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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. I've got a few more reccommendations then, based on my favorites ;D

    Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch and R2
    Seitokai no Ichizon
    Shingeki no Kyojin
    Death Note
    Angel Beats!
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
    Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
    Mirai Nikki (TV)

    Sword Art Online




    You have prbly seen some of them before tho haha.


    Also I agree with Noosebleeds list. All good titles. Tho I am not too found of the comedy ones tho. Just my preference.

  2. Well generally speaking, TA with MT's aren't what you would call perfect. But they do they job if you want to understand a standard Moege vn. If you combine TA with with Romanji you might learn some japanese yeah. But tbh... It will be kinda missmash of info you will get. You will first have to decifer the sentences to understand them, then put them back into japanese.

    There are better ways to learn japanese while reading raw JP vn's. But as with any system you use to learn stuff, if you end up not using it it's useless. So I won't really say, noooo. don'ttt.


    The text the Machine translator gave out is completely okay imo. One warning though. The text extract you gave us here is prbly one of the easiest types of japanese text the MT can translate. Manuals, 3rd person monologue and such. On other texts it might translate into understanble english, but it's translation is wrong. Or it just massively fails and doesn't translate at all.


    Also you prbly already noticed. But the english the translator gave out is written in neither japanese or English style. Kinda robotic, wierd way. So if you don't mind that, you can enjoy MT vn's. You don't even need to learn jp.



    Btw, which translator did you use? Atlas? google? TA got like 8 or so translators already bulit in which it can auto copy into and translate. Btw can I you give me the link to the Blogpost. I would like to read it :D

  3. Watch the video people. those who think the stuff that happens in anime and vn's doesn't happen in real life is wrong!

    Quote: "The girl also has Q-tips she can use to clean your ears, if you'd like." (This  happens at 6:00 time.)


    As for why the birth numbers are declining I believe it's economically, socially and culturaly mainly. They got decline in their economy and problems etc for a while now. Also they are developing as social norms change. More women don't want to be in the house are raising kids. Cuturally there is no middle ground like there is in other countries. Where both parents try to get a job and spend time with their childern.


    The VR and love indusrt is more a result rather than a means imo.

  4. I think this is a great idea nayleen.


    I can help with linking vn's.

    If I click on 'Fate/Stay Night' will I be recommended 'Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno' as a similar experience? :P


    So how would this actually work? Will you be comparing mechanics, genre (action, comedy), content (time travel, political intrigue), the number of 'pretty women'?


    Basically I think we should first look for developers and link the games together. Becaue they are usually give out similar titles. Akabei Soft 2: Sharin no Kuni, (and the fandisk), A-profile and G-senjou no Maou.  KID: Ever 17, never 7 and remember 11 for example. Then similar genres. Mystery, action, romance, etc. There is tags for genres. But imo they are not fit the slighty differences between the games. Therefore we need manual linking between titles.

  5. Im enjoying myself so far..Going onto my Third day and about to learn my next set of Kanji..I for somereason am doing it slowly with 15/day but I think once I get the hang of it it will increase..

    In terms of remembering Kanji..Thats pretty simple ( So far)...I will have to wait till I learn a lot more.



    I did an average of 17 kanji. It all depends on how much time you want to spend each day. 15 is great imo. Most important is to make Anki a habit, then it becomes alot easier to getting it done. And yes, you will no doubt get faster at learning them.


    Good luck! :D

  6. The app is working fine for me ( I'm going to turn in my tablet to the store tomorrow but i still tried the app)

    I tried some cards and nothing wrong happened.


    It certainily sounds easier to remember Katakana and Hiragana. So the average Visual Novel uses kanji i'm assuming? 

    Thank you for the explanation though, i learned something new. I guess it's better to start off with kanji just because it's the hardest part and it seems to be the most useful. With what frequency is each type of writing used?


    I've been annoyed at anki sometimes, but it has always worked in the end for me.


    Showing you an example might be best for how the sentences kanji and kanas.


    【TV Reporter】





    Informational senteces has usually alot of kanji. This quote got, katakana, hiragana, kanji and numerals. This is also a formal offical way of talking. Because the one talking is a tv reporter.


    A more normal sentence would be like this: (depends on what you prefer to read ofc)


    (Blue haired Girl)




    They might use the kanas for a word or kanji. Sometimes you will wish they had used kanji, because the kana word could mean a dozen other stuff. This sentence got numbers. But they might write them in japanese number system as well. Depends. Usually it's luckely international numerals.



    I wouldn't worry about learning the kanas, you will see them 1000's of times anyway when you read source material. I did the same as Flutterz. Learned the kanas, then forgot them. Had to relearn them again, hardly took much effort tho. Do what you think is best.



  7. I hope it's not too late to start this now.

    I figured with all my free time lately i'd do something productive and learning japanese seems like something extremely useful to me.

    I hope i can catch up with some of you at some point. Let's work hard~

    Really big thanks to Tay for even posting this as i'd have never gathered up the courage to figure out how to learn japanese properly without a solid method.

    Time to study now.


    Just one doubt, I don't have a budget to buy the actual book so i downloaded all 3 volumes but they're the 4th edition. Are there major changes with the 5th edition or is it still useful?

    I can alwas update my decks to match of course, i just wanted to know for sure.

    It's a while since I did the RTK. But if I remember right. The best way of doing it for free was downloading RTK 5 and using a supplement RTK supplement pdf. That way you would get the most updated version.


    Imo you should focus on completing RTK 1. Or more like, if you complete RTK 1 you don't want to do RTK 3 xD. Imo, you should learn the 2200 kanji by RTK 1. Then after that learn extra kanji's reading Native content. Not reading RTK 3.

  8. Finished another route in Akatsuki no goei, Reika's route. Which looks like the "main" one, alot more backstory about the protag in this one. But acutally I kinda liked Tsuki's route more. Must be the tsundere

    maid and first playthrough feeling that made me like that. Anyway I think I will say myself finished with this novel for now. Maybe read Aya's route for last.... But I am kinda meh on that.


    I acutally felt I could read this novel rather "fast" and "easily" now. Therefore I will change my my novel playing order. I am starting to read Grisaia no Rakuen (Grisaia 3rd sequel). I found the 2nd grisaia title very challenging to read. I am reading a truckload faster now. I can't believe how fast I have improved. I have prbly been reading raw jp vn's just under ~100 hours. But I am multiple times faster than when I started. To a level I feel like I am reading, not analysing. My progress will likely slow down though.. As it takes a long time to understand and remember the scarely used kanji combinations and and get a large vocab... (Dammit, now I became frustrated. lol. Seems like I can never get 2 strikes in a row with jp reading...)



    I can understand that. I dislike helpless heroines as much as I hate weak-willed, milquetoast protoganists. There's a place for that thematically, but a lot of times it just stinks of wish fulfillment.


    I'd love to read a more broad criticism of it, should you find the time to write one up. I haven't read it yet, but I find it enjoyable measuring up movies/VNs/games to criticism as I go along.

    I actually agree with batman on some parts. The story is kinda standard and the school drama isn't that interesting. I found it to be kinda okay. What made me interesting in it was the protag. The backstory and such.

    All of the characters have a different way of thinking and speaking. But it imo often it becomes the same jokes over again when you complete all the different routes.

    The 2nd game in the series has alot more story on yuji, backstory, how he shaped, how weak he is etc.


    That being said, I can see why batman dropped it. As with most vn's it's a question does the vn fit you? And what failings are you willing to look aside and still manage enjoy the vn.

  9. There are games on steam that is free. (besides mods) So i don't see why it won't be free.

    Well it could be that those games are exceptions.


    Either way a greenlight for this game is great. I haven't played it, but supposedly it's good. Need more good VN's to the western market. Steam is a very good platform possibly for that.

  10. That said, while we are removing the H-Scenes/ero content itself, we will not remove the references in-game to the ero content either. As for Secret Game: Killer Queen and Rebellions, the H-Content was added solely for the PC versions of the game as opposed to the non-ero original PS2 and PSP versions (respectively), and they are completely unnecessary in the game itself as they are not integrated into the story for any reason. As a result, we will be removing the H-Scenes from these versions to keep them more in-line with the original 17+ versions.



    Personally I am fine with them not adding the ero scenes. Though mostly ero does add something regardless to the game. So removing them makes me kinda, "That's too bad".

    Ideally having a choice of the patch they would be best imo. But considering they don't want to mess with the loli issue. Which is understandble, considering the "dangers" of possessing such material they in some countries.

    Or they just don't want to translate "porn", either way their beef not mine.


    In the end if many people really thinks the h-scenes are that important. They will prbly TL them after Lemnisca is done translating as shcboomer said.

  11. I like violence. As long as the scenes are not extreme I will enjoy them.


    I've rarely found violence not adding something to the story. Or it being done exesssively just for the sake of violence.


    I actually can't remember a single scene which is just for the sake of violence (out of the 40 vn's I've read). Even Saya No Uta with it's massive violence, it is a big part of the story. Same as Muv-luv alt and Cross channel. Violence is just part of the story. It's one of the things take shape and change the characters.


    So basically. No, I don't like guro....

  12. I would love to post here to test and improve my abilities. Sadly my abilities are so low there is no point in even testing them yet, haha.


    Hmm, would it be okay if I used dictionaries and tried to translate some of the text and sent it in a PM to you Clephas? Or would that be so mediocre and messy. It would be a waste of time?

  13. Welcome~~


    Seeing as you have only read a All age game so far I will reccommend a few all ages vn's.


    Ever 17, Steins;gate and Umineko no Naku Koro ni


    These are all mystery genre and on PC. So you might need to change your system Locale many jp vn's have problems running if you don't have your pc configured to japanese system locale.

  14. Finished Deardrops, I liked it soooooo much more than Kira Kira, mainly because the characters weren't horrible and the main character was awesome in my opinion.  That said I have created a to-do list for the remainder of the year:


    People have told me that I am a masochistic idiot for not going through ef after all this time, I just haven't gotten around to it and I plan on finishing that first.  The rest (excluding Soul Link) were actually all recommended to me by my girlfriend even though she mainly only plays/reads yuri.

    I liked KiraKira alot more than Deardrops tbh. Maybe it's because Kira was my 3rd vn, while Deardrops was my 28th or something. Don't misunderstand me though, deardrops is a good vn and I enjoyed it. Just that Kira is better imo :<


    Ef was a disappointment for me but it certainly wasn't bad. That said, I preferred the anime (or at least the first season, anyway).


    The first half of Princess Waltz is really very good but I didn't find the second half nearly as interesting. Still, the gameplay is interesting despite not playing a very big role and it's definitely worth playing.


    Edelweiss is easily my least favorite OVERDRIVE VN. The male characters were horrific and the stories weren't as good as their other visual novels. The fandisk was probably one of the better parts, though.


    Ef.... Still suprises me over how highly it is ranked and how the characters did not click with me at all. Also the story I felt was so obvious what would happen next. I did manage to complete it in the end. But as you said, It was a disappointment. A vn that does not fit my personallity it seems.

  15. I've started reading DCIII in Japanese with Translation Aggregator, and boy does it take a while to get through a scene.

    Don't worry too much about your speed, you will become faster after a reasonablely short while. You will stop checking all the words in a sentence and reading kanas require no effort.

    Good luck! :D

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