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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. The Benkei route is soooo Good. I have not done Azumi but I read it was not all that good.
  2. I am sort of on that same ship. I want Tatsumi to end up with esdeath. But I dont want Mine to die. and I certainly dont want esdeath to kill her. But more worth people, like Blaht, have died before so I think she deserves death more than them.
  3. The CGs are actually pretty crappy. They are pretty deformed. upon further study, I concluded that the CG are in fact weird. I dont hate them but I feel like they could be much better than this.
  4. I only meant it works better because it frees you up to use better browsers. Also I think you can configure how bookmarks work in chrome. Because I dont know if I am misunderstanding or something but, my bookmarks do not work in the same way.
  5. I only meant it workes better because it frees you up to use better browsers. Also I think you can configure how bookmarks work in chrome. Because I dont know if I am misunderstanding or something but, my bookmarks do not work in the same way.
  6. I think that was meant to be the point. I get were you guys are coming from though. I liked him.
  7. I would recommend using Excell for those things. I actually keep a sheet of anime I have watched too since its getting close to 200 and remembering every name is almost impossible. It does a much better job that your bookmark solution.
  8. Never thought of this... Also his avatar is still male. He is a trap. Not a female.
  9. Not too sure on organisation but I am fairly confident that Chrome imports favorites and so does Opera (browsers). Try using chrome or opera or Firefox, only to test if the problem occurs with a browser other than IE. If so the issue is most likely flash rather than IE itself. If not then the issue is IE. Though I think that Chrome comes integrated with flash so chrome should work either way.
  10. I'm fort of an in-between. I am learning Japanese because of anime and Vn's I almost only read english TL at the moment but I have read some untranslated because I wanted to read them. I do it without assist tools though.
  11. Well your first mistake was using internet explorer. But aside from that I dont think anyone can help you without more detail on what is actually happening. Like what OS you are using or what you were doing the day before. Any programs you recently installed or uninstalled.
  12. If you cant find anyone else to do it I can give it a shot. I warn you though I am still pretty new at Jp and TL work so it would not be that great. That said it would not be in engrish so you can at least rest easy in that sense.
  13. I think Yamato is not quite a super smart super badass character as much as he is charismatic as protag. He is without a doubt smart and cool(You get to see more of it in certain routes and games like the A series) but that is not the focus of his character. The protag from Wank to Kursou is not a genius. He is closer to the badass role. But not in any OPed kind of way. He is just really good at sexual acts and is pretty cool. Not a total badass though. Both characters are pretty good though. In particular Yamato from Majikoi. No we also visit other threads.
  14. Dammit I am starting to slack off again. I am so close to 500 too... Well at least I found a cool VN in english to make up for the fact. Draco Riot is pretty awesome.

  15. She'd better. She has a great personality. Not hating on Chi Chi girl but Nicola is much better. I am unexpectedly loving Erina though. i did not think she would be this great just from the common route. Also the choices in the game make no sense. I have no idea what made me end up down the Erina route. This is a first for me.
  16. That last one was the best one. "Because I can."
  17. Torren a tittle you may be interested in first as a demo and then just buy it if you like it. As a general rule though I dont think its worth paying 30 dollars for a half assed game.
  18. I focused all of mine on Miu but to no avail. Also what the hell?!? why does Nicola not have her own route but the big breasted girl does?
  19. ... What the heck. I ended up doing the common route without even knowing it. It was soooo short. Plus why did I not get any of the girls?!? That made no sense. I made good choices dammit. I never even got to figure out that Nicola is a girl(I think we all knew.)
  20. I do. That said Im only really here because I'm waiting on the TL.
  21. All of it is short? Also I hated that first choice. What kind of obvious "pick one" choice was that !?!
  22. I just thought to make this to talk about the novel as I am reading it. So far it seems really good. The intro is short though. It usually take me several hours to get through the intro. This is new.
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