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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Gonna be honest here. If the majority of the movies actors aren't the same as the games i will not be happy.
  2. Why can't they just have the actors that made up the characters come back ?!
  3. Hallo ! Welcome to the forums! Please enjoy your stay !
  4. Happy Birthday to Tbeorn! Happy Birthday to Bizkitdoh ! and Happy Birthday to ChaosWraith ! Enjoy your days !
  5. That thread was like a blessing. It felt much better posting knowing that you had that extra freedom XD
  6. Log Horizon is an exceptional Piece. I came across it when I was searching for new romance anime to watch. Now, Romance itself is not the central theme of this series so I was a bit disappointed at first but the Comedy kept me watching it. I'm also a big fan of adventure so that was a big plus. I am really looking forward to season 2
  7. Is this of any relevance you ask ? I don't care XD It's Kwaai. Here's to the Mods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqT0iFZifgw
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