
What's so special about November that yo parents do da lovey dovey :makina:

On topic: Regarding my little 'WTF MAX BOND + MAX LEVEL DERP' thingymabobber, Ceris was right, you don't have to do both at the same time ie. can max bond a N, sacrifice it, then get another idolized N in the future and max level it and you'll get credit for both max bond + max level section in the album.

For some reason though it doesn't update your album until sometime later for the max bond+max level section; the individual max bond and max level sections update instantaneous though.

I used to complain about having too many presents (300+) but now that it's dwindling to < 50 since I leveled a few duplicate SRs and Ns I actually feel a bit sad now >.> my well is emptying!!! 


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off topic wtf ceris nosebleed alphacake are all august peeps

What's so special about November that yo parents do da lovey dovey :makina:


On topic: Regarding my little 'WTF MAX BOND + MAX LEVEL DERP' thingymabobber, Ceris was right, you don't have to do both at the same time ie. can max bond a N, sacrifice it, then get another idolized N in the future and max level it and you'll get credit for both max bond + max level section in the album.

For some reason though it doesn't update your album until sometime later for the max bond+max level section; the individual max bond and max level sections update instantaneous though.


I used to complain about having too many presents (300+) but now that it's dwindling to < 50 since I leveled a few duplicate SRs and Ns I actually feel a bit sad now >.> my well is emptying!!! 


Did it not update in your album? I leveled my Ns so long ago I don't remember. And I dwindled my presents back when the Present Nico and UR Kotori were released, and haven't bothered to build it up since. I'm sitting at about 50 members as well.


And August is a late Christmas Present if you're born a little early :makina:

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off topic wtf ceris nosebleed alphacake are all august peeps

What's so special about November that yo parents do da lovey dovey :makina:


IIRC, last time I checked maki~chan is August as well. So many August people @___@




I usually keep my present box empty unless there's an event, then I fill it up with random N's and throw it on to the event SR afterwards.


My side story on the other hand...haven't touched them since opening about 10 of them. My farm of love gems grows \O/

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I hope this makes some of you feel better. From what I can gather, I have been playing since July, and this is the best I have on Wonderful Rush EX.(I know I have FC'd it in a score match before, but I can't seem to get it now.) No previous experience with rhythm games.




Also, I just made a spreadsheet on how much money I have spent, and I think it is time to give it up. Most of it was this month trying to get the Maki UR, but the RNG has been trolling me hardcore. 

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sorry to hear about it,




by the ways,

what mean "RNG" ?

Its just a game. Nothing to get too worked up about. lol


In reply to Ceris. 

I have bought 1227 gems all together, and it is killing me because I would probably  give up half of my UR's and SR's just to get the current Maki card. I want it sooooo badly.  -_-

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Random Number Generator, pretty much refers to anything random in games


Thanks for answering


Its just a game. Nothing to get too worked up about. lol


In reply to Ceris. 

I have bought 1227 gems all together, and it is killing me because I would probably  give up half of my UR's and SR's just to get the current Maki card. I want it sooooo badly.  -_-


Fan of Maki ? :michiru:

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