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    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in onomatope*'s lastest title - Kyuuketsuki no Libra - is coming to Steam   
    *squints incredulously*
    You realize what the target audience for eroge is... right?
  2. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from sanahtlig in How to Install and Run Untranslated Visual Novel Text Hooking Tools   
    In this example, Chiitrans gives you only the translation for souji suru, not for kureru or iru. It only tells you that the whole conjugation consists of -te --> -te --> past. There is no way as far as I see to look up kureru or iru (and with this to look up the special -te meaning of these words) when it's part of the conjugation of another verb.
    I think the conjugations you like in JParser are the ones defined in the Conjugations.txt. I think you can add even more, like for example specifically define a "-te iru" with a definition like "progressive form" or something and JParser would then use this and add the "iru" to the conjugation of the -te-verb and not as its own word.
  3. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Basileus777 in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    Instead, they are giving licenses to Dovac
    Kickstarter for VNs are bad because it corrupts the idea of Crowdfunding. It's for Indies and Startups to finance their first ambitious project. NOT for established companies to support their every move! If you need to ask for money every fucking time you want to do something, your company is an epic fail economically. MG and JAST don't do this because they are not troll companies like Sekai Project is.
    That said, I can't blame Dovac for being a greedy businessman and choosing the option with the most profit. If I had no soul, pride or conscience, maybe I would do the same.
  4. Like
    Tyr reacted to Zalor in How to Install and Run Untranslated Visual Novel Text Hooking Tools   
    The only way I could explain it is with a picture. So here is a reference:
    http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad226/Thezalor/Text hooker comparison 1.png
    Chiitrans could understand that "掃除してくれていた" was all part of one word. But TA broke up that one word into three parts: "掃除して" "くれて" "いた". Which is just a pain in the ass. It is in this sense that I think that TA is weaker with compound conjugations.
  5. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from sanahtlig in How to Install and Run Untranslated Visual Novel Text Hooking Tools   
    That's not how TA works, I'm afraid. TA needs a dictionary in EDICT format. What dictionaries your Mecab installation uses is irrelevant. Mecab is only used for parsing.
    If you want this dictionary to work with TA, you need to convert the CSV format into EDICT.
    All the dictionaries you have imported into TA will be used at the same time for both parsers.
  6. Like
    Tyr reacted to Scorp in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    Oh, please, do not start this again! Already discussed that in G-Senjou thread. Sekai did NOTHING. All did AB2 and pondr with the_noob_avenger. This is perfect example how to make money without laying a finger (I am exaggerate, obv, but you got the idea - amount of involvement is nowhere near what does MG and Jast for their localizations). They would KS all other projects, as why not? This gives lot of free money, so why not? While MG struggles to get the things profitable with their 18+ Kara no Shoujo 2 releases - Sekai blatantly cut the game and push it on Steam - eat what you got served and praise Dovac the poor, who is living on the edge, struggling for every penny each day to deliver you VNs... Bueh. You sponsor the company, who does not care about authenticity, about giving uncut uncensored versions (which I always want to get when get VN release in the west), to give you full experience and even more.
  7. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Basileus777 in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    I have nothing against companies using Crowdfunding for specific means like maybe recovering from a financial flop and checking if people still have interest in their products, like Overdrive did with its Green Green Remake.
    But I don't like using Crowdfunding as a business model. I mean using Crowdfunding every time. It's wrong. It sends the message that this stuff is too niche to publish it normally (which is an insult to honest companies like MG trying their best to establish an honest business). It also leads to many censored all-ages version because porn is not accepted on Kickstarter. Finally, I don't think that this will last very long. This bubble will burst when people are finally tired of being exploited and realize that they don't support the English VN scene and instead are killing it. Hopefully.
    It's my business, because of stupid people backing butchered releases, I can't have nice things anymore.
  8. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from CeruleanGamer in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    Instead, they are giving licenses to Dovac
    Kickstarter for VNs are bad because it corrupts the idea of Crowdfunding. It's for Indies and Startups to finance their first ambitious project. NOT for established companies to support their every move! If you need to ask for money every fucking time you want to do something, your company is an epic fail economically. MG and JAST don't do this because they are not troll companies like Sekai Project is.
    That said, I can't blame Dovac for being a greedy businessman and choosing the option with the most profit. If I had no soul, pride or conscience, maybe I would do the same.
  9. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from sanahtlig in Tutorial - How to read untranslated visual novels .   
    Well, Chiitrans Lite is nice, but it's far from perfect. Also, it seems that it's not in development anymore and that probably means that it wont get any better anymore.
    The dictionary features are nice. It's fast and it's not as convoluted as TA when there are many different meanings possible.
    It's not an option for power users like us though. You only have one parser and I also didn't find a way to include other dictionaries. If you want to change the original text, you have to open an additional window which is a "normal" dialog window which might crash your fullscreen game.
    My conclusion is that Chiitrans Lite is perfect for people who know the language and need the parser only to look up a few words or for the furigana. Chiitrans Lite is especially useful for furigana readers because you can choose a reading for every word and Chiitrans will remember this the next time. That's a feature I miss in TA, because TA will always use the first reading as furigana and this is quite often not the right one, not even the most probable one.
    It's not good for people who want to learn the language though. I think looking at a greedy and a restrained parser at the same time is essential. I also like to have more than the default dictionary available. A quick edit of the original text is not possible.
  10. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    Coincidentally, I made a hooking tool for FMT games some months ago. I never released it though, because it is still buggy and does not hook every FMT game yet and I'm just too lazy to finish it, lol. But I think it should work with Fairytale games, Ballade of Maria too,
    If you want to play the FMT version, I can check if I remember this right and if it indeed works, send you a beta of my tool.
    It's really a matter of taste though. Some people like PC98's FM sound more than FMT's CD audio. 
    Yup, I never found this one either. It's one of the most rare vn gems I know of, haha.
  11. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    Good choice!
    If you're interesting in reading more of those oldies, I recommend to check if there is also a FMT version available. Most of the time they have a superior soundtrack. In the case of Fairytale games like Ballade for Maria or Necronomicon, the arranged OSTs are breathtaking:
    It's really a matter of taste, if one prefers the PC98 version or FMT version. FM/MIDI output on PC98 is also awesome. That said, you should probably install some additional sound drivers for your NPTH. I especially recommend VERMOUTH for MIDI output. It's SOOO much better. Orgasm for the ears. Especially with great OSTs like in Ballade for Maria.
    Most Fairytale VNs are actually located in the Western world, if I recall correctly...
  12. Like
    Tyr reacted to Decay in euphoria FuwaReview Discussion   
    Euphoria, sometimes brutal, sometimes disgusting, sometimes intriguing and suspenseful. What a weird game. Steel your stomach and be open minded when approaching this one. 
    I'm curious what you all thought of the review, it's the first one I've ever written. 
  13. Like
    Tyr reacted to Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    I finally did it

    Thanks for all the help to Tyrosyn, he really has a great amount of patience  
  14. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from CeruleanGamer in What are you playing?   
    NPTH is a modification of the (best) PC98 emulator Neko Project (NP) with the added feature of being hookable by every text hooker (TH).
    If you're interested in reading more PC98 games or other old school eroge, I recommend to look into the official PC98 threads on vndb where some people including me talk about setting up and hooking old eroge. ^^ Essential knowledge for old school eroge reader like NPTH is mentioned there in detail. ^^
  15. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    NPTH is a modification of the (best) PC98 emulator Neko Project (NP) with the added feature of being hookable by every text hooker (TH).
    If you're interested in reading more PC98 games or other old school eroge, I recommend to look into the official PC98 threads on vndb where some people including me talk about setting up and hooking old eroge. ^^ Essential knowledge for old school eroge reader like NPTH is mentioned there in detail. ^^
  16. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in What are you playing?   
    NPTH is a modification of the (best) PC98 emulator Neko Project (NP) with the added feature of being hookable by every text hooker (TH).
    If you're interested in reading more PC98 games or other old school eroge, I recommend to look into the official PC98 threads on vndb where some people including me talk about setting up and hooking old eroge. ^^ Essential knowledge for old school eroge reader like NPTH is mentioned there in detail. ^^
  17. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Shiny Days discussion thread   
    I poked around and it looks like Overflow wasn't the only party holding the patch up.  JAST appears to be relying on outside contractors to make the patches--contractors whose first priority is not JAST releases.  Thus making the patch means coordinating between two third parties: Overflow and outside contractors, both of which JAST has limited control over.  That's why the patch(es) are taking so long.  The only thing worse than relying on a third party to get something done quickly is relying on TWO third parties, both of which aren't getting paid for the extra work.  Obviously they're going to drag their feet as much as possible because time is money and time spent working on patches is time that could've been spent on higher priority projects (e.g., Kickstarter projects, which report directly to backers and where speed directly affects their ability to get future projects funded). 
  18. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in euphoria - do you recommend it?   
    Haha, and this is coming from the guy who constantly talks shit about Clockup and still keeps talking shit although proven wrong several times already.
    You're really cute.
  19. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in I got curious and took a look at Fraternite's CGs   
    You know what's funny? That this particular image you are all talking about isn't even in the game!
    At least not in the way most people here think it is. In this drill scene there is a fog you can't deactivate, so you can never see the drill in its full glory, nor can you see all the gore. Not even in the ingame CG gallery. You can only guess what's hidden under the black fog.
    The CG galleries you can find online however do not have this fog on the images, obviously, as it's not part of the raw pictures from which the galleries are ripped from.
    Most people are not aware of this it seems. Even on vndb, there is a fogless "screenshot" of this scene, which means it isn't really a screenshot, it's a image stolen from the ripped CG gallery by someone who didn't read the game and thus didn't know that this image never happens ingame.
    The drill scene ingame is really intense though, but not because of visual exploitation (you can't see anything). It's so gruesome because of the great voice acting and the psychological portrayal of the girl. Like XReaper always says, this is pretty realistic and happens all the time in rl.
    That said, it's sad that games so deep and profound like Fraternite are usually only lolmeme'd instead of taken seriously. That's why we can't have nice things.
  20. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Kawasumi in euphoria - do you recommend it?   
    Haha, and this is coming from the guy who constantly talks shit about Clockup and still keeps talking shit although proven wrong several times already.
    You're really cute.
  21. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What are you playing?   
    back to reading liberation maiden, made a little progress & still no idea what to expect from it in the end.
    so far the vast majority of characters are abit weird?!? and the mc unexpectedly non going full genocide-mode yet, which is pretty suprising when considering how he gets/got treated by some...

    edit. finished ilkenie1 earlier this morning, been a veeeery bumpy ride without any meanful plot, as told before, but...couldnt believe it somehow... better should have :/
    now onto part2, which comes across way more refined & should please my needs XD
  22. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    With the new art? Certainly not the better version! I would prefer the original voiceless version anytime over this ugly and generic moe looking piece of cancer.
    I will never forgive Peter for promising that you can switch to the original art and then not delivering. Without telling anybody beforehand! I feel so lucky that I forgot to preorder the game. Will certainly never preorder anything from JAST ever again.
    Don't forget that the original version didn't have any voices. The translator probably thought he could reword a little bit for better fluency in English.
  23. Like
    Tyr reacted to Pabloc in G-Senjou no Maou: Fan TL vs Sekai TL   
    From what one of the editors said on Steam, apparently their censorship is limited pretty much only to pictures - text is almost unaltered and the sex still remains in the story (it just isn't explicitly shown), so the plot shouldn't be affected. At least that's what he claims. And yeah, the poor job at cropping is AkabeiSoft's fault, not Sekai's.
    But... so what? It doesn't change the fact it's a cut version with not-that-great, cropped "HD". And since AkabeiSoft only made an all-ages "HD" version (so - no "HD" H-CGs), the chances for an English 18+ release are very slim. Buying it does NOT support "releasing VNs on the West". It supports the practice of releasing ONLY censored, Steam-DRM-ridden versions of originally 18+ VNs with no choice whatsoever. Because why bother with uncut releases, when people will buy whatever you throw at them anyway?
  24. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in G-Senjou no Maou: Fan TL vs Sekai TL   
    Mosaics are not censorship, because they do not censor anything as an "uncensored" CG never existed in the first place. Mosaics are an integral part of the original Japanese CGs.
  25. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in Maggot baits   
    personally i pretty much like clockup for what they are doing theme-wise and how they try their hardest in conveying their different messages to openminded readers.
    regarding euphoria, for i it was an okay experience in general, but i didnt change my way of thinking that much as it did with others, which might stem from me already letting my inner demons go on a rampage without ever trying to surpress them at all, so yeah, a nice read for inbetween.
    fraternite on the other hand had a real big impact on myself, leading to me internalize that abandoning the false concepts of the world we´re living in is the right thing to do and will undoubtably help you finding true happiness for yourself.  even if it lasts only for a brief moment - you are actually happy which is all that matters to me. best example is probably saeko here, who came to understand her own sexual nature the more she let herself in for this way of thinking, freeing her from all the chains modern society tried binding her down, and arrived at the point of true extasis at the moment she decided to not waste anymore efforts on superflously caring for that supposed to be best friend of hers, which in a way was honoured by fate that ultimately led to him finding his own happiness by deciding on self-castration.
    all in all its been a pleasent read, though the creators could´ve portayed the evilness some characters displayed abit more, but yeah it definitely touched and helped me become a more rational thinking persona.
    reagding maggot baits, hm dunno really what to think of it yet without having read the whole thing. somehow i´m not really into those kinds of stories setting-wise, but you never know, perhaps i´ll be positivly surprised in the end. so far it looks real good & polished, plus the soundtrack is quite awesome.

    dasaku... something i didnt enjoy for various reasons, but i acknowledge its uniqueness in terms of small cyclet couldnt do any better budget-/story-wise in an era of people falling for cute stuff only the more. part it was a meh-read for me has been my inabillity to empatize with its cast, where i dindnt give a single shit about the supposed to be hardships they experienced or not, so the whole thing only felt superficial to me. pretty sure its sequel will be somehow the same for i, so its going to be avoid reading.
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