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Posts posted by Katatsumuri

  1. Confession(s):

    -I actually like Ecchi/fanservice-y stuff, despite sometimes saying the opposite.

    -I have an inferiority complex.

    -Despite always going on about "everyone having the right to an opinion", Sometimes I really want to punch people in the face when they (according to me) have a stupid opinion.

    -I am a very lazy person.

    -Prefers female protagonists over Male protagonists.

    One of the confessions above is a half-truth. And last but not least:

    -I never tell the truth.

  2. When I got steam a while back (yeaaars ago), I decided to have something different as a name and profile "theme"... so I chose a snail.


    Then I changed it to one possible way to say it in japanese, and then (pure coincidence, really) I realized that through it, I could actually figure out my real name, which I thought was pretty neat.

  3. I like this OST. It's a good OST.


    Ost = cheese (in scandinavian languages, at least) I know, the pun was terrible, I couldn't resist.

    I like this game, and I love it's ost.




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