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Everything posted by Metaler

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReuBms-qZQk Black Sabbath, anyone?
  2. Jarring scene/chapter transitions are one of my biggest pet peeves with any kind of fiction.
  3. Indeed. If anyone here has ever been to Brazil, you know that we eat rice with fucking everything. Oh, and I love rice. A lot. And that's an understatement.
  4. Just wanted to throw some kudos to the group pic because Sachi is fucking awesome. Also, can't wait to play some CSGO with you fellas.
  5. You guys can count me in. I'm not on that much, though, and I don't have that many games. ^^;
  6. In other words: Jackie = long vowel, Jacky = short vowel.
  7. Welp, haven't posted anything here in a while... Might as well throw an update. Now, the reason why I haven't updated this thread is partly because I've pretty much stopped using RTK. It just hasn't been working for me. It's not bad, I just feel like it wasn't helping me. As such, I began to study new words themselves instead of the kanji (I even made an Anki deck). I feel that this has been helping me a whole lot more, and I feel like I'm learning faster. I'm also trying to refresh what I learned with grammar, as I think it's gotten a bit stale. The biggest problem, however, is that I really don't have anywhere to practice it. I can write individual sentences, but without prompts or exercies and such I can't get motivated. But hey, I'm trying! That's it for now. Just wanted to give a heads up. Cheers!
  8. It really depends on the quality. As it was mentioned before, anime and VNs are specifically made with Japanese voice acting in mind, and the same can be applied for Western media, like American games and movies. Just as some English dubbed anime feel odd, a Japanese dubbed cartoon would feel strange. Try imagining an episode of Family Guy in Japanese, and you'll kinda get the idea. Admittedly, though, I prefer Japanese and Portuguese voice acting. Both languages give me the impression that they can convey meaning and emotion in a way that the English language simply can't achieve. I used to feel the same for a very long time. I wasn't able to understand what the characters were saying unless there were subtitles onscreen, like in games. Though sometimes, I think that's because some games had terrible audio quality.
  9. Whoa, dude... Far out. I never thought of that.
  10. I think it's because certain voice actors are known for being good with voicing a specific character type, one which appeals to... whoever follows the actor.
  11. Who did she voice in RuiTomo? Rui? o_o (They do look kinda similar)
  12. Only VNs I ever reread were Ace Attorney 3 and Sonohana 7... Though the former is hardly a VN. PS: Anyone up for some Vogon poetry?
  13. Only VN I ever read with fullscreen was Remember11 because it actually looked pretty good. But most of the time I just play on windowed mode, since it preserves the game's native resolution.
  14. I assume Taguchi Hiroko is another one of the pseudonyms of uuh Koori Natsuna or something (can't remember) But yeah, I don't know much about eroge voice actors. The only one I really remember is Kawashima Rino (who voiced Usami Haru, Minakami Yuki, and Tokisaka Yukari), and some of the voice actresses from Sonohana like Anzu Hana. Speaking of which, does anyone know who voices Sachi is Sharin no Kuni?
  15. Fuck these guys. Bunch of fucking fascists.
  16. If it sounds interesting, then I might give it a shot, just like any other work. I do, however, understand the skepticism surrounding OELVNs because it appears that most of them are very amateurish, or just plain bad. This is because many people who try to create their own VNs end up trying to make them "too Japanese", in an attempt to include the same characteristics and peculiarities of Japanese works in an English one. This sounds innocent at first, but the result is that many OELVNs end up feeling "forced", like the author was trying too hard to be Japanese when he doesn't understand the peculiarities and mentality of Japanese fiction, much less the proper narrative structure of a Japanese VN. OELVNs would be a little better if authors attempted to just be themselves, and if they still wish to create it like Japanese work, then they should take their time to study VNs more extensively, otherwise they'll make a fool of themselves. I noticed that many OELVN authors tend to have a very loose idea of writing fiction in general. Many OELVNs sound like they were written by a naive highschooler with barely any experience, not too dissimilar to what is usually seen in fan fiction. Sure, anyone can write their own story... But making it good is a whole different thing, and there are a multitude of techniques which amateur authors ignore, such as not realizing that, yes, the way certain sentences are worded can make a story more pleasant to read. Of course, that's not to say that Japanese VN writers aren't like that, but when we stop to consider that most translated VNs out there are of very high quality, then comparisons with OELVNs become inevitable. It's like reading David Foster Wallace, then read your teenage daughter's vampire romance story right after. The difference is jarring. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate what those writers do. Any kind of creative activity should be encouraged, and even if the end result is bad, there is always room for improvement. I am always sad to see people who immediately shoot down any amateur VNs instead of encouraging writers to improve. Less and less people are engaging in creativity, and simply ignoring attempts which don't seem very good will end up alienating many people who want to try out writing for the first time. In other words, critize, but don't break the poor lad's arms. Incidentally, advertising your work in the Cesspool of Hatred is never a good idea. EDIT: I'd like to add that the fact that many writers out there are more bitter than black coffee is not surprising considering the hostile mentality of... pretty much everyone out there. If we were more open and just, y'know, nicer towards others, then maybe this could be avoided... But hey, the Romans crucified a man who said that maybe we should be nice to each other for once, so there you have it...
  17. 鏡 かがみ Mirror Oh, thank you. ^^;
  18. You live closer to Japan, so I guess that's it. ^^ My copy of Saya no Uta was shipped yesterday! Can't wait for it to get here. It'll be great~
  19. What other names you use? Metaleruimium on twitter. Sometimes Mettaler in somes games and shit in case Metaler was taken. Where did you get your names? I was 12 years old, and I had decided to join a Sonic forum. I liked metal, so that's what I picked... Have been using it since then. How are they pronounced? Meh-tah-ler... Or maybe Meh-dah-ler? Don't really know... /'mɛtəler/ And what's your nickname IRL? Mendol, which has been my nickname ever since grade school... It's a long story.
  20. 僕が二年前は日本語を勉強し始めて、その花シリーズをやってみた。それは、初めての日本語でVNだった。百合のことが好きだから、楽しかったよ!その時から、その花ファンになった。貴子と瑠奈はかわいすぎる! けど、今でも読む速度はちょっと遅いだ・・・Orz あ、全然読んでいなかったけど、ちょっとおなじみの・・・・・・ありがとう!
  21. Aw, man, I missed your stream. I'll be sure to watch it next time!
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