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  1. Like
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Crying machine   
    You definitely have to get to reading Himawari and Fata Morgana. Both VNs are great.
  2. Like
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Hey everyone!   
    Hello. Hope to see you around, VN lover. 
  3. Like
    HMN got a reaction from VirginSmasher in I thought it would be good to introduce myself as of now   
    Hello person I've never talked to before, hope we can become besties! Enjoy your time around fuwa!
  4. Thanks
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Opinions on the current visual novel fanbase/community?   
    TLDR: Reddit is cancer. Fuwanovel has shit mods, Sekai Project is trash, and EOPs/OELVNs can burn in a fire.
    Courtesy of the Bee himself.
    Saved myself and others a lot of time. 
  5. Thanks
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in I thought it would be good to introduce myself as of now   
    Yo man. Your taste in VNs seems really cool and I'd like to be friends with you. Hope to see you around.
  6. Thanks
    HMN reacted to Barry Benson in Opinions on the current visual novel fanbase/community?   
    Hello guys, it's me, Bee, and as someone who has experienced the so called "EOP" spectrum of the community and slowly but surely being able to see through the lens of the "JOP" spectrum I'll throw in my two cents and give an opinion of what this community is, or at least define what the outlying problems within it are.
    Since I don't want to get this post deleted because "muh drama" and "negativity" or some of that crap mods like to make up sometimes I'll just give general outlines and not specify or go very deep into things. 
    I'll start the summary by going to everyone's favourite place to hang out these days with other "vn enthusiasts" which is Reddit:
    Community: the majory of dwellers inside here are either EOP's (yes, I said EOP's, get triggered) or elitist JOP's whose sole role in their lives is to shit on everything and anything; it doesn't matter if it's a fantl or a "professional" translation. Examples: "Oh my god, this translation has sub-par English and I, even if I'm a native/polish-english speaker but haven't worked as an editor ever before, would've done this way better. I pity the low-iq mongers who like this and blah blah blah..." you can get the gist of what I'm talking about. (Spoiler alert: not everyone in Reddit is like this, this is just my conception in general of what it represents now and what it has always represented.)
    Modding: I have not much to say in regards to reddit modding, but as far as I know and it goes I really don't see glaring issues with it. Mods don't seem biased when deleting posts like in other subreddits and they let every cancerous thread be in general, so that's my take on it. (I don't visit reddit so I'm most likely 99% wrong here, so no flame for this.)
    And now it's time for Fuwa小説 (Shousetsu is "novel" for the EOP's):
    Community: I honestly feel like there's a mix of a lot of people and personalities in general. It feels like in general this is a "more friendly" community in a sense, it's too PC for my tastes in general, but no matter who you are you'll end up finding people to be around within here if you look hard enough (I mean, just look at my cancerous ass.) It has way more EOP's than JOP's in general and it probably lacks elitism, which shies away potential drama which could, in short, generate more conversations. Elitism is cancer, but it's a necessary cancer, and it creates discussion, compared to just accepting new people who "Have just read Doki Doki or Grisaia and they already think they'll never read anything before." JOP's are partly right when they refer to original works being better, spoiler alert, they are because translations never deliver what the author intended, and no matter how good the translator is the majority of these games have what makes them special, taken from them. ANyways, I'm derailing too much. In general, there's a broader spectrum of people here, way less than reddit, which leads to the false belief that "we" are more cohesioned, which is a lie. I've never seen such categorization and grouping as I've seen in this medium ever. Then again, I've not been to many mediums either so yeah.
    Modding: and the last point I mention falls back on the topic of modding in this website. I'll try to sum it up saying that the mod team as it is right now feels like good modding consists solely on deleting posts that are "harmful" or "incite hate." I know that there are probably other duties you have to fulfill as a mod, but as far as I'm concerned deleting posts and handing bans without reason / warning seems to be the priority now, god bless. 
    Now, inb4 angry mods come and say "You have two warning posts for trolling, lmao." Firstly, I am not putting as an example my personal experiences here because my warnings were justified (TLDR; I told someone to kill himself in a post and I created troll threads personally attacking Okami.) The issue stems from things like deleting a SoU DeSukA meme with a spongebob picture in a thread that was talking about localizations or something like that, or literally deleting a post that says "Kiri rules this community" in this thread. Mods need to start discerning which posts are clearly toxic and which posts are just friendly banter. Derailing is a shit reason to hide posts and everyone derails in general at some point. Inb4 my post is derailing.
    The last point I want to touch is that some of the mods have a tendency to stick their noses where they shouldn't be doing it. My recommendation would be to stick modding in Fuwanovel and it's official Discord and stop trying to meddle with other servers that have nothing to do officially with it. If you want to do so become a mod of said server. (Inb4 omg Bee this drama with the FuwaSpammers Discord server again? Yes, it needs to be addressed because I found it literally ridiculous.) *Inb4 people say that this is an excuse to roast the mods in this forum. I won't deny that maybe that's the case.
    Now, aside from these, I'll rebute some points from certain users:
    People have to start realizing that the "professional" spectrum of the scene in a general sense is full of amateurs and people who just get hired starting from a fantranslation background. I'm not saying that some of them turn out to be good, or that there are no pros in the scene, which is false, but the majority of the industry (both in the translation/editing grounds and the company management and companies'-side of things it's full of young people and amateurs who just jump at the scene hoping they succeed and have some luck with their releases, no matter how bad things are handled in a general sense. 
    I don't mind people that defend companies in general, but I'll admit that those persons are either:
    1) "Shills" that literally work for said company, won't say names.
    2) People that will always buy everything from VN companies as long as the text is slightly readable in English and has anime boobs / anime art + japanese voices.
    Also, if someone defends Sekai Project at this point I'll actually think that either they have mental disabilitities or are in a state of complete denial about how they need to burn to the ground.
    Negativity stems from being in this medium too long and seeing the same shit happen over and over again or from being or becoming an old person. There are more "old" people in this community that people seem to believe.
    EVN's in a general standpoint are complete and utter trash that need to be removed from this planet. The majority of them follow the same patterns and the majority of companies behind them don't fall behind on the schedule:
    1) Either copy the format of Japanese VN's (why calling them EVN's then in the first place? Call them Japanesey VN's in English at this point) or generally make a theme that contains as much degeneracy as possible (I can't count the number of times I've seen the topic of "gay/trans protagonist in an even gayer/transier adventure). *Not all EVN's are like these are a very few amount are decent reads.
    2) Companies that make them follow the Sekai Project mindset of doing a kickstarter as a backup plan in case they utterly fail selling it (and they will in most of the cases) so they don't suffer money loss. Stop spamming Patreons and Kickstarter campaigns, it gets boring and abusing the crowdfunding system is not the best way to gain support.
    Anyways, I think that's all the ranting I'll do. Maybe I derailed a bit but whether or not that's the case we'll see it soon, as the mods like to categorize mine or any of "HMN's Crew" posts as troll in the first place.
  7. Thanks
    HMN reacted to Arcadeotic in JAST will finally (eventually?) localize more BL games   
    Right next to the Tsukihime remake happening year 2024.
  8. Like
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in How do you read VNs?   
    Quite quickly. @HMN can attest to this based on the nickname he gave me. 
    As in positions, I usually cross one of my legs as I'm used to sitting like that and I usually lean back in my chair instead of sitting up.
  9. Like
    HMN reacted to Asonn in Post your desktop screen shot   

    Secondary screen.

  10. Thanks
    HMN got a reaction from VirginSmasher in Moege "Kimi to Yumemishi" for free!   
  11. Thanks
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Moege "Kimi to Yumemishi" for free!   
    Thanks for letting me know that I should never take this opportunity. It's really appreciated.
  12. Thanks
    HMN reacted to DarkZedge in Fuwa's First International Blame Mitch Day!   
    Hikarin has fallen so low 
  13. Like
    HMN reacted to DarkZedge in Fuwa's First International Blame Mitch Day!   
    Never thought I'd see the day where cyber-bullying and headpat smuttiness would be publicly acknowledged and celebrated  this must be a planned attack, coordinated, swift and merciless. 
  14. Thanks
    HMN reacted to Zakamutt in How To Use Reaction Button ?   
    Your thread title is silly and misleading so let me answer the question it poses rather than your highly disappointing first post.
    Use "Like" for good shitposts. Never reward productive posts, you'll get more of them!
    Use "Thanks" for the same except you're a god damn hipster.
    Use "Sad" for any posts made by me that you can't understand the glory of.
    Use "Confused" when you're too stupid to understand a post. Exception: also use for all posts by littleshogun.
    Use "Haha" if you think "haha" is actually an acceptable reaction to anything (signs point to no). Special mention to especially third-reich-mimicking mod posts.
  15. Like
    HMN reacted to Barry Benson in Fuwa's First International Blame Mitch Day!   
    Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. Bee don't troll. 
  16. Like
    HMN reacted to Zakamutt in Fuwa's First International Blame Mitch Day!   
    "I blame Mitch for HMN's recent fear of giving people head pats."

    stolen from virginsmasher, who is a lame-ass quitter that never studied Japanese in the end
  17. Like
    HMN got a reaction from VirginSmasher in Fuwa's First International Blame Mitch Day!   
  18. Confused
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Will these ever get translations?   
    I completely forgot that Higurashi had an SoL anime made about it. Excuse me while I go deal with that concept.
  19. Haha
    HMN reacted to Yuuko in Getchu Bishoujo Game Awards 2017 are out   
    This is because you are not in the secret ELITE disco that me and HMN are www
  20. Thanks
    HMN reacted to Arcadeotic in Fuwonovel Destroying Visual Novels in the West   
    Absolute slander.
    I cannot even believe this is the direction Fuwanovel is going.
    What an outrage.
    That said though, I don't judge so you can just go ahead and make your most depraved and disgusting fantasies a reality, bestest of luck to, brave soldier.
  21. Thanks
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Pick your Fuwaifu! (2018 edition)   
    I feel personally attacked by me not being an option in this poll. I'm pretty sure I've cultivated enough of a presence here to have some joke material about me. 
    Well, since I'm not an option, my waifu would either be @HMN or @Dergonu. I honestly can't decide. 
  22. Thanks
    HMN reacted to VirginSmasher in Fuwonovel Destroying Visual Novels in the West   
    Honestly cannot believe that Dergonu, a translator who is a huge supporter of any translation, would do this to you guys. Good luck with your project and don't let those pesky Fuwamods get in the way of your goal. Godspeed.
  23. Sad
    HMN reacted to Barry Benson in Pick your Fuwaifu! (2018 edition)   
    I still feel deeply offended about @HMN not being here.
  24. Thanks
    HMN reacted to Yuuko in Fuwonovel Destroying Visual Novels in the West   
    So I'm sure many of you have noticed this absolute mad man cool guy appearing and actually offering to help translate visual novels here.
    So me and my bois @HMN and @Barry Benson thought that he could help us out with our project called "Little Pedo Apartment (placeholder). Yes this is the localized name we came up for the game we are currently working on. We even got the scripts for the game ready. So I posted my message earlier today on the thread asking for his help but what does our new shiny mod Dorg do, hide my post!
    Literally hitler if you ask me to be honest. I don't know why this happened because I have not actually gotten a message from the staff explaining anything so I can only speculate but if you don't know me and Dorg are very good friends. Today is also Valentine's Day so I don't think Dorg would want to do anything evil to me! This only leaves me with the option that Fuwo is actually secretly all about destroying visual novels in the west, or at least the fan translation community that doesn't generate any income for the localization companies that Fuwo keeps leeching off actually in secret! So any opinions my fellow Fuwons!
  25. Thanks
    HMN got a reaction from Barry Benson in Pick your Fuwaifu! (2018 edition)   
    Have to pick Zaka since he’s basically my waifu.
    And since I can have four wives and stuff, I’ll pick MUH BOI THE ONE AND ONLY @Barry Benson, too.
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