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Posts posted by Dark_blade64

  1. 1 hour ago, Kiriririri said:

    Guess I need to pay more money for the easier solution that is the CG gallery lol. Saving at each scene is not that easy, can't know what is needed for future and what is not.


    Also this doesn't include Sharin but if they did this for moege it would be unacceptable because moeges are "sold for the art not the story" lol.

    I believe this strat would work with certain visual novels but if they did something like this with a nukige I doubt almost to no one would buy the game without the CG gallery because obvious reasons. :makina:

  2. Just now, Kiriririri said:

    Making a "full-length" anime is expensive. 2 minute episodes are a good way to gain more exposure and promote the VN.

    Wonder if that really helps boosting their sales. I would believe more people would start thinking the producers are being lazy, but okay? They didn't really show-off too much with that tiny anime though. Hard to tell if it is any good considering how short it was. :mellow:

  3. 1 hour ago, Erogamer said:

    Just from looking at Wagama Spec, having an all ages release does not make sense. I mean even the anime has a lot of innuendo in it.

    Maybe the game will only include fanservice? I mean there is games with lots of fanservice but that doesn't mean they have to be 18+. I hope the visual novel is better than the 2 minutes anime, seriously who thought it was a good idea to produce an anime of 2 minutes long not counting the opening/ending. :jinpou:

  4. 6 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    It's really weird they would publish the original version which has inferior everything, especially the voice acting (no offense to the freelancers who worked on it but it's just outdated now) while simultaneously publishing a port of the PSP version onto the 3DS.

    I guess it could have been legal issues but damn i'm quite disheartened by this.

    And the thing is, I actually think it's cool to have a chance to experience the original, but it would definitely be nice to have a PSP port for the improved experience.

    Nonetheless, of course I'll try this so I can get a taste of what te original storyline was like, even though I already played the PSP version.

    Hearing the voices in that particular infamous scene in corpse party with the headphones on was epic! So damn creepy! :michiru:


    That scene with Sachiko cutting the kids tongues and mutilating the other kid head with the scissor was something I wasn't expecting happen. Ewww!


  5. 6 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    If Diamon want to know the feedback for Lucid9, here's the review from Gamer Escape. The response was quite positive I see, and the reviewer said that this game was deserved to get the same attention as Katawa Shoujo. Hopefully Diamon like the review there.

    Although I question the reviewer decision about calling it a fan game? :huh:

  6. 12 hours ago, CatSoul said:

    The ESRB does have a questionnaire like that, but not quite as dramatic.

    I used to play around with their auto rating tool before they quietly removed it for exposing too much about their process, and if you have sex scenes in your game the ESRB will get nosy about them. If the dialogue is sexually explicit, how much skin is shown, etc. Showing breasts/buttocks in sex scenes got an M rating unless it was frequent. Gahkthun's scenes were infrequent enough to get the M.

    According to this tool, penis/vagina was an automatic AO, no matter what context it was shown in, so I don't know what bribe money Rockstar's got where they've shown peen twice in the GTA series.

    Twice? There was a whole town full of them. :scottsune:

  7. 1 minute ago, Funnerific said:

    They might as well, that's what's the point. There's no way they're getting a good translation out by September 2016 that doesn't use either machine TL or the existing fan TL. As if that's not enough, it won't even be a full (but all-ages) version.

    Did you even see their prefundia page? They stated they will use the fan translation but will be heavily edited to fix errors and stuff. Now how good or bad will the translation be we'll have to wait. It might be horrible or maybe it will be decent. Time will tell my friend. :sacchan:

  8. 2 minutes ago, SilverLi said:

    The curse of modern gaming. Chop anything in 5 pieces and sell it for 10 bucks each. Of course you should pay full price for the game too. I'm not supporting Frontwing or this title though. My gaming schedule is already booked until Christmas or so. May releases...

    Why is it necessary to pay full price if you can experience the whole story by just cutting out features you weren't interest to begin with? I mean there is nothing wrong by using this method such as this because there are just there as an optional way to cut the price. Now if they force you to pay extra money for the features that would be annoying, otherwise I don't see the problem.


    1 minute ago, Funnerific said:



    Let's release routes as DLC! Think of all these people who will overpay for the full game they'll never finish. I support the idea of 'more options for the consumer'.

    They never said they were releasing routes separately so I don't see the point in trying to use it as an excuse for making a sarcastic comment. :makina:


    Anyway it seems if there is enough demand for it they might release the 18+ version? If anyone is interested I guess they should tell frontwing directly?

  9. 1 minute ago, Rooke said:

    His criticisms are sound, he reached his conclusion through a reasoned argument, therefore it's definitely valid as a review. Key fans who don't wish to acknowledge it are doing nothing more than chucking a colossal tantrum. TBH, I don't see why fans want to stick their fingers in their ears when it comes to the negatives of the game in the first place.

    I don't have the time to play every single game which 'looks interesting'.

    The reason why Key fan or people immediately start complaining of someone else review is because almost no likes to hear any complains about something they liked. It happens everywhere in anykind of medium/hobby.

    Having enough time to do things is clearly an issue. There is always not enough time to do stuff you want to do, I understand that. :miyako:

  10. 4 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    Seeing as most people in the VN community interested in Gahkthun have already got it, I fail to see why everyone should be excited about this news. It’s a good chance for Gahkthun to widen its appeal and sell more, which should excite MG, but as a fan I feel decidedly underwhelmed by this ‘shocking and radiant’ piece of information.

    Well I'm interested as I never did play gahkthun, and it looks like a fun visual novel I would like to play.

  11. 50 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    We probably won't have the chance to update the art regarding the girls, for a reason that I can't exactly reveal for the moment, but hopefully you'll understand when the time comes. For some of the male characters, it's possible that we update some of them, can't guarantee though.

    Glad that you like reading through Yama's perspective! He's a really human character, despite sometimes coming off as an ass haha

    I guess the most reasonable explanation regarding not updating the girls sprites is because it would require to update any CG already done with any of the girls? No need to answer but I'm positive that is the main reason. ;)

  12. 8 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    And most of them are warped.

    To be honest, I like reading negative opinions of games more than positive reviews. Mainly because I get little out of a positive review except 'everything is roses', but with a negative review I have the opportunity to discover potential problems and have the opportunity to think whether it'll affect me. 

    Also, Bats' review of LB was incredibly valid - I rate it similarly and never finished it. People have different opinions, if Key fans want a positive review, they can take their little sobbing hearts to Google and find one. It ain't hard.

    I rather play the games myself before I pass judgment instead of reading someone else review. Although I re-search if the game has any technically problems, frames drop or game breaking bugs though. With vaild you meant the review was valid as a review or just that it is valid because it's similar to what you think of the game?

  13. 1 minute ago, Diamon said:

    It's a mainly because the male and female sprites are done by two different artists^^ Also Yahiko and Masato's sprites received an update something like 3 months ago, while all of the girl sprites are between 1 and 2 year old.

    Will you update the character sprites for the other characters to balance things or will it remain like that? Anyway guys you kinda hit home with the main protagonist. I was almost laughing of how some stuff he said sounded like something I would think in real life. :makina: 

  14. 1 hour ago, solidbatman said:

    Its my day off, bills are paid, chores are mostly done, and I've been wanting to make this thread for a while now. I love reading these comments and want to shine their brilliance upon the world. 

    So you like people trashing you? Are you a masochist by any chance? :makina:

  15. 38 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    We realize that some people don't exactly like english voice over (since it's in english and people are more accustomed to it, they automatically tend to be able to judge more easily and be more picky, which is totally fine though), so we'll make sure to have an option to disable voices!

    I don't mind english voice over but if done right. My opinion originated from watching the voice cast trailer, which I didn't like how they pronounce the character lines and it din't help I found the voices to not match the characters. Now as a matter of fact obviously I still have to play this game so my feelings towards the voices could change in due time.

    Anyway my statement only reflects my own opinion regarding this case, which mean always is there some people or maybe lots of them whos opinion could be the opposite of my thinking. Anyway having the option to disable voices of free will is a good choice because there is people who will refuse to play a game if they dislike the voice acting. Well in a better note I hope this turns out well, more fun games to play or read are gladly welcomed. :sacchan:

  16. 8 hours ago, WinterfuryZX said:

    I would refer visual novels more like being interactive piece of work. Similar to reading a book but clearly having better representation than books aswell sometimes movie segment and even some gameplay. This guy seem to not understand the charm of visual novels. Not mentioning the biggest reason he gave that kind of negative review is because there is no gameplay. But still doesn't this still count as a game? If so he should have review it as being a game? Dunno why he is complaining... :amane:

  17. 6 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:

    I'll play it as soon as I have the time for it

    Maybe the voice acting is bad and the writing's passable, but still I can't exactly complain and sound entitled when the game is completely free

    It looks nice, and looking forward to it very much

    I totally agree. And if the novel turns out to be great then that's even better. I mean who doesn't like good games? :D

  18. What do you think about this upcoming english visual novel? Voice acting sounds bad, but I might or maybe not bear it depending how annoying it is. These guys will make the whole visual novel free to play so I was wondering what you guys thought about it? Writing looks passable but who knows maybe it turns out to be good, or maybe just horrible? Anyway is someone willing to try it or will most people just pass?

  19. 16 minutes ago, Decay said:

    Which is ridiculous, because this game is actually quite great. The VN community is so utterly enamored with the elite set of action chuuni titles that get hyped to hell and back that any title in the same genre that isn't part of that group just gets ignored completely, especially if it's all-ages. The age rating is completely irrelevant to this title, though. It doesn't feel like it lacks maturity in any way, nor does it feel like it ever glosses over any important events. Everything just works, nothing is lacking. 

    Oh well, this is how the VN fanbase has always been. I've been expecting this the whole time, while really hoping I was wrong.

    That's the norm of how different kind of communities normally operate. Just observe how the gaming community behave and you could immediately notice most are like that. Self proclaimed elitists and the so called normal players jump off to conclusions immediately and  tag new games that don't appeal to them as being bad without even watching the gameplay or not knowing anything about it. :amane:

  20. 27 minutes ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    What other unique features in Chuuni you love to see guys? Is comedy something desired? I loved Needless for the comedy. Wish it had a VN made for it.

    Comedy scenes can be out of place if the story has a serious tone though all the game. Basically a character who is leading to a more serious personality would make it seem it pretty weird if the character starts cracking randomly an out of character joke. I'm not saying you can't have sense of humor in a game with serious plot, but it would be wise to maintain the joke close to how the character behave rather than making the scene look awkward.

    Also unless it is a comedy I would say avoid making the character doing weird jokes during a life to death situationm when lifes are at stake because not many would make jokes when facing death. Well it depends all of how the structure of the world and theme of the story looks like, and what you want to archieve, but like I said doing things who wouldn't make sense with how everything is build up would be awkward.

    (Finally take everything with a grain of :salt:. I'm just giving some feedback which might or not help at all anyway.) :vinty:

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