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i'm not very good at these

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hi there!

i'm a 20 year-old autistic Dutch joinery student who started to get into visual novels about 5 months ago, first from seeing the usual clickbait bollocks on youtube, then watching a few let's plays out of serious curiosity (reject demon toko, fault milestone)

after that, i decided to try one for myself. that first one was planetarian, which moved me more than any book or film had ever done and completely changed the way i look at stories.

since then, i've done a lot of research and played(/read?) a few more: kanon, narcissu, air, fault milestone 2 and an octave higher.  none of the supposed 'flagships' yet, though i'm anxiously awaiting the steam release of clannad.

i don't really have any preferred genre yet, as long as it has a strong enough atmosphere, which i have always cared about

i've been reading on this forum and listening to some of the podcasts for about two weeks now, and i decided it was time to try blending in.

i hope my sluggish but deeply philosophical mindset can be of use here, and equally, that i will be able to gain experience from what seems like a group of friendly and open-minded people


yours dreamily,



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