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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Sharin no Kuni, Himiwari no Shoujo This one was the best VN I have read to date. Do yourself a Huge favor and Read this one.
  2. Welcome ! Please enjoy your stay!
  3. Welcome Nicole I really hope you enjoy your stay here at Fuwa.
  4. I so want in on this.
  5. Hello and welcome. I'm Meogii-san/senpai/dono. And I'm fuwas self proclaimed signature artist. If you would like one let me know and I'll make it for u. Check my thread though. And read sharin too it's good
  6. Hello! I'm fuwas self proclaimed signature artist. Let me know if you'd like one. Try sharin. It's plot has so much of "the feels". And in my opinion it was better than g senjou
  7. So I leave to write my finals. Which I'm still I'm still writing and you guys are here discussing whether or not it's alright to praise my wife and another cg?!
  8. That is still an option ongoing project. The process of learning how to make them has slow down because of my exams.. I'll get back on it soon after them
  9. EDIT: Oh, since you wanted feedback, there was one thing that I noticed. It's a little hard to distinguish between the "n" and the "u" with the font you used. It doesn't really matter to me, but I just thought I'd throw it out there. I saw this as well. I was hoping it would not be too much of a bother though. Because in my opinion the font was cute . Thanks for your feedback
  10. Sharin no Kuni, Would be your best bet. It has an amazing story.
  11. Wow I must really be inactive. Welcome to the Forums! Would you like a signature ?
  12. Welcome to za Forums Please enjoy your stay
  13. Street fighter was my favorite . Never got tired of it. Used to play for hours!
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