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Posts posted by nohman

  1. My preferred method is digital.

    I'm not much of a collector anymore; my personality's a little too obsessive for that. In the past when I collected films and comic books, I'd often get too side tracked from focusing on filling in the gaps in my collection that it hurt my enjoyment of the stuff I bought. Since I'm not really into collecting VNs or just having a box + leaflet that I'd never otherwise look at but a couple of times laying around, digital is the most convenient choice - nearly immediately available and you don't have to leave the house or wait for shipping.


    As for dvd for usb, which is the cheaper delivery method production side anyway?

  2. Finished Ruri's route in Demonbane, felt rather underwhelmed by the whole thing. For such a cool setting and premise, it felt like a waste. The soundtrack still rocks though. I'll be putting Demonbane on hold indefinitely to finally read Ayakashibito, which I hope will scratch the itch of what had me feeling like reading Demonbane in the first place.

  3. I started watching season one of Fargo.

    The movie narrowly beats No Country For Old Men and The Big Lebowski as my favorite Coen brothers movie, so I'm happy to discover that (3 episodes in) the television show perfectly captures the feel and themes found in the movie. The humor, savage violence, and nihilistic bent is all there. Billy Bob Thorton's character is an absolute force of nature and it tickles me to no end to hear Martin Freeman (who is wonderful in the show) speak with an Wisconsin accent. I really shouldn't have waited as long as I did to watch this.

  4. I spent most of my free time yesterday working my way through Demonbane. I'm on chapter 7, which I -think- has split into Ruri's route by now, but I'm not 100% certain since this is my first playthrough. I'm really, really, really, really digging it in a few different ways The verbose style of writing and action sequences is a refreshing change of pace coming off of reading Hoshimemo, the setting is undeniably cool (there's no leeway here; it's impossible not to think it's cool), and (with a little tinge of recency bias) the soundtrack is among the best out of all the VNs I've read. It fits so well, with some of the tracks having a thematic 'otherness' that really nails the Lovecraftian aspects of the story.


    So with my interest being captured by Demonbane at the moment, I'm temporary stalling Hoshimemo for the time being. I normally don't like to start a new VN when I'm in the middle of reading another one, but reading the common route + 3 routes of Hoshimemo back-to-back got a little mind numbing and had me craving something that wasn't so slice of life or cute.


    My thoughts on Demonbane so far:

    Chapter 1 & 2: Good. Interesting set up, really liked the way Grand Master Therion is introduced in the prologue as well as chapter 2 - the whole 'lightless gold' thing was striking. Maybe could use a little more collateral damage to better incentivize and make Kurou's call to action a little more believable. I never liked in how some giant robot stories there's never any collateral damage because everyone's been evacuated already during the spontaneous giant robot battle. I guess you can't be a hero of justice otherwise, though.


    Chapter 3-5: Honestly, kinda bored me. I'm not opposed to an episodic, monster-of-the-week focus in a story, but having Dr, West appear every. single. time. got old immediately. Also the pacing felt off during the training in chapter 3.


    Chapter 6: The story really picked back up here for me. Action got real exciting again with a couple of fresh villains. Also, an immortal zombie clown trying to rape a heroine with his magically infused tentacle-intestines really brought the story from the zany Dr. West crap in the previous 3 chapters back into the realm of macabre and 'otherness'


    On chapter 7 now, the whole mystery at the beach resort premise seems like it'll hold my interest where chapter 6 left off.


  5. In my experience, control warrior really doesn't run out of steam against aggro; too often, you can't play your cards fast enough against them. I'd also question it being considered an immediate threat. Just dropping an 8/8 on turn 8 or 9 doesn't exactly cut it if your opponent has board presence, likely has a good chunk of damage in, and is likely able to just ignore it to push for damage. If you've already stabilized, which you need to do by about the time Nefarian would come out anyway, any big body would do the same job really. 9 drops in general, in my opinion, are 100% a detriment against aggro. Too dead. The caveat there being Alex. I actually like having her in my deck against face hunter as a heal. If you like having Nefarian in for a bgh target, I like Baron Geddon for that - better against aggro, plus people are often pretty hesitant to waste BGH on it and it can usually get in some work against other control decks surprisingly.  In regards to helping replenish resources, just like Ysera, the cards you get are (usually) not immediately impactful and are just too inconsistent. 


    Still, that's an interesting lens to look at Nefarian under and I've never seen it put that way. Regardless of that though, it's a fun card to run. I'd love to run him and sacrificial pact a Jarraxus. =3

  6. I haven't played in a month, is x2 slam common in control warrior now or is it just a personal choice?

    Also, Nefarian seems like a poor fit. I don't really like 9 drops anyway (Alex comes and goes in my list), but Ysera (if you have it) would be a more consistent choice. Hell, I'd just slot in another Acolyte of Pain over it.

  7. I got in my blood the urge to read something chuuni last night, so I started up Demonbane and it seems I've accidently gotten myself hooked on it. I'm part way through chapter 2 so far.

    I'm really digging it, which is no surprise since given its kickass setting and premise. Really liking the game's soundtrack too. Will be reading some more tonight.


    I'll hopefully knock out Isuzu's route sometime tomorrow or so. 

  8. i watched grisaia no kaijitsu (anime) but i didnt liked the show , for sharin no kuni i played the first 5 hours then after some trouble i lost the save data is worth reading it? i didnt liked the script was like meh but maybe was becouse i expected something like g senjou no maou


    Well, my first vn was G-senjou.

    Loved it, so I naturally moved onto Sharin no Kuni since it was another Akabei Soft game. It starts off a little slow, but it does pick up and I actually ended up liking it better overall than G-senjou. So I would recommend giving it another shot. Plus, as far as protagonists go, I'd say Kenichi fits what you're looking for pretty closely.

  9. ^^ Aye, it was pretty forgettable overall, but that's kinda true of the side routes themselves anyway.

    The only bad end I really even remember from that game was Mizuha's. As G-senjou was my first visual novel, I'm not even sure how it would stand up now. I really should reread it sometime.

  10. I was trying to read YU-NO, got a bad end and I'm so frustrated I've not opened the game in a week. For your sanity, use a walkthrough.


    Yeah, already doing so. The download I got included both a text and image walkthrough and just taking a look at it made me realize that I definitely should use one.  :lol:

  11. I started on YU-NO yesterday, just to get a feel for it to decide if I want to read it in the near future. Got me kinda hooked, so it might be a little more near than I was intending.

    Also making my way through Isuzu's route in Hoshimemo, but I'm barely 10 minutes in. I have a feeling that I won't find it as frustrating as some people make the route to be, given I'm expecting it.

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