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Everything posted by Saber

  1. ah yes, I saw a while ago, and I have played every single game on that list. Gotta say I'm proud of myself
  2. wow, you have a grandson already!? I really can't see myself with grandchildren. I guess only time will tell. So you have fought in Iraq huh. I have not met a person who fought in recent wars yet. You'll be my first. I too am glad that you are with us and that we are a part of the same community~
  3. wow, I've had this for quite some time. Wished it was on sale then~ it's okay though. I can't wait for book of shadows~
  4. yes, I'm aware of that speculation as well. But for now, she's a hermit~ and I can't wait for the next manpukuninja anime they're going to do. Supposedly, it should be release this month
  5. thanks for your input. It's not that I'm concerned, it's just an issue that I'm very interested in and I would like to know what everyone thinks about this. Yes I do agree that you should be at around N2, but it depends again on the context. I haven't taken the test yet though and still put myself at only N3 level. I know how difficult it could be for a non japanaese native to translate some japanese meaning. I hope to be able to reach N2 and even N1 sometimes in the future. As for the knowledge, all subjects are like that, especially language. I personally know this from English as I worked hard to reach the level of fluency that I have right now. I just wish that I had started japanese sooner. so, thank you again for your response~
  6. I recently read the translation quality check by amaterasu in here http://amaterasu.tindabox.net/blog/?p=771 I want to ask whether you guys think that they are right or wrong or even right and wrong, and the reason why you think so. Mind you, this is a pretty old blog post (about two years ago), but I have recently stumbled upon it, so to speak. I think that they make a fair point about fan translation, in that you should have an adequate knowledge in both language to translate. I myself have seen a few translation patches in the past (not from here of course) that looks like it came straight out of a machine. And of course when I try to use a machine translation, it gives the same result! That could be quite frustrating sometimes. Of course as of now, I have very rarely seen this type of bad translation (or I don't care to look for one), but I would like to know what you guys think. What do you think about this topic? what level of fluency do you think should be needed or is acceptable for someone to translate a visual novel? and do you agree with what they're saying?
  7. Hm, right now I can't help fully as I'm helping another translation project, as well as busy RL not giving me anymore time for fan translation. I am also not a fluent japanese, though I plan to take further studies in the language. I can however check translations and/or making sure all the grammars, etc are correct. I personally have tried extracting the scripts a year or so ago, but to no avail. Anyway, I would be happy to help out in anyway I possibly can
  8. Hm, you don't HAVE to play it, but seeing as it is a sequel to unlimited, it stands to reason you should play the prequel first right? My personal recommendation is to read and finish through all (that's right, ALL) routes in extra, as well as unlimited before jumping to Alternative. It really enhances the experience since unlike many VN, those routes matter, believe me (I won't spoil anything for you though). Just as Moekou said, playing the other two first will really builds characterization as well as setting of the story. You will get some references that you might not have gotten as well. Incidentally, I've played kimi ga nozomu eien and rumbling hearts as well as akane maniax before muvluv, so I pretty much got all of the references and cameo appearances that happened in muvluv. This is why I love age and their VN in how they are all in the same timeline
  9. yeah, I like the epic voice of kyousuke, it's awesome. I will never get over the fact that riki is voiced by Yui Horie, ever~ My favourite so far is the converted edition on vita, as it gives a lot more interaction I guess
  10. I like the story of mokou as well, and the long, long, LONG rivalry of her and Kaguya. They got me to research the whole Kaguya hime story in the end, and it was worth it~ I also like Byakuren, and how she is kind of human. Most of my top 10 are humans or mostly humans. Moving on, I believe Kasen is a hermit or a sage or something along that line correct? I have read only up to a certain part of that manga. I have read many doujin of touhou as well, but because of that, I can't remember most of their names either. It really impress me again and again, how powerful the fanbase of touhou is.
  11. Avengers is one of the movies I have watched this year, and of course I liked it, just like how I like Iron Man, Hulk, etc. I have followed Marvel comics quite a lot too, which might explain why I liked it. I also like Hunger games a bit, mainly because of the action and whatnot. I immediately readd the novel afterwards too... Moving on, I don't know what I'm wating for yet, but based on the post above me, Hobbit seems a good one to wait for.
  12. wow, either someone really like this VN, or... I don't know, someone REALLY like this VN
  13. this is really hard, so I will give this out. This is not necessarily the top 10, more like the 10 anime I like pretty much equally... Fate/Zero Code Geass (both seasons and the new movie) Puella Magi Madoka Magica Kara no Kyoukai(all the movies) Hyouka Gundam (pretty much all of them) Full Metal Panic! Angel Beats! Macross series (again I love all of them~) Nichijou In the end, if you put all the gundam and macross, it passed way more than 10 I think...
  14. that's nothing compared to my backlog, believe me. but yeah, I am now going through tenshin ranman while it's getting translated.
  15. I ask you, are you my master?

  16. I recommend what I always recommend to others when they ask me about this, just because I think it is one of the best VN of all time, and that is Fate/Stay Night. Also other type moon games such as tsukihime and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. Since I assume you play the english translated ones, I also recommend other KEY titles that TheWingless recommends such as Little Busters!(a must play), Kanon, rewrite and Planetarian
  17. If it's a favourite, that's a tough choice. But I think that in the end, it has to be sakuya for me
  18. to say that is spoiling it. just readi it~
  19. I suggest reading oriko magica, it's great
  20. wow, for claiming to be a non-native speaker, your writing is definitely on par with one. English is also not my first language, and I hope we'll be able to get to know each other better. Especially since I can see that we have very similar interest. I am also a big Type-Moon fan, as you can probably guess. I also love the persona and the megami tensei series as a whole and I've pretty much played most of the games you have listed there. Another game series I love is the tales of series and of course final fantasy series. I just love those plot heavy games, which is why I also love VN all the same. If you don't mind me asking, what is your native country and/or language? and how good are you with japanese (unless of course you're japanese~)? I am also a relatively new member here, but I can tell that this is a very new website that aaeru made since I also have not heard it until this month. So once again, nice to meet you~
  21. if it's funny image, this katawa shoujo scene is great. I was laughing so hard when I saw the cameos
  22. mahou shoujo literally translates to magical girl, so series like cardcaptor sakura, arguably sailor moon and pretty cure, etc
  23. I'll download it now and see~ can't believe I missed this VN! EDIT: Seems like the game with mine won't run when I use the start_game.bat. when I use the phenomeno.exe (either of them), I got a black screen. Haven't tried running under English US locale yet though, I will try that next
  24. there are so much mystery and plot points that have yet been resolved, so I'm still waiting~
  25. yeah I just read the wiki and one year is not what matters actually, but it's the 8 years that we basically know nothing about (from T&T) since it was not explained in AA4 and only explored a bit in AAI and AA2
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