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Parallel Pain

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Everything posted by Parallel Pain

  1. Thanks! @OriginalRen I don't know about your student loan, but I'm pretty sure the programme would pay enough for you to live in Japan.
  2. I'm going to hell for trying to write a witty description for this one. http://t.co/iloKYThEhe

  3. Thanks for the advice. I applied for CIR because I'd rather not teach, but if I get put into a teaching position instead I'll look into it. Also why does cost of living and student loans come into this? I mean you'll be paid for your work no?
  4. Raining spears is an idiom saying something so rare just happened that it'll likely rain spears tomorrow.
  5. I just submitted mine yesterday. Anyone else?
  6. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Nlm33cq3hB 「長篠の戦い - 信長と家康の同盟とは」

  7. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/WKVOgk2ELS PS2 うたわれるもの ED

  8. And meanwhile we plow though everyone who's not mage. http://t.co/I69Yew2WnR

  9. I have to half agree I guess. I see nothing wrong with moege other than the fact that there's too many of them. Like seriously. The potential of this genre is completed wasted on just cranking out moege. However I don't see the appeal of having the main conflict of a story being solved independent of the main characters unless the story is written as a "how they live through the situation" like say a holocaust story. I mean then what's the point? This applies to any medium, not just VN, and this seem to be a very mainstream opinion. I personally have a high toleration for characters. As long as they're not selfish jerks, I am probably okay with them. That said, I have to echo the above: If I don't like them, why should I care for their problem? What is a 神ゲー and what is good is down to personal taste of course. But 俺の彼女はヒトでなし...why?
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv0B-bvhJmI From a doujin game.
  11. I like all four male characters of Little Busters! more than any of the female except Kanata. They're so balanced and well written and support each other so much. Yes I even like Riki. But in a "I want to hug him" sense.
  12. I liked a @YouTube video from @gkpluginbaby http://t.co/uw2ahDoYUm Monty Python and the Holy Grail Modern Trailer

  13. I just want to say that we actually beat Laelius up during the battle. http://t.co/TimB9PWX10

  14. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't have a specific character. It's more of a type: Winged girl, that's strong, bright, and protective. If Tarte had wings it'd be her lol.
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