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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. About the whole global warming issue. There has always been people who say different things about it, and show conficting evidence. The fact is though, that currently there are global changes to the environment. Alot of species are disappearing, the glasiers are melting at rates so fast that in 30 years or so alot, places will be have flooding.

    Also I saw someone quote the dailymail which says that the temperature is not rising as fast as the all knowing scientists thought. Why do you think a newspaper would like to write that? Even if it's true, there is most often more to the case than simpely: More co2 = higher global temperature.

    Either way the sea level will increase at the current pace. Millions of people will be fucked.

    Not that I care really. I just think it's sad that people will tint their glasses or look away from the issue.

    Personally I don't really care if millions die. It's nothing new, people die everyday. I just care about the ones that are important to me. My family, friends, so on. We all do.

    -The Propaganda

    Propaganda is pretty much everwhere. It's been there since the dawn of time I would say haha.

    Just kinda have to accept to live with it and try to live how you want to live with your iown views. Ofc you will be affected, but hey what can you do.

    Reminds me back when I was 9 years old and learned the the history of Jesus at school. I thought it was quite some nice stories the priest had told us. Glad my parents aren't that religious, would have been influenced at a very early age......

  2. I started to read this game about a week before the patch came out. I read it with dictionaries and now that I've tried it with the fan patch. I get 'Nrgghhhhh* frustrated, because I am used to reading it slowly and reading the text in japanese. It just doesn't feel right read the English version. This is so crazy because I had no idea I had become such a purist.

    I will prbly revert back to the jap version or keep a version of both.

    Some stuff is kinda advanced and I don't understand it much, but mainly I understand what is being said. Though.... It will prbly take me 100's of hours to read it, but yeah. It might be worth it. This vn might be one of the best vn's there is to read to learn jap, it's kinda advanced at times. But everything is so well done, you just keep reading anyway. Also the text just feels so nicely written, I can't explain it well. But it flows so well, even with my sucky jp reading skills.

    About the game tho, so far it's great. Very good written, interesting, music is awesome, art is awesome, plot is interesting.

  3. I didn't like the Vn tbh. It's the single time I was unable to connect to any of the characters and the story as well. The VN is rated quite highly on VNDB, so it's not bad by any means tho. Imo the story and the characters were too logical, you could guess to easily how the story would progress. I like that to some extent, but this had just too much of it. In the end, I did complete the VN. So it's not bad tho. Hmm, odd VN imo.

  4. This is a really important point. Having a Japanese company open an English-speaking division is a big deal. I'm really interested in seeing what happens in the future.


    RE: Removing Content Debate

    Let's also remember that all console ports of erogue have their h-content removed. This is actually not a new thing, and a strategy used by VN publishers to reach wider audiences in Japan (a la FSN Realta Nua, etc.). Whether or not you agree with changing a game's content, this practice has history, and is a strategy already widely-utilized in Japan.

    Removing H-content very much depends on the VN in question imo. Some of the vn's I've played they seemed to add the H-scenes just as an afterthough. The were added because they should have ero content. These kind of Vn's I don't really care if they were removed, because I mostly care about the story. Eien no Aselia is one example: The version that got translated was the All ages, even if there was a eroge version of the game as well. But there was less story and the H-scenes was somewhat afterthoughts not that important at all in the eroge version. I am okay with this.

    On the other hand. Considering the amount of H-content in If My Heart Had Wings, I would say removing the H-content is not a good idea. It would be butchering of it's orginal form. Just so that they could sell it to a wider audience. It is not something you can just adjust with a few lines of text, it's the natural flow of the story and comedy becomes different. You may even feel something is missing. Sudden jump in scenes etc.

    In a bigger context tho. Having a good all-age game is prbly the best way to expand to other userbases, if it is possible to reach them. You have some story games on DS getting high amount of sales in EU and US. But they are story and often mystery themed. Not romance as a main. I am really unsure it there is any market for this at all. Well I guess time will tell.

    Personally I don't like butchering of vn's in this manner. It's like you are removing one of the key elements why Vn's are so unique and spesical. Censoring them just feels wrong. But if this creates a bigger market for Vn's in the west, more people will know of VN's and we may be able to get support for two types of translations. One with Ero and one without ero.

    Tho tranlsation all those ero scenes prbly will take some time and money... Considering the current market it's not any point doing that. But if there was an increase in the total number of VN readers. The people liking eroge will also increase I would imagine.

  5. tbh this isn't the biggest deal since I can easily figure out he's trying to say Fuji-Nee but it's weird.


    Sure it's not exsplode like unslightly like apple skin? :D

    And I don't remember this happening when i played the VN, I could be mistaken tho. The only thing I remember was that sometimes there were additional spaces. I could be mistaken tho, and I had the same issue.

  6. I don't really care with either one I get. In my experience I have had less issues and faster "installs" with pre-patched. Most problems are kinda connected to what game you try to install; Some doesn't like that you put them in a custom folder, others need a certain font to work (If you don't have it you have to download it).

    I have installed like 40+ vn's by now tho, so I know the deal. Tho when I first started out playing Vn's I was really unsure how to do it and worried about messing up something. That is why I am for pre-patched, it helps new people get into VN's.

    Also I was very nervous because I was installing a HENTAI game. The horror! I know right? xD

    Regardless of the market, ease of use and accessibility is very important.

    Personally why I have no problem agianst using ISO's is the anticipation when looking at the installing screen. Going through the installing wizard and thinking about how the game will be. And ofc the game is awesome, I choose my Vn's carefully XD

  7. Welcome~

    Rewrite is indeed a very good VN, as shcboomer said most of Key's titles are similar in the regard that they are long and story focused. I would reccommend for you: Steins;Gate, Ever17, Clannad, Symphonic Rain and Little busters.

    They are all great vn's in themself, as a bonus they should fit you well. Symphonic Rain and Steins;Gate are 30+ hours long, while the others are 50+ hours.

    I would reccommend Ever17 the most because it's awesome, also I think the person above me likes that Vn alot as well XD

  8. Good learning Tay, I post to you kanji learners because I wish had the same. I know how much it helps, I somewhat did something similar by posting on Aaeru's Blog post. By keeping to do the anki it doesn't matter how many new kanji are not learn't yet, because you will complete them.

    Also i would say that I am a person who if really decides on something I will complete it. No if or buts. I will do it. But I have many times wavered, but I kept it up and completed it. You can do it too man!:D

  9. Completed Rewrite 100% Got all the friends, quests and endings..... IT WAS AWESOME. My god this VN rocks, Muv luv alt tier dammit.

    Only thing I disliked a bit was the few inconsisences between the different charachter rutes. But that was rather minor and not so important. The general difference between them actually made it more apparent the different paths you could make and that made it very good.

    story 9/10

    Music 10/10 (it was great, you can download the ost at erogegames.com)

    Art 10/10 (not only HD but great drawn as well. I hope there will be more games with this art level.)

    Comedy 10/10 (Key has great humor to say the least lol XD)

    Overall 10/10


    Maybe I should make a 100 friends as well.....

  10. Those of you who use anki will find probably find this to be useful.

    Sometimes you don't have access to your computer for a few days. Over the next months you will be using Anki very often. You should have a backup plan. I used my smartphone (android). I found this very useful as I sometimes went over the border for travel or when to my Cabin.

    You can use Adobe Reader app to read the RTK PDF book. It's a free app

    AnkiDroid, it's anki for Android. It's free as well.

    You should be able to do the same with Iphone. There should be similar apps for both.

  11. Here is my answers. Spoilers so don't go reading the stuff yooou Peooople Unknooown toooo Theeee greatnessss of LB!!

    Route Access

    However, I don't know why are we not allowed to replay a certain route without finishing it. I also don't know why Komari is an exception to this. I just thought that probably, it is because she is closer to Rin than any other girls.

    Komari didn't want to leave Rin alone, so she refused to stay back after Riki 'fixed' her problems. She is so nice~~


    Ok, this is not about Riki looking like a trap. I just think that Riki was not given that much detail in the story. It was not stated where he got his narcolepsy. It might be genetic by it was not stated as well. There is limited information about him, despite being the main character. I don't even know how his parent died. I just think having more detail about him will be better.

    Parents are unknown, I dont remember altleast.

    Riki refused to accept the world, he thought it was too scary and lonely. Therefore he got narcolepsy which made him shut the world out randomly. You get this information when he goes back into his being (soul) and looks at his time of birth. He decides to change this, become a stronger person. He sees light of another person, (Rin) and decides that the world is worth living. Magic yaay.


    I don't know why you have to finish the game just to get here true end. People say it's because you have to remember her, which is why you have to go back to her route. Well, whatever.

    Kinda puzzeling imo as well. Something about she will only accept you, if you still have strong enough will. But still chose to be with her.

    TL;DR Herp Derp.

  12. hmm, good example here:


    Actually i lol'd hard reading it. But... this is how most people see eroge in a way (most times even worse).

    At least eroge isn't popular at all like shooters, but still we had a lot of problems already like:

    Shuffle/Mangagamer(Because primula is loli)

    Kodomo no Jikan in the USA(banned, pervert lolis everywhere... Mangas are aimed though)


    Media will always try to stalk what is popular (at least there is no problems with eroge yet)... haah;

    Destructoid isn't a serious news site at all, they just want ratings and looked by the amount of comments it seem to have worked. Well there being actually deep and story driven vn's isin't well known. I doubt the poster at the site knows that. Or maybe he does and only trolls.

    haha Norway is so far away from the United States in relation to news and such its an odd comparison. Ive been to Norway. Its so beautiful.

    United States News is pretty much a joke. Sure so of what they say is true but when it comes to sensationalism they will "Stretch" the truth for ratings.

    Well thank you, I think it's very nice here as well ^^

    Glad the news aren't that bad here...

  13. I think so as well. Because Mariana's Web really do exist.

    But still, I think more of the infos, even on the first one is BS.

    Well considering the OP made up alot of the stuff, kinda hard to see what's true.

    Though regardless of that, there is some truth that Hidden web got stuff that is on that list. Disturbing really.

  14. I can't find rui wa tomo easily...

    I had it on my old hdd but I don't have it anymore tt

    Generally you have to search with the japanese name for untranslated VN's, which in your case of tomo is: るいは智を呼ぶ

    The torrent maker will properly add the creator name as well, for you I am guessing: [Works] (something..)

    Quick search on Nyaa:

    I am guessing that should be right, though I don't know for certain XD

  15. I know I know, just posting this one for the luls

    Actually this photo has two versions. One where the level is only up to 5 and this one.

    The other version seemed more legit. :D

    Primarch systems lol... Sounds like a name coming from Uplink haha.

  16. Great idea Clephas. I have tried looking around for a good thread about this but found none. :DLet's make it here then.

    1) Flyable Heart- Lots of humor, moe, moe. It's pretty long though, so reading it will take quite some time if your slow. Though the language is pretty simple. (My first native read VN, so take it with a pinch of salt.)

    2)Hoshizora no Memoria(It's translated) - Supposedly pretty simple language, though I haven't tired it. Alot of people liked the Translated version.

    I wish I could list something more constructive but my knowledge is limited XD

    (So to help I added links to your list from VNDB)

    1) Draculius

    2) Tayutama

    3) Konata yori Kanata made

    4) Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu

    5) Tiny Dungeon Series

    6) Yurikago yori Tenshi Made

    7) Tasogare no Sinsemilla

    8)Sakura Iro Quartet (Seems you Made a typo with Quartet't')

    9) Toppara

    10) Evolimit

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