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what happens when you let some weebs do stuff together


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H-hey, that looks like I'm the biggest weaboo or something! W... who photoshopped the screenshot?! :pyaa:

Same guy who did this 


this thread is about our lord and savior yoshino not moe. :Kappa: 

You're saying that our lord and savior Yoshino isn't moe?!?!

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H-hey, that looks like I'm the biggest weaboo or something! W... who photoshopped the screenshot?! :pyaa:

Same guy who did this 


this thread is about our lord and savior yoshino not moe. :Kappa: 

You're saying that our lord and savior Yoshino isn't moe?!?!

he transcends moe

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No joke, only srs bzns. It's not like we're on a site where certain people would go as far as to learn Japanese just to read more weeb shit. Now that'd be pretty dumb, huh? Hahaha... haha... !

It's not like people take it in university or anything. :wafuu:

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