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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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I got 3 UR Hanayos in a row, it was painful to witness. There were only 2 URs in the game at the time, the one I wanted (Nico) and the one I didn't want (Hanayo) and I managed to get 3 of the one I didn't want.

Eh, shouldn't you have been happy? Hanayo is better at nico-ing than Nico.

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so, i should be at 50 gems tomorrow... When is the guaranteed SR event exactly?

PS: Eclipsed, I wanna see the training schedule you followed because I still can't for the life of me finish a hard song (yes, even the easier ones... I'm very ashamed of myself :( )

Guaranteed SR periods are always during non-events. Feb 27 after the 8:00AM GMT maintenance so like 9:00AM+ you can draww



Idk, just keep playing :P. Like I said, it took me weeks before I could pass Hard songs. and it was months before I could do EX efficiently. You'll get better, in due time

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Guaranteed SR periods are always during non-events. Feb 27 after the 8:00AM GMT maintenance so like 9:00AM+ you can draww


Idk, just keep playing :P. Like I said, it took me weeks before I could pass Hard songs. and it was months before I could do EX efficiently. You'll get better, in due time

Thank god, Eclipsed-senpai... I thought I was just trash at this game for not being able to finish hard songs consistently after playing it for almost a week now :)
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Final edit ~ Maybe :makina:


Here's the Hanayo post I've been talking about. I've made one about Rin and Honoka, my 1st and 3rd favorite. 2 walls of text from me in a few days, I'll  take a break, for all of your sakes :Kappa:

I said I would post this as my 2500th post, but then I became lazy so I haven't posted at all since hitting 2499 :makina: I'm using this as a 2500th post because I missed posting this on her birthday, so this is a good alternative. :sachi:

First off, I need to give credit to a post Umidah made about Hanayo which brought some light to me as well. In this post I also mention my Rin post a bit.

To start off, there's one thing that's always bothered me. I'm identified as an undying Rin fan, but that's not fair, because there's one other I endlessly support far more than any other idol. While Rin is indeed my #1, Hanayo is such a close 2nd, not mentioning her ever is just unfair. I don't think I have really expressed this much other than just saying "Oh, Rin and Hanayo are my favorites, RinPana, yadda yadda", but in reality, I love Hanayo as well for her self and not just because she's joined at the hip with Rin.

I guess I'll format this similar to how Rin became my favorite, how I explained from the start. So this is the "How she blew up the list" Unlike Rin, I remembered who Hanayo was at the end of the 1st season (for those who skipped reading my Rin post I linked above, I couldn't even remember Rin's name when I first finished the 1st season), but again, she didn't get as much screentime as other characters later in the first season, and I didn't really think much of her, she was just another character in the anime. After some time, a friend (different than the friend in my Rin post) kept seeing hate for Hanayo's voice, which we had both agreed was cute, so I guess that was my first notice of liking something about Hanayo. Time went on, and after rewatching the anime, I didn't have a sudden "OMG one of my new favorite characters" like I had with Rin, Hanayo was still low key but building affection.

So, 2nd season of the anime comes, Hanayo is like ~6th for me, in the gap between my "meh" characters and the ones I liked, and then she started having all these adorable scenes and kept making me like her more. Unlike Rin where she was already my favorite, Hanayo had the benefit of being one of my very early on SRs in SIF, so I had her as leader. Also, one of my other friends liked Hanayo a lot, so that made me pay even more attention to her. Also, around the time I started SIF was when I got to start talking to Nosebleed more, and him posting doujins and fanart, dragging me into the franchise as more than just a fan of the anime, but of a hardcore addict to everything. I also started reading fanfictions.

Here's a turning point on my opinion of Hanayo. Around the same time I read the lyrics of her solo song as well, but more on that later. I started with a RinPana fanfic (one that Nosebleed never bothered finishing!!!), which was a story from Hanayo's Point of View where she failed her confession to Rin, who dodged it and didn't give an answer. The writer is EXCELLENT and portrayed Hanayo's emotions and personality so perfectly, it made me take spotlight notice of her. You know me, I'm analytical, so I realized, I never paid true attention to her personality on a deep level and that changed. It made me realize that she's more than the quiet girl who goes crazy whenever you mention idols or rice, she has emotions I know personally.

As i said above, I also listened to and read the lyrics to her solo songs, Kodoku na Heaven and Nawatobi at this time. Kodoku was the song with emotions of a girl with unrequited love poured into the lyrics, it made me notice how deep her personality was and how relate-able she is (as Umidah pointed out). And then Nawatobi is a song simply about wanting to thank someone with every bit of their heart, another song so deeply involved with emotions. (the song is simply Hanayo crying from being so happy that she has Rin as a friend and just wants to endlessly thank her because of how much Rin helped her throughout life.) This song hits me hard, I literally cry listening to it. She doesn't take her friendship for granted, she does the opposite, she cherishes it with all her heart. This isn't some fanfiction, this is the intention of her character through her songs. All this, including just having her as my SIF leader, and everything else involved with Hanayo just brings her right to the top for me.

And I didn't do this in my Rin post ( should have ) but here's a WHY Hanayo means so much to me. As Umidah pointed out, she is someone you can relate to if you're a shy type of person. Believe it or not, while I consider myself a bit like Rin with the genki personality, that only surfaces around my friends. In any other situation, I'm more like Hanayo. I'm super soft spoken and have crippling shyness, it takes either a split second decision to talk to someone else I'll never do it since nerves just take over. AS someone I can relate to, I want to support her just that much more. and then for the same reason I love Rin so much, Hanayo is also unsure of herself, a trait I value so highly it's a huge driving force to it. Another trait I highly value that they both have is supporitng their friends. I mentioned Hanayo not taking her friendship for granted, she takes it a step further and supports Rin with all her heart. I'm talking S2E5, Hanayo doesn't just take center because "Oh, she wants me to", she took center because it was bothering Rin. And she takes it further, she notices everything as a whole is still bothering Rin, and goes out of her way to talk to Honoka to get advice, and wants to help Rin in any way she can. The fact she cares that much and wants to do so much for someone else means so much to me. Helping people in any way I can is something I want to do with all my time, it's something I LOVE doing, and so overall it's something I care deeply about. So yeah, combined with relating to both Rin and Hanayo, they're my favorites.

So hopefully people can see me more than just a Rin fan, or RinPana fan, but a supporter of both Rin and Hanayo :nervous:

Edited by Ceris
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Clearing Hard songs? Maybe it's because I've had years of experience with rhythm games, starting out with even a shitty phone, this game was easy for me. I'm pretty sure I cleared Hard songs on my first day, and I got my first FC on the 3rd day, as seen in this post (I started on June 4th)

I got a Kotori rare, putting my rare count up to 6 with 4 from normal scouts, 1 from free Honor Student scout. Dunno how many times I've done normal scout so far though. And I also FC'd my first song on Hard, being one of my favorite Love Live songs, Mogyutto Love de Sekkinchu, which I did first try, then proceeded to fail the event song yet again, this time on the last 3 notes :( 3 stamina restorers on the team and I didn't get a single point restored at the end when I needed it... So much frustration

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I can't relate to Hanayo at all (the most relatable character for me would easily be Eli, which is a big part of why I really like Nozomi though I'm not a big fan of hers [Eli], currently... Hanayo's way of acting and her feelings might as well be those of an alien to me), so this is something I never really considered. 


Interesting post. Makes me want to rewatch the anime (I never really got to it even after I re-tried it...). I think I'll do just that. 

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Hey, I also mentioned i was getting thoroughly rekt by Sweet and Sweet Holiday in the post I quoted, and didn't edit that out when I quoted it, so that's something, right? :makina:


I can't relate to Hanayo at all (the most relatable character for me would easily be Eli, which is a big part of why I really like Nozomi though I'm not a big fan of hers [Eli], currently... Hanayo's way of acting and her feelings might as well be those of an alien to me), so this is something I never really considered. 


Interesting post. Makes me want to rewatch the anime (I never really got to it even after I re-tried it...). I think I'll do just that. 

I make my long ass posts (5th one in this thread now?) to just give people my line of thought. As others have pointed out, they don't take things as analytical as me, so I don't expect to try and change people's opinions on stuff, but just to maybe give them another point of view.


Oh, and you posted like the same time I finished my last edit on the post, just added a bit more specific things I liked about Hanayo~

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