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Everything posted by SieghartXx

  1. Join in and you'll get one too! Also cookies and stuff : D
  2. Aww, if I wasn't a total beginner (with Kanji) I would gladly join you ;_; good luck anyway >A<!
  3. First of all, I don't know if this goes here, if not, I'm sorry ;_; Soo, the other day I couldn't load the forums for hours, and when I finally logged in, I noticed some things D; First, I don't see the awards anymore, neither the second thread of visual novel recommendations by Kaguya. So, my question is, did the forums roll back? Or is it just me? Maybe the awards have been removed and Kaguya just deleted the thread and I just didn't read about it, but I want to be sure (as my chrome seems to be acting weird too, and I'm too paranoid to let it pass). Thanks for reading~
  4. Welcome to the forums! I always recommend Little Busters!, Rewrite, Clannad, Katawa Shoujo Grisaia no Kajitsu and Hoshizora no memoria, buuut! You can take a look at Kaguya's thread for more recommendations! Enjoy your stay and have fun~!
  5. Welcome to the forums! It's a shame you have to hide your hobbies like that, I did so in the past and lost the opportunity to meet new people with similar interests thanks to that ;_; but well, everyone's different, so it's obviously your decision c: I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!
  6. As someone who hasn't watched a lot of Gintama, I didn't know about those ost ;_;! They're pretty awesome, maybe I'll begin Gintama again soon D; That was scaaaaaary as heck xDD
  7. Asa-senpaaaaaai <3 I mean, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun~!
  8. Welcome to the forums! Although you've been for quite a while it seems! I hope you do well with your Japanese, and enjoy your stay over here~!
  9. Also, thanks for the compliments guys, they make me really happy xD
  10. You guys assemble them by yourselves? That's amazing, I can't even do a puzzle without losing a piece in the process x'D
  11. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay~!
  12. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun~!
  13. I actually got teary eyed when I watched it for the first time, when Tomoka jumps and wings grow from her back x'D
  14. Oh I like this thread! Personally, I like H-scenes only when: - I Like the characters. - The story is good enough. - I want to see how the heroines would behave in an H-scene (this doesn't mean all of them; it could be one, all, or even none). - I want to have a solid "proof" of the relationship between the MC and the heroine (this is only in special cases, few visual novels). I tend to skip H-scenes if not even one of the above options are meet, though. Other thing is, I don't really mind the H-scene when it's consensual and between the Mc and the heroine/s only, as I avoid gangbang, rape, tentacles, and all that stuff; but, when the H-scene is waaaaay too generic, I don't even think twice about skipping D: Weird thing is that, for some reason, if the VN had H-scenes but were removed, I lack the enthusiasm to play it, even if I'll be skipping them all. Weird, huh? D;
  15. Nice work guys o:! I liked the first one better, Arturia (of these two http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae344/armogedon/MidnightMonsoon.jpg - http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae344/armogedon/MidnightMonsoonEdit.jpg ), and this new one is really cool :'D I've been doing some signatures for the Little Busters! avatar group, if you want you can check them out there. (totally not advertising the thread (?))
  16. Welcome to the forums! I always wanted to play the piano *o* show us your playing someday, if you want of course~ Enjoy your stay and have fun!
  17. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun~!
  18. The mixture of elements was nice and the overall atmosphere never really got TOO dark which i really appreciated. Really worth watching for a short romantic comedy. I'm going to watch Hachimitsu to Clover next as I was told there will be a lot of feels (and tears). Does anyone have suggestions for really sad anime series? Bring me the best you've got. I want one of those that makes you feel depressed inside and if possible bring you to tears. I mostly prefer ones that make you empathize with the characters, that's the kind of sadness that really puts me on edge. It doesn't have to be romance (though it's often related to it). I've heard Nana is really good in this department at some point. But yeah i'd be really grateful if you can make me cry since it's been a while since i've watched something of the sort. Please check my MAL before suggesting though as I've seen quite a lot of things. Inu x Boku SS is pretty good :'D as for sad anime... I don't really know many of them, I can only remember Kanon, AnoHana, Clannad A.S. and... Eh... Air and Angel Beats...? I can't really remember any other xD
  19. Every vn with rape or sluts will have me hating on lots of characters, but if we're talking about hating on personality, and being specific... I don't remember his name, but he was the old man in Family project (kazoku keikaku) , I hated him with a passion while playing, he was so annoying xD I can't think of many others now though, I always try to erase from my memories the characters I dislike ;A;
  20. Welcome to the forums! Don't worry about your english, there are a few here that aren't english native (like me), you'll get used to it in no time! Enjoy your stay and have fun~!
  21. Yes, you need to join the Little Busters! avatar club D:!
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