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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. 1 hour ago, Seraphim88 said:

    Decided to pick up 428: Shibuya Scramble again, which I put on hold a couple of months ago for whatever reason. Almost immediately, I was met with this:


    I think it's safe to say those researchers were right.

    At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist ....... Predictive Programming is a thing.

    Many forms of media have subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) references to future events. Sometimes referencing events 30 years into the future.

    How, or why this happens ......... is anyone's guess.

  2. I've had difficulties downloading this (and other games) from DenpaSoft, when using the Brave Browser.

    Tech support said you can turn the Shield off in the settings (don't know exactly what setting).

    I just downloaded it in Firefox.


    So yeah, just in case someone else was having the same issue as myself :michiru:

  3. 3 hours ago, Craftiee said:

    Obviously these are eroge and I would prefer that i guess, but when shit goes over the top and super sexual/crazy it makes me dislike the experience. Anyway hope you all have some good recommendation for me to read!

    Nekopara isn't over the top super sexy for you?! :Kappa:

    Anyways, here are some of my suggestions....

    Fureraba . About as warm and fuzzy and slice of life as it gets. And really funny.

    Making Lovers . From the same devs that made Fureraba, it just released not even 2 days ago.

    Sankaku Ren'ai: Love Triangle Trouble . This VN is hilarious!! It loves making jokes out of all the eroge and anime tropes out there.

  4. Grisaia no Kajitsu . Ironically, this also has pretty much the best comedy I've ever read in a VN (don't let that fool you).....

    ef - a fairytale of the two . Doesn't get much more nakige than this....

    * I'll second Symphonic Rain . Mainly because it's a unique VN with an interesting plot.

    Kira Kira . My soul will never forget that ..... scene.

    Bokuten . Havn't read it ..... but I've heard things about it.....

  5. Grisaia no Kajitsu . Mostly on the romance, with some Nakige elements thrown in. Fight scenes are mostly confined to certain routes. All routes have quite a lot of suspense to them.

    Aokana . Has some hype anti gravity duels.

    Muv-Luv & Muv-Luv Alternative . Muv-Luv Extra is typical slice of life with comedic romance. Muv-Luv Unlimited does a genre shift to a war setting with mechs. And Muv-Luv Alternative ...... takes the drama and action upto 12 out of 10.

    Sorcery Jokers . Lots of action.


  6. * +1 for Grisaia no Kajitsu . Has some of the funniest scenes and characters ever ..... and also some of the darkest, most suspenseful arcs.

    Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative . If you have a lot of time on your hands, the Muv-Luv Trilogy is something else. It starts off happy and fluffy enough, but later....

    * +1 for Little Busters as well. Great music, nice themes about friendship, emotional feels.

    Clannad . Great themes about friendship, family. The mother of all tearjerkers.

    * +1 for Princess Evangile . Pretty lighthearted (with some drama), and lots of comedy.

    Sankaku Ren'ai: Love Triangle Trouble! . If you just want some silly slice of life with a lot of quirky humor. Pretty much the funniest VN I've ever read.

    Sorcery Jokers . If you're looking for something with a lot of action.

  7. Yeah, I don't know of any VNs in a workplace environment.

    Eden . A very unique setting.

    Planetarian .

    Island .

    Kira☆Kira . The highschool setting gets ditched after chapter 1, as you tour across Japan.

    Aokana . The highschool setting pretty much takes a backseat to the anti-grav sport going on.

    Grisaia no Kajitsu . Not quite your typical highschool setting (also not your typical protag). A particularly suspenseful VN.

    * Muv-Luv trilogy. Yes, the first entry, Extra, is the typical highschool setting. The 2nd entry .... ditches the highschool setting entirely. The 3rd entry is well worth the read (the suspense gets ramped upto 12 out of 10).

  8. Princess Evangile . Has a Tsundere, but she doesn't have a route (unless you get the fandisc Princess Evangile W Happiness ).

    DS Dal Segno .

    If My Heart had Wings . Not all heroines live in the same dorm.

    Little Busters! . It's not all fun and comedy (the comedy IS really good though), but this VN really does the whole "best friends" theme justice.

    Sakura Sakura .

    * Nekopara series.

    Onii-kiss . Not quite under the same roof, but the heroines are all little sisters. There's supposed to be a Tsundere sister too.

    * Muv-Luv Unlimited and Muv-Luv Alternative. Technically, they do live in the same place, and technically, it does have some comedy, but....

  9. Muv-Luv Trilogy. Yes the first entry, Extra, is the quintessential high school setting. The second entry, Unlimited, changes the setting (I won't spoil too much). And the third entry, Alternative, has all the drama and then some.

    Sounds like you'd really like Grisaia no Kajitsu. It does have a highschool setting, but there's a twist. Don't let the overtly comedic common route fool you, this VN has plenty of drama (and some downright dark themes). You'll definitely like the protag too. I've heard Grisaia being compared to Sharin to Kuni too.

    Sounds like you'd definitely enjoy Steins;Gate too. There's no high school setting there either.

  10. It certainly would help to make a


    account, and link to it in your profile. Or just tell us which ones you've already read.

    It might help to tell us which type of VN's you're in the mood for (or maybe you're up for anything?).

    I'll try to list some recommendations, so excuse me if I list something you've already read.


    Fureraba . For pure slife of life, and cutesy and comedic romance.

    Sankaku Ren'ai: Love Triangle Trouble! . Probably THE quirkiest and funniest VN I've ever read! And it has imoutos!

    To Heart 2 . One of the older VNs, but it's definitely recommended. Comedy, romance, and some drama.

    Aokana . Some pretty hype sports duels here. Some of it's music is really good.

    ef - a fairytale of the two . Just got re-released on Steam. Great visuals and music. Has some real drama (certainly can be a real tearjerker).

    Grisaia no Kajitsu . One of those VNs you really should read at some point. Extremely quirky comedy on one hand, intense drama on the other hand.

    Clannad . One of the oldest VNs. If you want the mother of all tearjerkers, knock yourself out.

    Muv-Luv & Muv-Luv Alternative . If you havn't read the Muv-Luv Trilogy yet, you really should. Goes the full gamut from fluffy slice of life, to extreme drama.

  11. Another person that is into VN BGM! I like!

    My favorite BGM generally comes from the Grisaia series, the Muv-Luv series, and Clannad. Aokana seems to have some really good music too...


    As for Aliens ...... I think the truth of that will be publicly disclosed within 2 years (seems steps are already been taken to prepare the masses for such a disclosure). We just have to wait for the Deepstate vs Alliance covert war to conclude. At least that's the impression I'm getting...


    Anyways, enjoy your stay here.

  12. I seem to be too good at growing Snails in my tropical fishtank. While I liked my Ramshorn snails, they multiplied way too fast and became a burden. At least I've gotten rid of 99% of them...

    But now, my Mystery Snail (who's been in there all this time), now it decided to lay eggsacks (THREE of them at that!). And now they are starting to hatch. In about the next month, I'm probably gonna have 90 snails hatch in total.

    I did nothing deliberate to make this happen. It just happened on it's own.

    Heh :sachi:

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