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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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I'm also surprised Mio and Ritsu made it but Azusa and Yui didn't.

I guess it's because Mio is extremly popular (god knows why) so she gathered a ton of votes.


I agree RinPana is a rather unpopular pairing, hence why it didn't appear on the list, not because they're not canon (we all know everyone in LL is a lesbian) but because their characters aren't popular, Hanayo in particular hardly ever takes the spotlight in any polls. They're good characters, but they're usually overshadowed by the rest of the cast.

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I'm also surprised Mio and Ritsu made it but Azusa and Yui didn't.

I guess it's because Mio is extremly popular (god knows why) so she gathered a ton of votes.


I agree RinPana is a rather unpopular pairing, hence why it didn't appear on the list, not because they're not canon (we all know everyone in LL is a lesbian) but because their characters aren't popular, Hanayo in particular hardly ever takes the spotlight in any polls. They're good characters, but they're usually overshadowed by the rest of the cast.


Thats almost the "problem" I have with Hanayo. Her characteristics are nothing unique... She's a little bit a mix from all the others but she doesn't do it "better". For example the shyness from Umi I like more... and so are there some other things who i feel the same.


Anyway, she's still a nice Character and somebody must be the unpopular one amongst them all

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Hanayo and Rin are characters who's major traits aren't just what define them, but how the traits are used, which makes them overlooked. I planned on making a small post about Hanayo for her upcoming birthday though. Just a bit on what I mean, to use the shyness, Umi is shy for the sake of being the "strong girl with the weak side", a typical (and loved by many) combination of traits. Ordinarily, shyness is just an "adds on to the rest of the stuff" type of endearment. Hanayo on the other hand is based on this trait alone, and there's where her purpose comes. Instead of it just being a trait, it defines her purpose. She dreams of being an idol, she wished she were more out going, but her shyness is the factor that stops her previously. The same goes for Rin and wanting to express her feminine side more but couldn't.

I feel like tbis post was low quality and my thoughts are being ordered poorly, so I apologize, I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, starting my day at 10:30am, and the later I go to sleep, the more tired I am later -_-

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I just love all characters. No fancy analysis to back it up  :ph34r: 

I finally maxed all R's. I still have some unmaxed unidolized SRs but they aren't going on my team anytime soon (or rather, ever) so I'm starting to max the N's now *wishes I didn't destroy them all last month* >.> 

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I don't analyze why I like characters, I try to analyze why people don't like characters and what contributes to that. The analysis is also a bit of why I like the character too (just how my long Honoka played out)



Good luck everyone who is going for a tier, the event is ending in a few hours! I'm going for a specific number at the end, will post screenshots when finished (I'm going to tie with the Hanayo #1 person, #FreeRice AKA Umidah, and ingame... I can't read Kanji ;~; )

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oh wow I didn't expect T2 to actually be upwards of 40k. 

that's the highest ever, not even JP ever reach 40k for any of their token matches

seems everybody and their grandma got some christmas money to go with the 500 free gems we got  :nervous: 

*throws in the towel*

there will be another event SR Pure Umi mid-next year~

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Damn, missing out on this Umi will actually hamper my dream of an all idolized SR Score Up team pretty badly. I didn't actually check the event SR skills, until now:

By the end of next year,

  • There will be 9 Smile event SRs: 8 are Score Up, 1 is Perfect Lock.
  • The next 8 Pure event SRs: 4 are Score Up, 4 are Perfect Lock. <- wtf
  • There will be 7 Cool event SRs: 6 of them are Score Up, 1 is Perfect Lock.

-> I will have completed (all Score Up) Smile, Cool teams. But Pure will be stuck at like... 4 idolized Score Ups (would be 5 if I actually went for this Umi instead of waiting until the last day and then being busy for a majority of it  :makina:)

But still, dammit KLab. Why is the ratio of ScoreUps to Perfect Locks so bad for Pure event SRs compared to Smile and Cool!@#


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Congrats Ceris and maki~chan on your new cards/draws~!
Since it's 2, almost 3 AM here and it may be the New Year once some of you read this (or not...), I just wanted to write a little something (before I forget or rather do other things during the day) to end the year. This is going to be long (when are my tangents never long...) so I'll put it under the spoiler tag.

I just want to take the time to thank everyone on the Love Live! thread here for an awesome four months. I joined Fuwanovel back in December last year and basically let my account rot until I found this thread back in September, when I was browsing through the forums for an update on a visual novel. Initially I was hesitant in posting because I thought I would only be on for a week the most and then disappear, but surprise I'm still here four months later. Honestly, I'm really glad I got to meet you guys because during the time I started posting, I was at my "what makes a person your friend and who are my real friends" depression stage and at the same time wanting to quit SIF because no one around me played and I didn't want to bother my friend all the time about it. It's thanks to you guys that I was able to talk about SIF, express my love for Love Live! in general but at the same time also learn about LL! stuff I didn't know before. I also forgot about the depression thing that was glooming over me prior to joining (except during midterms and papers). I'll confess, at first I was intimated by all of you because I thought you were all the arrogant competitive type of people and if I joined, you guys would be like "Who is this random person/noob..." XD;. I know that's a terrible impression, but hey can't blame me if I only knew friend of friends who play and are arrogant and competitive people I really dislike XD; I discovered it was the complete opposite; you guys welcomed me with open arms, treated me kindly and I really appreciate it. Initially I wasn't going to be on the forums everyday but thanks to this thread and the positive atmosphere, I'm lurking everyday here and on the forums in general. 

Although I don't post as much as I like, I still read everything that goes on in this thread and cherish every moment of it. To me, I consider all of us a big Love Live! family /shot (So cheesy, sorry >___<). Thank you guys for being awesome, for welcoming me and allowing me to express my love for this awesome series. I wish everyone an awesome 2015 and hope we can continue going off tangents about our waifus in the new year~! 

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Congrats Ceris and maki~chan on your new cards/draws~!
Since it's 2, almost 3 AM here and it may be the New Year once some of you read this (or not...), I just wanted to write a little something (before I forget or rather do other things during the day) to end the year. This is going to be long (when are my tangents never long...) so I'll put it under the spoiler tag.

I just want to take the time to thank everyone on the Love Live! thread here for an awesome four months. I joined Fuwanovel back in December last year and basically let my account rot until I found this thread back in September, when I was browsing through the forums for an update on a visual novel. Initially I was hesitant in posting because I thought I would only be on for a week the most and then disappear, but surprise I'm still here four months later. Honestly, I'm really glad I got to meet you guys because during the time I started posting, I was at my "what makes a person your friend and who are my real friends" depression stage and at the same time wanting to quit SIF because no one around me played and I didn't want to bother my friend all the time about it. It's thanks to you guys that I was able to talk about SIF, express my love for Love Live! in general but at the same time also learn about LL! stuff I didn't know before. I also forgot about the depression thing that was glooming over me prior to joining (except during midterms and papers). I'll confess, at first I was intimated by all of you because I thought you were all the arrogant competitive type of people and if I joined, you guys would be like "Who is this random person/noob..." XD;. I know that's a terrible impression, but hey can't blame me if I only knew friend of friends who play and are arrogant and competitive people I really dislike XD; I discovered it was the complete opposite; you guys welcomed me with open arms, treated me kindly and I really appreciate it. Initially I wasn't going to be on the forums everyday but thanks to this thread and the positive atmosphere, I'm lurking everyday here and on the forums in general. 

Although I don't post as much as I like, I still read everything that goes on in this thread and cherish every moment of it. To me, I consider all of us a big Love Live! family /shot (So cheesy, sorry >___<). Thank you guys for being awesome, for welcoming me and allowing me to express my love for this awesome series. I wish everyone an awesome 2015 and hope we can continue going off tangents about our waifus in the new year~! 

...I'll stop here. I suck at expressing my feelings and there's much more that I want to say but I hope I conveyed with what I have \(.__.)/
P.S Hanayo best girl  :ph34r:
Off to this thing call sleep.


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@Cloudy I was scared thought you were gonna leave too you are the 2nd girl I know here who plays SIF after me :D This half year you guys were all amazing I am glad we all met :D I still feel like I am an annoyance here don't know why :D Even while I was writing ''I am glad we met'', I was saying I hope you too ^-^'''' inside :D


@Ceris Maki and Rin they looook amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Can't wait to get all 9 of them :D Did 24K +1K more got only Nico :D


@Exteminator sorry :( I know how it feels to lose that :(

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Unspoilering cuz :Kappa:


I'll confess, at first I was intimated by all of you because I thought you were all the arrogant competitive type of people and if I joined, you guys would be like "Who is this random person/noob..."

:nervous: .......  :ph34r: ......... :devil: 

XD;. I know that's a terrible impression, but hey can't blame me if I only knew friend of friends who play and are arrogant and competitive people I really dislike XD; I discovered it was the complete opposite; you guys welcomed me with open arms, treated me kindly and I really appreciate it. Initially I wasn't going to be on the forums everyday but thanks to this thread and the positive atmosphere, I'm lurking everyday here and on the forums in general. Although I don't post as much as I like, I still read everything that goes on in this thread and cherish every moment of it. To me, I consider all of us a big Love Live! family /shot (So cheesy, sorry >___<).


:heart:   :heart:   :heart:   :heart:   :heart: 


Thank you guys for being awesome, for welcoming me and allowing me to express my love for this awesome series. I wish everyone an awesome 2015 and hope we can continue going off tangents about our waifus in the new year~!


...I'll stop here. I suck at expressing my feelings and there's much more that I want to say but I hope I conveyed with what I have \(.__.)/


P.S Hanayo best girl 


Off to this thing call sleep.

Edited by Eclipsed
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