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Posts posted by Seraphim

  1. Just now, Jun Inoue said:

    but didn't know it was the point it might overshadow the romantic side itself.

    Well, to each his own. I just know that I'd have liked more scenes centered around the romance part of the game, but if you enjoy sports anime, I'd say there's a good chance you'd enjoy this as well. As for me, I'm not that into sports in the first place, so that might be part of the reason why FC felt kinda so-so for me.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Jun Inoue said:

    what kind of story does it shift towards? Of its main tags, the only relevant seems to be "pure love story", which doesn't really tell me whether it's more dramatic or comedic/light-hearted.

    It's mostly light-hearted. There is some drama, but it's basically just a matter of momentary setbacks rather than anything really serious.
    You should keep in mind that Aokana has a heavy focus on FC, the sport they're practicing, and it might make or break the experience for you depending on how enjoyable you find that part of the game. I actually didn't care much about FC, so I was a bit disappointed with the overall experience since it felt like FC overshadowed the romance quite heavily.

  3. 49 minutes ago, adamstan said:

    I wouldn't be surprised, if they just went lazy route, and reused some CGs from 2013 IMHHW release.

    Yeah, it's definitely not out of the picture.
    When you said "bath scene", were you referring to the one with Kotori, Ageha and Amane or the one with Aoi and Kotori? Here's a CG from the latter one (from the original IMHHW, that is):



    The towel eventually slides down as Aoi starts to grope her, but they might have reused the CGs where she's covered up.

  4. On 10/10/2019 at 7:44 AM, littleshogun said:

    apparently the price was because Ryukishi managed to get new graphic along with hireing a lot of employees

    A lot of people probably won't know or care about that; they just see the price tag, think it's too high and then wait for a major price drop or pass on the game entirely. Steam users tend to be really whiny about VN prices, even if we're talking tens of hours of entertainment in many cases.

  5. Just finished Rika's route and it kinda left a bitter taste in my mouth.


    Rika and Masaya were cute together and there were some nice scenes between them, but the FC part of the route, with Kasumi at its core, was honestly pure crap. I could have accepted that Kasumi saw Rika as a rival and wanted to beat her, but the way she acted like some sort of psychopath, laughing maniacally, moving her body in "spooky" ways, and aiming to physically injure other people, possibly permanently (I mean, she even yelled "Die!" at one point), felt really forced. It's like she was just bad for the sake of being bad, rather than there being an actual reason for her behaving that way. Especially considering how it was all just thrown out the window and she reverted to a completely normal person as soon as Rika showed her "the power of fun" in their match.
    They attempted to explain it all away at the end by stating that the advisor from that school told the players to play dirty and not have fun. Yeah, I'm sure everyone would just accept that and start breaking rules and hurting other players just because he said so. :makina:


  6. 7 hours ago, adamstan said:

    I was again reminded how beautiful the music in this VN is.

    I rarely listen to music from games, movies, etc outside of the source material, but IMHHW is one of few exceptions to that. That and the soundtrack in Fata Morgana are my personal favorites when it comes to music in VNs!
    I really want to read Cruise Sign as well, but I'd have to read the MoeNovel version if I want to do it right now and that's kinda putting me off, although their localization are supposedly better nowadays.

    7 hours ago, adamstan said:

    I also think that Kotori's route is the best, but I prefer to start with it :D

    I usually tend to save the best for last. :P
    Then again, I might actually skip Ageha's, Asa's and Yoru's routes entirely and just reread Amane's and Kotori's. I don't think the other three are nearly as good; especially Ageha's, which contained some stuff that felt really stupid. Like


    how they build up to the reveal of this seemingly major secret she's been keeping, and then it just turns out that she snuck into a construction site as a kid and for some reason decided that was something she absolutely couldn't tell anyone about. Definitely one of the most anticlimactic reveals I've ever seen!

    I like Ageha as a character, but her route was a pretty big disappointment for me.
    Both Asa's and Yoru's felt kinda bland, but I'm not really into lolis and I guess that might have affected my opinion a bit.

    5 hours ago, Dreamysyu said:

    Well, I'm not even sure if I'm going to play all routes, so I'd rather start with the best one. I guess, I'll start with Kotori then. Thank you!

    Ah, yeah, definitely start with Kotori then! Both her and Amane's route are great!

  7. There’s not really any recommended order in terms of spoilers, but you need to clear Asa’s route to access Yoru’s and Kotori’s route to access Amane’s. Kotori’s and Amane’s routes are by far the best ones imo, so I’d personally save those for last. When I reread it at some point, I’ll probably go Ageha -> Asa -> Yoru -> Kotori -> Amane.

  8. 9 minutes ago, adamstan said:

    maybe they took off together holding hands in paired mode, then separated for Rika's practice, but still not repelling each other?

    The way I interpret it is that they need to keep holding hands from the start for it to work because they're counted as one entity while doing that, but the specifics haven't really been mentioned so I guess anything's possible.
    My first thought was that the repelling might be caused from the combination of the boots and the suit, but they need that function for casual flight as well for safety reasons (and Masaya+Asuka weren't wearing suits during that scene we mentioned) so that can't be it either.

  9. That time, he mentioned it worked because they were holding on to each other from the start and that they would have repelled each other if they didn't. That wasn't the case here though, since Rika wanted Masaya to watch her while she practiced, so I think it's just a slip of the mind from the developer.

  10. I was kinda suprised by how the developer just randomly forgot the physical restrictions of wearing grav shoes during one scene in Rika's route.



    Embracing like that shouldn't be possible, since the grav fields would make them repel each other. Knowing that made it a bit hard for me to truly appreciate the cuteness of the scene.


  11. 8 minutes ago, adamstan said:

    So it's basically the same as if you were reading all-ages edition, since it boils down to mostly just this - skipping h-scenes. ;)

    Yeah, I honestly don't care much about h-scenes, unless they actually contain dialogue relevant to the story. I would be totally fine with going with an all ages release in most cases, but there are some cases where even non-explicit scenes have been censored so I usually pick up the adult patches to make sure I get to experience the VN as intended.
    Judging by your description, it seems the h-scenes in Aokana have some value other than just as fap material, so I'll check out a few scenes and see what I think!

    On another note, I just received an answer from NekoNyan regarding the Perfect Edition patch!



    Thank you for contacting us!
    The plan for the extra Misaki scenes is that they will be accessible via the main menu.
    Our plan is also that the patch will be out in a couple of weeks but we haven't decided on a release date yet.

    Kind regards,

    Adrian K


  12. 16 hours ago, adamstan said:

    Also, it's probably VN with most wholesome h-scenes I've ever seen so far (if you actually can say that about h-scenes :P) - I loved that. They were very satisfying emotionally, and just cute, filled with love.

    Oh, so they're actually worth reading for once? I've just been skipping through h-scenes lately because the dialogue is usually just pointless and repetitive, so I only read the buildup of the h-scenes in Mashiro's route and skipped through the rest when they started getting it on. Maybe I should go ahead and see what they're like in Rika's route, which I'm currently reading!

    16 hours ago, adamstan said:

    If that helps - I first finished Mashiro's route in All-Ages version. When I installed +18 patch then, H-scenes were marked as unread, so I could skip directly to them.

    That seems like a decent indication that we'll be able to skip to the new content when it's released, so I think I'll continue with the order Mashiro->Rika->Misaki->Asuka, like I originally planned!

  13. I'm having trouble deciding if I should put off reading Misaki's route until the Perfect Edition patch is released. I would be fine with reading the route as it is now if I know that I can reach the new content from the main menu or if it's automatically tagged as unread so I can skip to it, but I haven't been able to find any information about that so I'm not sure what to do.
    I've reached out to NekoNyan for confirmation but have yet to receive an answer.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Freestyle80 said:

    she's a bit annoying at the start of her route

    She's been kinda annoying for most of the VN so far, honestly. :P
    It's probably mostly due to the fact that I generally have a hard time liking people who just do whatever they feel like at any given moment, never truly committing to anything.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Freestyle80 said:

    Does Masaya actually return to flying in any of the routes?



    He does in Mashiro's, which is the only route I've finished so far, but it's just mentioned briefly rather than something that's actually a part of the storyline.


  16. 48 minutes ago, Freestyle80 said:

    I guess Aokana was really costly and they couldnt break even?

    They mentioned something about the industry declining 15% per year. I don't know how accurate those numbers are, but it's probably safe to say that Aokana didn't sell well enough compared to the development costs.

    50 minutes ago, Freestyle80 said:

    sprite hasnt really released anything after that I believe, did they go under? 

    They released the previously mentioned Perfect Edition and Extra 1, which serves as an after story for Mashiro and is in the process of being localized by NekoNyan, but other than that, they never got the chance to release anything else.

    While we won't see anything more from Sprite, it may not necessarily be the final nail in the coffin for Aokana. To quote an article from ANN:

    "sprite noted that it is not possible to "revive" the company, and the company has no plans for crowdfunding. sprite also clarified that there is no possibility of producing new works and continuations of old works for sprite, but noted in a Twitter post on January 30 that, following the sale of its IP and brand, that the IP may be revived by a different company with different staff."

    I have no idea what it would mean for the overall quality of the VN if a different company/staff takes on a new Aokana project, though.

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