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Short hair over longer hair or the other way around?

They can both have their assets, I like a lot of long and short haired characters and I can't really pick a favorite hair length because of that, it really depends on who the hair style is on.


However my favorite hairstyle is a side tail (or anything that's on one side only really) and this usually looks better in short haired characters so if I had to go by this logic it'd be short hair over long hair but if it's just by length and not style I can not pick a favorite.

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I see.

What would be the first thing you would do if you were diagnosed with a form of cancer?

Probably try and get treatment.


I don't really plan on starting to live crazy just because my lifespan suddenly shortened. 

Though it's a boring answer I'm not some shounen protagonist :P

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Probably try and get treatment.


I don't really plan on starting to live crazy just because my lifespan suddenly shortened. 

Though it's a boring answer I'm not some shounen protagonist :P


Shonen protags would cry about fate and talk for 5 hours about friendship and hope and regret under the rain and would get mysteriously cured.


So it's worth it to give it a shot.

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Shonen protags would cry about fate and talk for 5 hours about friendship and hope and regret under the rain and would get mysteriously cured.


So it's worth it to give it a shot.

I'm not the type of person that would suddenly preach about friendship and regret. You can't really regret cancer since it's not something you can control.

It wouldn't make me happy but i couldn't do anything about it .

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Do you have problems swallowing when you're told you shouldn't swallow and breath at the same time if you don't want to die?

This sounds like part of some hentai manga.

I don't think i've ever been in that situation though. I got told I shouldn't swallow bubble gum because it might get stuck in my throat yet is till eat it sometimes. Yet I can't swallow pills despite them being harmless to me (I usually eat pills when there's no other form of that particular medicine).

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This sounds like part of some hentai manga.

I don't think i've ever been in that situation though. I got told I shouldn't swallow bubble gum because it might get stuck in my throat yet is till eat it sometimes. Yet I can't swallow pills despite them being harmless to me (I usually eat pills when there's no other form of that particular medicine).

Why are you so lewd?

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Who is your favorite trap? And when did your love for imoutos start?

Namine Ritsu



My love for Imoutos started with Sora from Yosuga no Sora. I watched the anime in early 2013 and fell in love with her and the story between her and Haru and after that I started searching more anime with incest as a theme and that's where it all began. I started discovering different types of imouto characters, some I like better than others but overall it became an arch type i've usually found cute and grew fond of.

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Dual Phase huhuhuhuhu

Granted, it's a vn.

Granted, it sucks hilariously much.

Granted, gabezhul will kill more kittens.

I just googled it and.... how to say..... it seem like one dream is now broken x)

so to counter this sort of thing I add moe to the description ^_^ (and I say anime not VN :P)

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Would you like to see an anime with incest between two loli sister ? *.*

Hmm. Hard to say, when it comes to incest i usually prefer heterosexual relationships, nonetheless i'd certainly give it a try if it existed.

I'm so going to stream that vn Zaka

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