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Posts posted by KarateKitty

  1. 26 minutes ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    As I always say, It's always great to hear new projects being started! ^_^

    I wish you all the best in your project to everyone on the team, the sketch looks good so far, and I'm looking forward to a more finished final drawing of her!

    Keep up the good work. :sachi:

    Yay! This is our first VN project too, so it's especially important and special! :3

  2. 16 hours ago, DarkZedge said:

    Looking good, i like it...keep up the good work :sachi:

    Wow DarkZedge! All these confidence from the community! Thank you so much! Means a lot to us! ♥


    43 minutes ago, MasterTreecko said:

    The sketches look great. I'm looking forward to see this become a game! Go for it! :D

    Woohooo! Thank you MasterTreecko!

  3. 19 hours ago, Rose said:

    I've known her for a long time now, first time I stumbled upon a work of hers was back in 2013. I'm a long time fan.

    Wow!!! What's your favorite artwork by her and how did you stumble upon her work? :D


    14 minutes ago, Hanako said:

    Cookie? Did someone said cookies? Way to trigger @Ayana:miyako:


    Anyway can't say anything for now but the sketch looks really good, so we'll see :sachi:

    Just don't pull out an other NOBY pls :Kappa: 

    Yea cookiesss! ♥ ♥ ♥  We have high hopes for the VN! The story's grippin too!

    What's a NOBY? o.o'

  4. 2 hours ago, Dark_blade64 said:

    I'm the kind of guy who would probably play almost anykind of game regardless graphics or style. Now what type of artwork do I like? I would say anything that has its own unique style (I'm not particularly picky :lol:)

    For example: Stein's Gate, Cho Dengeki Stryker (Has good variety of character artwork, except women who most has a similar style), Digimon, Gahkthun, Daganronpa, Blazblue, Persona 3 and 4 or Chaterine style, smt franchise style, megaman games, Doraemon and many more...

    Wow that's a wide variety! :D   That's great! Hope you'll enjoy our VN when it comes out ^_^

  5. 6 hours ago, Mugi said:

    Looks decent so far, definitely waifu material in the making. Can't say much though, since she isn't colored or shaded in. I'll keep an eye out for updates :sachi: 

    Thank you so much Mugi! We are looking forward to the updates ourselves, and can't wait to share more! ♥


    6 hours ago, Rose said:

    Can't say much from sketches but I trust your artist, will keep an eye out for updates.

    Thank you so much Rose! If you do like our artist's works, do check out her fanpage at www.facebook.com/rachtalin =)


    1 hour ago, Dark_blade64 said:

    I'm giving you out an advice... Alright when it is about making games what most people tends to look at is how good the story is and how good the writing is! Your game can look pretty awesome in term of graphic but at long run it will prejudice the image of your team/company and people will get tired with time. Now this strat of selling games based of using graphics only seem to work by implementing fanservice. (Winged cloud is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.) Now if your game has good story and writing it will sell probably good but that depends if people don't avoid it because of having bad graphics. (Many just assume games are bad because they don't have good artwork.) And one last important thing. Your drawing style. And I'm not judging or anything but even if your game has good graphics it also depends in which style you decide to use to attract a certain type of audience. What I mean is that for example most games with japanese artwork tend to be bashed by the community not because they have anything risky but only because many question the characters because people tends to always to exaggerate about the image being to kiddy and call everything being pedophilic when is clearly is not sometimes. That and be prepared to deal with trolls and haters...

    (Yeah I know my english sucks if by some reason someone wants to make fun of it :makina: but I tried to point out some things and give you a personal advice. Now I'm not saying everything I said is correctly or anything. This is just based of my personal experience already and by no means I'm saying you have to follow the advice and if you do consider something I said is your own decision)

    Thank you so much Dark_blade64 for the advice! We do intend to have a gripping story - coupled  with an awesome production team to bring the story and experience to the next level. Our lead artist would probably be using a combination of art styles to create a fresh new approach with the creative direction. 

    What kind of artwork do you like?  


    Project Cookies n' Cream

    We spent so much of our lives playing them, replaying them and trying to unlock every single CG. So much so that producing our very own Visual Novel has always been something we wanted to do for a long time now. 

    The Team has always wanted to recreate the splendour; the excitement of uncovering new plots lines and artistic wonders for you, the Visual Novel community. We are looking to create a world that you can immerse yourself in, and we hope that you'll enjoy the process together with us.  

    We are finally ready to start production on the title, codenamed "Project Cookies n' Cream", and we are glad to share with you the first glimpse, via a sketch, of one of the characters in the world. 
    Do let us know what you feel by replying to this post, and do join us on our journey!





    Lizbeth, Assassin for Hire

    Meet Lizbeth, one of the protagonists in my video game. She is an 19 year old assassin for hire. Will Liz be able to escape the grasp of the underworld, or will
    she ascend above her oppressors? You decide her fate in my visual novel.

    Claire, Heiress
    A young girl, Claire is the daughter of a wealthy and influential family. Her doe-eyed innocent look hides the fact that she is genetically enhanced to be extremely intelligent.
    Does this come at a cost? 
  7. 18 minutes ago, Rose said:

    Btw, you can use the multi-quote function to quote multiple posts on your answer, not sure if it changes with the theme but here it's a "+" sign by the side of the "Quote" button.

    OH! So that's what the + sign is for! Thank you!

    Oh how do you change the theme? I dislike the black background

  8. 2 hours ago, DarkZedge said:

    Hello and welcome to the Fuwa forums! I hope you have the best of luck with your project and enjoy your time here :sachi:

    I'd read just about anything with very few exceptions, such as Yaoi or Trap...i just can't read those but other than that i'm willing to give anything a try..

    Ps: Love the art, keep up the great work and good luck :miyako:

    Thank you so much! So happy you love the art! ^_^   Well hope you'll like our VN in the near future then! :D

  9. 5 hours ago, xToki said:

    Wuuut.  Which part of my post came off as really h to you -____-''

    but anyways, the fan art is naisu ^^


    and yuri + loli + wincest = instah sellout >:D

    ^ This!!  Striking it out doesn't change it XD


    Thank you for liking my fan art! Means a lot to me cuz I do draw mainly for others' enjoyment. Do check out my facebook (/rachtalin), instagram (@rachtalin) for more! <3


  10. 7 hours ago, B0X0R said:

    Open link in a new tab for maximum impact.

    Hello A-Team! Welcome to Fuwanovel! I checked out your Facebook and was quite impressed. I can not wait to see you make a topic in the Original VN Projects board! Keep up the awesome artwork!

    OMG your avatar Bat is soooo adorable! The whole time I had the A Team theme playing, I was imagining the bat flapping its wings and dancing along! XD

    Wow thank you for checking out my Facebook! Do LIKE the page if you enjoy my art :3  Will definitely be posting a thread there (hopefully in a couple of weeks time) :D

  11. 10 hours ago, Rose said:

    Rachta is an amazing artist and I'm happy to see that she'll be working on a VN, I'll be keeping an eye out for you guys. Oh, and welcome to the party.

    Thank you so much! We will definitely be sharing more on the VN (hopefully in a couple of week's time)! Let us know what you think of it then, and do share the word around - that would help tons!

    The party's great! :D  Was in the chat last evening and it was epic!

  12. 10 hours ago, ヤミハナ said:

    Hi KarateKitty, and we welcome you to the community! \ :Teeku: /

    I don't like fan arts but yours was exceptionally good. *thumbs up*

    For the anime fan art, maybe you should submit it to pixiv. People will get to know your arts better.

    Oh, and my favourite games are: Souls series (Dark Souls III hype!), XCOM, Dead Space, and eroges of course.  :SmallKappa: (Yep, not much. Many western games are good. But not good enough to be my favourite)

    Thank you so much ヤミハナ! I'm so glad that my works made the cut and became an exception to you! Maybe I will have them on pixiv! It's in japanese though o.o'  Wow a lot of dark themes there! Dead space is actually kinda scary for me. Can't wait for Overwatch myself!

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