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Gust: Something other than Atelier or Ar


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Pretty hyped about this thanks to certain people. :3 But yeah, I absolutely loved the Ar Tonelico series and then Mana Khemia in particular from them. Atelier series too, but that series would equate to consumable candies compared to the slices of cake or pie that are the aforementioned.


Everything Gust does in terms of music and the OST department is golden, though. No matter what game/series it is, it's hands down bound to be quality.


Also, "and will be an action-RPG from Keisuke Kikuchi of Deception and Fatal Frame fame." has suddenly made me even more hyped about this.

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I'm looking forward to this... when Gust chooses a darker story, they can really do some interesting work. 

Hmm, both Tri-Ace and GUST have now announced new titles that interest me.  I guess it really doesn't matter until they're announced for localization though.  Can't exactly play these with ITH.

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Hmm, both Tri-Ace and GUST have now announced new titles that interest me.  I guess it really doesn't matter until they're announced for localization though.  Can't exactly play these with ITH.

For the Tri-Ace game, you mean Star Ocean 5? I've picked up that series religiously since SO2 was the best thing ever, but it's been a downhill slide. I'm certain I'll still give them the benefit of the doubt and pre-order it, whenever they do a North America release, but my expectations aren't high at this point.


I'd never played anything from Gust until picking up Atelier Ayesha Plus a month or two ago, but it was pretty damn enjoyable (perhaps a more discerning person would say it's a little too sweet and fluffy, but I'm easily entertained), so I'm curious about this one as well. For me at least, the gameplay-related screenshots confuse more than they clarify... so I guess I'll just have to wait for more real information (and a North America release date...)

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I'm a diehard Star Ocean series fan, even though 4 was disappointing.  Star Ocean 2 was what got me started, but my favorite was 3 (I felt it was much more polished, although the gameplay in 2 was really epic for its time).


As for GUST, I'm mainly a fan of the Ar tonelico series.  The Mana Khemia series bored me a bit, and Atelier Rorona bored me to the point I actually dropped it in frustration.  I have unopened packages of Totori and Meruru still sitting around that I couldn't even motivate myself to unwrap and install.  I recently got Ar nosurge but the prospect of having to jump in without playing the prequel (JP only) has demotivated me from actually starting it up.


I was a big RPG fan before I got into VNs.  Nowadays I mostly satisfy that craving with PC VN-HRPGs.  I tried Dragon Age Inquisition lately and it had that bloated feel of a AAA title with way too much to do and not much of it all that fun.

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Minor thing, Mana Khemia is considered part of the Atelier series. 


Anyway, I really like Gust, so I'm looking forward to anything they have to do. A new thing outside of Atelier or Ar interests me quite a bit too. The art in the scan looks pretty great as typical of a newer Gust release

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