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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Yeah I know that one. I guess that is the closest thing released so far. Because I think many people are into learning Japanese and because of the large amount of translators I assume many of them don't mind doing things for free.
  2. Yes. Yes I do. Your girlfriend/wife is your best friend with whom you get to have sex. Name one downside.
  3. It is an anime about someone who wakes up and has no memories or very fuzzy memories. There are some sisters involved. One of the sisters has a thing for mushrooms. She cultivates them and researches them. One of them works as an aphrodisiac. Thanks if you know the name.
  4. The worst Character of all time is the little girl from air master. You will not disagree if you know her. I have seen over 120 seasons of anime trust me.
  5. Yeah I think I was the first to mention the game in this thread. If anyone wants to fact check...? Too lazy to do it.
  6. http://www.cjvlang.com/Writing/writjpn/writjpn.html ___the long answer All of them ___ the short answer
  7. Though this is the most common you wont really get much anywhere with just this. Dictionary form. The simple ru ending. the masu ending is usually just girls in the Vn and even then not that common. I am pretty sure everyone in Majikoi speaks in the plain form.
  8. Speaking of A I am really looking forward to Ootomo for some odd reason.
  9. While I love Yanderes the only ones I know from anime Gasai and Kurumi. I think I prefer Kurumi because of her crazy dichromatic eyes.
  10. I could not after one year figure out how any of the Vn tools worked. So I just moved on to learning Japanese better. I still wish I knew how to install those.... My Japanese is not that great. Also Yay. This Vn is my goal when I learn enough Jp to understand almost everything. How is it? I only dont like that some of the girls I would like to seduce don't seem to have a route.
  11. I am ready any time any place! lemme just grab the katana I keep by my computer.
  12. I can most likely do it. My kanji is only so so but my grammar and vocab are ok. I will be lost though if its too Chuuni or Sci fi. How do you propose this be done? On this forum of through email or...? and what days do you have open to do this?
  13. Partially because they can shoot out lasers but I think I know what you mean.
  14. Yup. Monshiro was pretty good.*tongue hanging* Ha....Ha... Ha... Ha..he he *creepy grin that could land you in jail*
  15. BLOODY HELL!!!! The Agave of S is just as short if not shorter than the original. There is no extra info added either. *Fuming* I finished it but feel so disappointed. The tsubame route might be the only one with much story in the whole CD. Too bad to this was my second favorite route right after Momoyo. I hope koyuki sis better.
  16. I just checked my profile for the first time in a while. It would seem that I am "liked"
  17. I guess I can see a Momoyo Sequel. It would be pretty nice. Oh who am I kidding? THAT WOULD BE THE BEST THING EVER!@!@$$!@*foams at mouth*
  18. No need to be so rude man -_- The things you pointed at where not Japanese texbooks. They were books written in japanese. The ability to look something up in google does not meant that there will be a satisfying answer. If you can formulate a question of coarse you can look it up on google. that does NOT mean google will have an answer for you. I know I should not reply to deleted posts but damn that was rude.
  19. To what route? There was a proper ending to all of them except maybe momoyo.
  20. This is more about my curiosity than really usefulness. I have yet to ever hear mention of a free JP textbook. I just found it really odd with all the people that make free stuff and all the people that love japanese stuff and the huge overlap of the two. Are there, or is there a, free japanese texbook in ebook format? i.e. natively a pdf and not scanned.
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