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2, I've been doing it for over 2 years now (besides when the delivery guy shows up) and I plan to keep doing so for the rest of my life. (Thank god for my slackjob~ working at home is the best). Well, I have my pc, bed and such, but I can withstand  being without it for one month.



1_become a dancer

2_become a singer

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2)  I've been told I have a very good voice  B) and most of the music that I play has a vocal accompaniment so I'm pretty used to it.

1_Take the odds and summon a demon that may give you unlimited power or kill you horribly.

2_Take a risky chance and do something that will either make you very wealthy, or make the entire world want to kill you.

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2) Merely because i can use other methods to communicate while losing my vision implies being handicaped to do a lot of tasks in life, even if later on i get used to it there's no way i could lead a normal life as i could with no voice, besides i don't like talking to people so it's a plus.


1) Always be shivering and feeling cold

2) Always be sweaty and feeling hot

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1) I can wish for various things that will generate profit in the future, and even if i don't i can just wish for other things that will reduce the cost of my living expenses like never needing to eat or sleep.


1) Get killed by your best friend

2) Get killed by your girlfriend/boyfriend

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1 I can do productive stuff and i don't have to worry about wasting time since i have plenty and i can pretty much do anything i feel like doing and not care about anyone else. Hell even when humanity disapears i can witness new races and stuff, seems pretty cool.


1) Get ran over by a car and die

2) Run over 10 small children with your car

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2)  Once again, I don't like kids and the situation where this happens could be considered a horrible accident.  Sure the parents would despise me but I could get off without any major punishment (hooray U.S. legal system!).


1_Have your lower half (waist down) be replaced with the lower half of an ostrich.

2_Have your upper half (everything above the waist) except your brain be replaced with the upper half of a sloth.

Effectively both just replace physical parts of your body, but you still have the brain and intelligence of a human.

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Depends on the amount and intensity of fire we're talking about. If it's very intense, I''ll go with fire, snce I'll just hope that the flames burn my nerves soon and the pain stops. Othwerwise, I can hold my breath  for about 10 minutes underwater, so waiting to die would be quite excruciating. Still, if it's by tons of light burns that take lots  of time to kill you, I'd rather drown.

I'll just hope that it's intense fire and go with  2.


1_know when you'll die

2_eat some potatoes.

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2)  I would probably be diagnosed clinically insane if I knew when I was going to die, I mean sure I know WHEN but not HOW.  Is it going to be excruciatingly painful, horribly slow, very quick and painless, will I be the only one dying at that moment or are there others that will die because of my death, etc etc.

1_Give your tongue 3 long paper cuts.
2_Get kicked in the solar plexus by a guy wearing steel shin-guards.

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It hurt me to even consider any of teh choices, but i'd go with 2 mainly because cuts with sharp objects are a pain in every sense of the word while at least a kick in the "stomach" will just get me on the floor for a while and i'll eventually get over it.


1 Be dumb and really lucky (eg: Find a 100$ bill on the floor and spend it on water bottles)

2 Be really smart but unlucky (eg: Invent a working time machine, meteor falls on it)

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1) have four arms. That might up my productivity. 10 fingers would just make a clutter.


Would you rather...


1) Have $1,000,000,000 USD and cut you lifetime in half

2) Live with your current income (not adjusted for cost of living or inflation) and live twice as long.

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2)  I won't give the ants the pleasure >:E   But seriously, those bastards keep getting into my kitchen through some crack somewhere and I've practically went around my entire house with poison killing them.

1_Be able to swim in molten lava with no risk.
2_Never get sunburned.

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