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Everything posted by Thyndd

  1. You sure you're not just a big tsundere fetishist? Not that I mind some mild tsunderism myself. She does seem to have potential, we'll see. Hmm I see, then I think I'll go Kotori > Lucia > Shizuru > Chihaya > Akane. I've heard the anime is pretty terrible, but yeah, after the VN it won't hurt to check it out if only for the sake of watching the action scenes and animated waifus Thank you! If every route is as entertaining as Kotori's I think it won't be a problem.
  2. Shake it now baby now~ Update on my Rewrite progress: For the next route I think I'll go for Lucia. I've heard her route is kind of independent from the rest plot-wise, so I thought it might be a good idea to stick it in between and get some rest from Kotori's route. If you guys have other suggestions I'm all ears
  3. Oh, trust me, that won't do for Euphoria I suggest you start from the beginning https://vndb.org/v67 And then the Kai sequel, which answers the questions arcs: https://vndb.org/v68 If I'm not mistaken there's two versions, the original one and another from Mangagamer with a reworked resolution; and then there's 07th mods to make it look even better: So yeah, you might wanna look into that
  4. I'm not too much into horror... it's a genre I usually find pretty boring. However, I found Higurashi no naku koro ni not only pretty disturbing, but also very interesting. It kept me on the edge of my seat. If you haven't already, you might want to give it a try. It's a classic.
  5. You can always be like me . My inner weeb really likes his honorifics and wants to keep them, but then I acknowledge the fact that for every other normal people out there it's nonsense That said, just like the french and german honorifics we were dicussing, I have no problem if japanese honorifics are used in the same way: if we got a japanese character out of japan, speaking in another language who from time to time throws in some honorifics, it'd make perfect sense. Again, the meaning that is intended to convey is about the code itself that is being employed. Quoting myself:
  6. I'm not really a fan of quoting wikipedia, but for linguistics the info is often pretty accurate:
  7. Well, I would rather say "translation that is completely clear without any knowledge of the source language". But actually even that's beside the point. You shouldn't be allowed to modify the grammar of the language you are translating into for your own convenience. For better or worse, English doesn't have honorifics nor any similar means which can carry that same information in any context. As I said, I actually like honorifics, but it's a fact that they have no place unless we're talking of some new weird English/Japanese creole. If the time comes when animu conquers the world and native English speakers start using honorifics, then sure, literature should reflect that popular language in informal contexts.
  8. Try to get into the shoes of someone who does not know anything about the japanese language. Honorifics are not part of the English language, they are not a priori recognizable by any native speaker and therefore keeping them just because is ungrammatical. EDIT: Treating honorifics as part of the whole name does not work. Name roots are invariant (let's not talk about infixes or ablaut/umlaut here, which is a different topic), while grammatical inflections vary. Since honorifics do vary, they must be classified as grammar. Obviously if the language itself is being discussed in the dialogue then it's impossible to translate so that anyone without previous knowledge of the language can understand. You can change the content of the conversation (which is unfortunately how this is usually dealt with), but I can't say I agree with that either. To make an analogy, imagine two native English speakers discussing about whether you should use or nor a certain verb tense, or in Spanish whether you can address someone as "tú" instead of "usted" (tutear). What is appropiate in these cases, I think, it's up to the translator. I for one would just keep the language discussion, and if the reader can't understand it they have their work cut out for them. The same happens when some cultural issue is the point of the discussion. I would never change the subject to make it more accesible for foreign readers. It's the reader's homework to look up the cultural information they lack (or you know, just make some totally warranted translator notes if it's absolutely necessary). The bottom line is, in my opinion, always translate the code, not the content. If the content itself is about the code, shikatanai.
  9. Ok, I'm gonna contradict myself so hard here... Honorifics are not weird extralinguistical features nor something exclusive to the japanese language. They carry contextual information (about personal and social relations and hierarchy) just like evidentials and epistemic affixes carry information about the source of information and how certain is the speaker about what he's saying in languages like Quechua or Aimara. Since we don't usually codify that particular contextual information in our language, it's usually lost in translation, as simple as that. Actually, forcefully including it would make the translation clunky and unnatural at best, and ungrammatical at worst. Keeping japanese honorifics unfortunately falls into this latter category. In a professional translation I don't think it's ever justifiable. Now it's time to kinda contradict myself for a twist. I actually like honorifics. I can understand them and I am so used to them that I don't feel like they sound weird anymore. In fact, for me it sounds far more weird to have the VAs speaking with them and the text translating them as names, as that's what usually happens. And from what I can see, I'm not the only one. A good amount of people here would rather keep their honorifics. I don't think that's weird at all. You see, there's no grammatical feature that MUST be present in any cultural context, but that's not to say that the cultural setting can't have an impact in the language. It surely can and do happen. Japanese honorifics are so well suited to japanese culture that it doesn't come as a surprise that for people familiar with it they feel like a vital part and as if they couldn't do without them. That said, I still defend what I said earlier: they are inappropiate to keep in a professional translation. So I'll stick to fan translations
  10. I've only watched the anime, but there's a Plastic Memories VN https://vndb.org/v19441 Isla is a great robowaifu
  11. Aww I'm sorry The fact that its best characters are all limited (Bea, Sturm) or currently non obtainable at all (Anila) kinda puts me off. That and the fact that the magna I grid with colo canes is rather lackluster. Welp last GW we did end up in tier B (bottom tier B though ), but yeah, my current water grid is just 6 0* levi daggers, not even at sk 10 (though I'll get there before GW I hope), no I'm not likely to be that helpful. Yeah, kinda. It's more like I haven't got a grid. If I happen to get some good earth chars I'll put some effort into this element. In the end you have no choice but to fully develop each and every element, what with this elemental resistance crap -.-" So it's just a matter of what to go for first for a faster progression. I'm leaning towards Amira because of the DATA up, very useful for a magna light that I've heard that tends to suffer in that aspect. Seruel's veil would be godlike for my Cele farming, but oh well I know that eventually those characters would be very good and useful, and statistically it's very likely that I get some wind characters while sparking. However, if I don't, I'dbe stuck with a character for which I have no use for the time being. That'd be kinda sad. As much as it pains me, I think I'll have to pass on wind this time around. (inb4 I draw s. jeanne or something) I'm totally biased because I love gimmicky characters like Naru, but I'll try to offer a more or less reasonable argument for a plausible pick. Wulf is a great attacker with a 30% atk up passive and guaranteed TA. Enmity only makes him better. Naru however would allow me to cap def down along with DJeanne, and she has that sweet ODA and bonus elemental dmg which will be very useful once I cap dmg (not that hard I assume, with zoi and a claw grid). The DATA is an issue, but I'd be running 1 or 2 olden cortanas. Actually you did. You have not given me a clear definite answer, but you have given me the confidence that my picks are not a terrible mistake, so such an answer doesn't probably even exist. So for that and for your extensive post, thank you
  12. Congrats on Sarasa flb! Man, I'm dying to die farming for my first eternal. Maybe I'll go for Sarasa too so that I can ground zero my way through Arcanum Done So finally, after 4 months, the suptix came around, and it had to happen just before my spark. Feels bad, man. I'm very hesitant as to who to pick. My SSRs at the moment are the following: My dick pick would be Narmaya, just because I love her design and her skill set, plus she'd work well in my future zoi enmity team. On the other hand I already have serviceable dark SSRs for a frontline (DJeanne/Zoi/Wulf), and Wulf benefits from my baha dagger (though it wouldn't be that big a deal getting a baha sword for Naru either). Now for the wiser choices, Altair is core for water and pairs decently with Yuel. With the water favored GW just around the corner he's a very tempting pick. My light could also use Seruel or Amira, another reasonable option if I say so myself. Then we could go into especulative territory with a hypothetical wind or earth team. I like wind. I like how it has the most powerful f2p magna grid and you can make the best possible frontline with its two eternals, Seofon and Niyon. I wouldn't mind being a windmeme in the future, but unfortunately I don't even have one SSR wind character. Lancelot or Melissabelle could be especulative options. Perhaps after my spark I end up with some wind SSR chars. For earth I was thinking DLF or Ayer. So TL;DR I don't know where to start. I lack too many things in every element and the required experience to make a solid choice. May I get some help here from you? Also wanted to share . Yep, nearly done with the tutorial, yaaay.
  13. And that's why you need to trick people into thinking they are before some moege shit. If you make a weird ass description and put it on sale, people is just gonna think "man, this sure looks like a dense and convoluted story" and stay away from it or put it off indefinitely. That's just the lazy way we humans work, and that's why I think it's not by chance or exclusively surprise value that many VNs are disguised and sold as something very different from what they truly are It's still a shame though, but I can't say I'm surprised.
  14. So, look what I've got: That's right. Zooey is coming home next flash gala (hopefully mid august). Yeah I know, it's not quite 300, 288 actually, but we are currently in a 200 crystals a day promotion, so counting that plus daily login rewards + coop and the new idol crap event, I should get there pretty easily. Aside from that, this is what my grid looks like 2 weeks after my last post: Everything is sk lvl 10 except for the baha, which is lvl 7. In the meanwhile I'm working little by little in my future dark grid, which looks like this: I'm also starting to pay a little more attention to other elements, now that I have my basic grid nearly done. I'm working on water and light, since I've got the most characters from those elements.
  15. "To be honest, I do not know if you are complaining. For those who understand Google Translate, the translation is very powerful." - Google translate
  16. After a much needed break from VNs for studies and other disgusting real life issues, I'm back to this wonderful world So to celebrate I've decided to start Rewrite, which is pretty much the only translated Key VN that I still haven't read. Let's see how it goes.
  17. I am But seriously though, I decided to go for dark as main, so what options do I have if zoi is a must? It's either that or yolo rolling and hope for the best. And the fact that the account is brand new only makes the process faster, so... It's true that it's getting painful to not be able to build other teams aside from dark and water due to lack of good SSR characters (and this GW is being a nightmare because of that), but on the bright side when I do manage to spark I'll get all I was lacking plus a free character of my choice. Sounds like a good deal. Oh I hadn't thought about that. I was planning on using the lance as fodder for the higher sk levels of my baha weapon. You probably prevented me from making a mistake, so thank you!
  18. Are you using them to draw this flash gala or are you saving them for sparking? As I said like a month ago, I'm saving for a spark... and every time I see the flash gala banner it's torture. Updating the state of my grid: The basics are pretty much finished. I need to sk. level the baha, which is gonna be a pain, and get rid of that lance, but since it's MLB and sk lvl 10 I can't seem to find the right oportunity to do so. As for the axes, eventually I'll want to replace them for claws, but that's only in the (hopefully not so distant) future when I manage to spark S. Zooey. For the time being, axes are even better than claws, not to mention that are infinitely easier to get (only have 2 claws as of now, and they are bought with pendants, Celeste didn't drop any in more than 1k runs -.-).
  19. Looks like this thread is pretty much dead, but I'm gonna keep updating my progress just for the record. Nearly two weeks after my last post, and thanks to the rise of the beasts event that has almost finished already, this is what my grid currently looks like:
  20. Haven't read Dies Irae (plan to do so soon though), but between Grisaia and G-Senjou, I mean, their lengths are totally different. I don't know your taste, so I would say that if you are not that convinced by either, then go for G-Senjou because it is the shorter one. If you read both sinopsis and have a clear preference, then by all means go for it. In the end, I personally really enjoyed both VNs, and are classics, so yeah.
  21. So I've been recently working in my dark team, given the fact that the game has decided to give me a couple of dark SSR characters. I'm aware that light and dark are more difficult to farm, but oh well. So this is what my progress looks like: I got my baha weapon from the What make the sky blue event. Welp, now I need to get a hold of those Celeste Claws with my pendant farming and then skill level and uncap all my grid. It should take a while.
  22. Yeah, but that is different. If the character is presented that way from the beggining, no matter how unrealistic, all I said in my post doesn't apply.
  23. I mean, sure, I also "hate" dense main characters for plot convenience, poor and out of the blue h-scenes... like everyone else, but hate is too strong a word. I just find that slightly annoying, but it doesn't ruin a story for me. If I had to tell something that in my opinion is capable of ruining a potentially good story, that would be hypocritical moral righteousness. What do I mean by that? Well, surely you have seen a lot of stories sabotaged by it, since it affects most of all the content we receive from Hollywood. It consists in ignoring all and every piece of logic in both plot and character personality as it was portrayed to that point to alter a result that, the writer consider, would be too "outrageous" for the public to accept. Because you know, the most important aspect of a story is its educational value and its capacity to not offend anybody Fortunately this doesn't happen too often in japanese media compared to american media, which is one of the main reasons I consume more of the former. It still happens though, and when it does and the story had potential, it pisses the fuck out of me.
  24. Yaaay, not even hosting nor MVPing. Now I only need like 4 more to fully uncap it
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