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Everything posted by VernonZirconKitsune

  1. As an artist myself, I agree with word of mouth. Ask around and see if someone knows someone looking for work. Be upfront about what you want and how much you're willing to pay. (if you're looking for free work, you're likely not going to get a whole lot of responses...) You can find an artist rather quickly depending on what you're specifically looking for. Don't be afraid to contact an artist directly. There's a ton of artists out there looking for work, it's just a matter of finding ones that meet your requirements.
  2. About to start playing Pokemon Lgends Arceus after my switch charges.
  3. Hopefully they find a way around it that doesn't involve cutting out certain pieces of dialogue. Luckily the 18+ content is pretty late game from what I remember, so hopefully it doesn't affect the game too much.
  4. Started playing the Hashihime of the Old Book Town append demo a few days ago. Already noticed differences in translation compared to the PC version within the first five minutes. I'm both scared and curious to see how certain parts of the game play out, as they've given the Switch version a T rating. Overall, I'm pretty excited for the full version. I can't wait to see the new content they've added.
  5. Oh hey! Another Royal Alchemist fan! Who's your favorite character?
  6. I don't have that much experience in this department, but I can give you some recommendations based on what I've heard from other people alongside the few messed up ones I've played myself. Higurashi, Saya no Uta, Euphoria and Maggot Baits are infamously dark and nightmarish from what I've heard. Pretty much anything from Nitro Chiral is pretty damn dark too. I haven't played much of Sweet Pool but I know it gets really disturbing. Togainu no Chi was pretty fucked up too (I went in completely blind rip), although objectively its not that bad compared to other infamously dark VNs. DRAMAtical Murder is probably the least messed up game from Nitro Chiral, as the bad ends are the only truly messed up parts of it.
  7. Hello and welcome, Ali! I hope you enjoy it here
  8. Theyre both so good! It took awhile for Togainu no Chi to really resonate w me tbh but its still pretty damn good!
  9. A friend of mine who doesn't usually play visual novels seems kinda interested in playing them. He hasn't played many (to my knowledge) and wants to start with something short. Any recommendations? The ones I typically play are decently long so I'm struggling a bit rip.
  10. Taking a break from MAMIYA and playing Togainu no Chi. Just finished Rin's route and honestly I really didn't like him at first but now he's my favorite, lol. I really enjoyed his route. I really wanted to like Keisuke's but it kinda just fell flat imo. Ended up not liking Keisuke that much in the end.
  11. Oof. Well, rest assured that this community is far from hell ridden! Nice to meet ya too, hella
  12. I havent seen anything like this either. Its a certain kind of interesting I haven't seen before.
  13. Welcome to the forums! I'd say its pretty chill here. I'd love to chat about VNs with ya
  14. Welcome to the forums! I hope your studies go well!
  15. Started playing Togainu No Chi. The only thing I knew about it was that it was a BL made by Nitro Plus. I shouldn't have been surprised when It got really dark really fast, lmao. It still surprised the hell out of me, but it seems interesting enough so
  16. This whole situation feels bizarre. On one hand, I know that you mean well and want to have more representation in VNs or whatever, but on the other hand, you've stated that this has caused you to spiral into depression. Plus, you've stated that you're not even black. As someone who is half-black, I'm gonna be a bit blunt. If there were more VNs with diversity, it would make me a bit happier but it wouldn't change as many things as you'd think. Especially with how niche VNs are in general, this idea would probably work significantly better if you were talking about making a film or something along those lines. Or even something like an RPG. Most people would be seeking representation in those mediums rather than VNs just due to how niche VNs are, especially in America and Europe. I'm not saying you can't do this, but you're overthinking the effects of such a project. If you're still determined to go through with this, all I ask is that you work as hard as possible to do what you need to do to make this work. If you don't have the funds, then make it a one man project. Learn how to make a good story and learn the fundamentals of what makes a good visual novel and then go from there. You'll only end up getting more depressed/getting nowhere if you don't. I'd rather play a VN that looks a bit rough but is otherwise good than play a VN that looks good but is boring as all hell/fails to deliver its message. It'd take a shit load of time and effort, but that's just how it is. You can't just wish this kind of thing into existence. If you truly want something, then waiting around and begging isn't going to do anything. You have to do it by yourself.
  17. I heavily agree with Zalor and Plk_Lesiak. I truly don't mean this in an insulting way, but I heavily suggest you take a break from VNs and other such media for awhile. Even if you don't go out and meet people, I'd suggest trying out different hobbies and such. I'm certain that you'd find better satisfaction from exploring different hobbies, even if it takes a while. If this obsession is truly affecting you this much, then I'm begging you to try and distance yourself from it, at least for awhile. This will only destroy you further if you don't.
  18. Currently playing Clannad. The anime was a large part of my childhood and I'm glad I'm finally able to play it. Starting off with Kyou's route and I'm loving it so far.
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