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Hi! greetings from Mars


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I'm John117

I'm from mars. I come in peace "V"






(Actually I am here to destroy all of earth and take all ur goodies muahahaha).



Really if you took that seriously . . . . . Its just a joke.


Reason why I joined here is ive been following Aeru's blog a lot and I just had a newtype 6th sense(gundam) that told me to sign up to this forums.


Cutting to the chase I love to play eroge(translated one or non-translated ones).I also watch anime . . . . but I'm more of an eroge freak.hahaha ;) . 


1st eroge I played was Bible Black :D  2nd was FSN. 1st  untranslated was Natsuyume Nagisa(Best. Piece. Ever.). . . . 


1st anime was one piece(random watching when I was 6). Well I did got hooked to anime it was princess lover then the hentai OVA. Watched lot of gundam stuff too . . . my fav mecha was Valvrave the ending was kinda crappy on my opinion.


I got to know the wonderful world of eroge and anime from my bestfreind 5 years ago.Well he does not do those stuff anymore but I will carry his legacy.


I'm learning japanese too with RTK so I can play infinite stratos 2 and oregairu on the vita.Also picked up lots of vocab from many eroges I played.I did play some hard eroge too like Aiyoku no Eustia(all the routes) and Zero Infinity. Muramasa from Nitroplus was soooo hard though. . . .Understood maybe only 40%....thank god there were pictures.


Also as you can see my current waifu is still Ookura Risona. I am still upset on why Navel did not put enough h-scenes for her. :angry:


My eroge preferences: Imouto,crossdressing protaganist(ensemble and Navel did sure hit me in the right spots :P ),vanilla,school life. . . etc.



Well I hope to get along with the members here :o .I also hope to contribute my help too and have a good time. :lol:







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