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Playstation vs PC for Achievement/Trophy hunting?


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Hello everyone. I haven't posted a thread in some time and when I do its typically a question (heheh sorry  :nervous: ).


This time a round it is revolving around a rather recent question but with a spin. Playstation vs PC for achievement/trophy hunting. I have shown quite a large interest in attempting to 100% games before I burn out on them and with many great games new and old available I would prefer to focus on one platform for the time being. I love my PC to death but I typically only play games centered around PVP or cooperative gameplay (aside from VN's). On my Playstation systems it is much more oriented around couch co-op and various other games. The big thing comes down to shiny platinums and Playstation/console exclusives that you can't get on PC or Steams achievements (which I never felt had a punch to them) with badges. 


Normally I would play on both and just do whatever with whatever game but if I plan to attempt to 100% something I would like any future 100%'s to be on that platform. 


My next purchase is most likely going to be Shovel Knight. Depending on how much I like the game (I loved the Metroid/Castlevania games that I have played) I would like to attempt a 100% playthrough. As it is available on multiple platforms I am torn on which to purchase it on. I would just like to hear everyone's opinions on which they prefer/offers more to getting that 100% and the feelings it provides you. Please do not start a console war (don't need Hyperdimension Neptunia in the comments thank you). Happy hunting :) 

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Well i`m not really a trophy whore so i`m pretty casual yeah, but i wont lie it make me happy yo get gold trophies(never got plat be4). And for pc i never really play a game with trophies except some steam games.

But i do want complete my fav game(which r lots) to 100% but after i finished with it once or twice somehow i cba to play it again with 100% complition especially things like searching for hidden quest of materials.  

LOL should have trophy system...for platinum, spend 5k+all costumes kappa  :makina:

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I've never understood the point of trophy hunting or whatever. Though, it is more satisfying to heard that little "ding" on Playstation. 


So yeah, Playstation if only to hear the ding

This, I have no desire for trophies and I don't think I can be considered a completionist in any way, shape, or form.

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Playing old games with trophies inserted in them when they used to be hidden easter eggs is retarded.

I don't need to get the 'shake it baby' trophy for giving money to a stripper in Duke Nukem 3D because its a fucking easter egg already.

Trophies killed easter eggs so I don't like them.

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Just get it on whatever you want to play on most.  If you're choosing what platform to play a game on because of achievements, you're doing something wrong :amane:


I'm a completionist, but I only go full completionist stupid after I've done everything I wanted to do.  In linear games, I go back and earn all the achievements after I've completed a full playthrough.  In nonlinear games, I just play until I get really bored, and then I go after every achievement I can, then start over to 100% the achievements.

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There's a few problems with PC achievements. Though steam is probably the biggest DRM it's not the only one. Origin and Uplay also both have completely separate achievement systems which sucks that you have a bunch of different profiles with achievements scattered around. Another thing is that sometimes the achievements themselves are locked into the game instead of a client (though I'm not sure if this is done as often now) so it makes it really hard to stack achievements on PC.


What makes Playstation better for achievements is that it's all saved on your PSN account going across multiple consoles so your achievements stack instead of just being everywhere. It's much more satisfying.

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There's a few problems with PC achievements. Though steam is probably the biggest DRM it's not the only one. Origin and Uplay also both have completely separate achievement systems which sucks that you have a bunch of different profiles with achievements scattered around. Another thing is that sometimes the achievements themselves are locked into the game instead of a client (though I'm not sure if this is done as often now) so it makes it really hard to stack achievements on PC.


What makes Playstation better for achievements is that it's all saved on your PSN account going across multiple consoles so your achievements stack instead of just being everywhere. It's much more satisfying.


thats why there are services like playfire, (https://www.playfire.com/) it tracks your achievments on xbox, psn,steam etc all under one account so you can keep track of them all in one place, also they provide rewards and discounts at online game stores based on what achievements you clear. and its a free service.



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Seems like almost everyone has said go with Playstation one way or another. I forgot to make a poll mb.


Just get it on whatever you want to play on most.  If you're choosing what platform to play a game on because of achievements, you're doing something wrong :amane:


B-but if the game is multiplatform and single player I'd rather stick to one platform so I can stack like monkeysrumble said. I do realize it is a bit silly but it's how I think  :shrug:



thats why there are services like playfire, (https://www.playfire.com/) it tracks your achievments on xbox, psn,steam etc all under one account so you can keep track of them all in one place, also they provide rewards and discounts at online game stores based on what achievements you clear. and its a free service.




And wow wtf OK. Seems like this was the answer to my problem... Don't know how well it works but I don't see a harm in making an account and trying it out. 


Edit: How hey it looks like I already have a GMG account.

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