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Posts posted by Katatsumuri

  1. I look at appearance first, but in the end, I feel like it's mostly a matter of how interesting I find the character to be. And since my definition of interesting is derived from my enjoyment, my favorite characters tendto be varied, with the only prevalent feature being that they are usually longhaired and with bright hair-colour.

  2. Never really talked to you much Maef, but...


    Still going to miss you though.


    I mean, someone has to complain and give criticism...


    If no criticism is given, then maybe some flaw would remain undiscovered...


    And whom is going to take your place when it comes to complaining?

  3. I'm going to agree with Clephas on this one. We will never get rid of archetypes, whether it is in VNs, or other media.


    Take a look at any piece of media, and you will find examples of archetypes and stock characterizations being used. Any story that uses characters, will inevitably need to have the characters tailored to fit their given role in the story. And as has already been said (written...)

    applying an archetype whithout given thought to the character's role in the story, is just lazy.


    To quote a certain site when it comes to archetypes:


    "In fiction or life, an excessively archetypal character is likely to come across as two-dimensional, if not one-dimensional."


    Or in other terms: "The more the audience know the character, the more predictable it becomes." For many, predictability in stories is boring, therefore, predictable characters can be considered boring. To give an example: When I started reading VNs, I wasn't even aware of most of the archetypes, but now when I have encountered them many times, I know them and therefore they are predictable due to familiarity, unless a spin is given on characters role in the story. But as has also been already written, there is a certain sense in tailoring character after your audience...

  4. this is a minor thing (Okay, IT'S PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT TO ME), but:


    I want the save/load menu to have room for at least one or two saves per route on every page, since for me, there are few things more annoying than splitting up my saves, or having them unordered. While name-able saves help, I prefer the saves to be ordered in the first place.


    Then there's also my pet peeve with VNs where there is no handy "delete save"-button...


    Favorite thing is probably (surprise surprise!) skipping to the next choice, due to reasons already mentioned (and I am too lazy to re-tell them)

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