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Any favorites VNs?

I haven't got around to a lot of the ones that most people really like, but of what I have read so far I quite like Kira☆Kira, Planetarian, and the Zero Escape series (which I've not really thought of VNs until I saw other people mention them).

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Hmmm.  I don't remember how I first came across it, but in 2008ish I came across Winter Wolves games and played a few before I decided that they weren't very good.  At the time I didn't know the genre they were in was called Visual Novels.  I think the next VN I encountered was 999, but as I previously said I hadn't thought of the Zero Escape series as VNs until I saw other people mentioning them as such.  I think the first VN I heard of as a VN was Katawa Shoujo.  I heard about it on a game news site shortly before the full game came out.


A moe that fits the weather.  That's wonderful.

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