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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Ahh dear this game's choice and route system is confusing the hell out of me xD


    I'm using the walkthrough from this site, and I have a question. Is there romantic routes for more than one girl, or is one of them the only romantic interest? I was looking over the guide and saw an old guy and a bunch of dudes in there so I doubt they are all romantic routes. Kinda confuses me. Please, minimal spoilers. Basically just wondering if there is more than one potential romantic route.

  2. Im sorry SP but mangagamer releases euphoria in 4 days and I just couldnt bear to see myself not preordering that one and some japanese doujin VNs.

    (also grisaia made me wanna stay away from everything that resembles the school setting for a long long time)

    Made me look up this game... The summary had me rather ... Uhh, weirded out. Looked up some CG.

    Cant... unsee...

  3. this is not really meant to appeal to average gamers though... 

    If you dont like the genre then its not suprising that you dont want to buy the game. 

    This is meant to appeal to western VN fans, new or old. 

    No, this should be meant to appeal to much wider audience. The majority of VN fans interested in Clannad have already read it with the previous, shitty TL years ago, and the most dedicated ones backed in on KS. Not many of them will buy it, not for this price at least.

    Western release of a huge, popular, all-ages VNs is simply perfect for expanding the VN fanbase on the West. That's what Sekai Project tries to do all the time, by censoring stuff and throwing it on Steam (actually, I'd say that's their only goal, since they aren't trying to appeal to the core VN-fans all that much...). Such price certainly won't help - people will choose buy 2 Sakura titles (or a shitty AAA game) instead of Clannad, regardless of an absolutely indescribable difference in quality.

    50$ for a VN definitely could be a very fair price. Like I said, I consider most of the titles sold on the West to be very cheap, and I'm always defending those prices when people are complaining.
    However... In this case, a digital copy of a very old VN where some of the localization costs were already covered with >500 000$ from KS, is actually more expensive than in Japan (comparing it to either PC version or the PS3 one with better resolution). No matter how I look at this, something is seriously wrong here.

    Alright fair enough, that does make a lot of sense.


    Still though, I believe that the length of the game will be quite tough for a beginner to get into, and the price really wont change that fact at all. Yes, its likely that they would be more inclined to buy it, but they probably still wont finish it and that might even spur more negativety around the game, "too long, too boring!" etc.

    When it comes to spreading visual novels to new readers who previously havent touched a VN before, there are a lot of different titles that should be considered for that, that are signifigantly shorter than Clannad.

    Also, honestly, I don't think the price is what really would drive people away from a title. If you have heard just how amazing a visual novel is and you really want to get into it, the price really shouldn't stop you. Like, if we consider new titles being released for newer consoles, they usually go for above 50$. Yes, visual novels are less of a game and more of a book, and so its not quite fair to compare it to something like battlefront III, but still, people are used to paying MORE for their titles, so it so it shouldnt be that big of a shock for them to be honest.

  4.  this is not really meant to appeal to average gamers though... 

    If you dont like the genre then its not suprising that you dont want to buy the game. 

    This is meant to appeal to western VN fans, new or old. 

    But that's precisely the problem with Japanese visual novels in the West: the market is super niche.

    If you can't appeal to a wider audience, you're bound to not sell very well, and this could potentially make developers like Key back off from localizations.

    well, if they try too hard to appeal to people who doesnt really enjoy reading In general, and who prefer fast gameplay etc. It will have a negative effect on the people VNs are  originally supposed to appeal to. 


    You simply cant please everyone. 

    That's not the issue here or what I'm trying to argue. I'm saying that if you want people who don't know visual novels at all to experience them, and possibly become visual novel fans themselves and help the market grow, price points this will mostly have adverse effects.

    now that is probably true, but that really isnt their intention as of right now I would think. 

    For people just getting into VNs, a long and time consuming project like Clannad probably isnt the best place to start. 

    My friend just got into VNs, and he is having trouble getting through if my heart had wings, which is in the same genre, but significantly shorter.

    but you raise a good point there. There should be more cheap options available, though Clannad probably isnt the VN to achieve that with, considering its length and hefty translation time. 

    Sorry if my comments seem kinda scrambled, I'm on 3G net on my Iphone atm. 

  5.  this is not really meant to appeal to average gamers though... 

    If you dont like the genre then its not suprising that you dont want to buy the game. 

    This is meant to appeal to western VN fans, new or old. 

    But that's precisely the problem with Japanese visual novels in the West: the market is super niche.

    If you can't appeal to a wider audience, you're bound to not sell very well, and this could potentially make developers like Key back off from localizations.

    well, if they try too hard to appeal to people who doesnt really enjoy reading In general, and who prefer fast gameplay etc. It will have a negative effect on the people VNs are  originally supposed to appeal to. 


    You simply cant please everyone. 

  6. Honestly, here's your problem with it, and why visual novels just aren't ported as much. Taking the technical aspects into account with localization and everything else, $50 seems to be a pretty fair price. It's comparable to typical costs for PS4 and X-Box games out there, so it's not like gamers don't drop that kind of cash on something.

    The problem lies in that it's not really a game. As a visual novel, you're asking people to drop $50 for a digital Choose Your Own Adventure novel that likely consists of repeating backgrounds and character images and mostly reading text with a few choices here and there to set a path to an ending. It has some replay value in choosing a few different paths, but in the end, it's a digital book, which makes it hard to justify asking someone to drop $50 on it. Considering most typical books run $10 to $30, depending on what it is and who the author is, etc. $50 is steep even for cool sprites and voices. Your typical gamer is not going drop that sort of cash on that sort of thing unless they're already into the format.

    Concurrent development of Japanese and English versions of a visual novel would be a better method, but without any guarantee it'll sell in the West (or should we say East, I mean, technically the USA is more East of Japan than West) it would be hard to convince a company it's worth their time.

    this is not really meant to appeal to average gamers though... 

    If you dont like the genre then its not suprising that you dont want to buy the game. 

    This is meant to appeal to western VN fans, new or old. 

  7. So with the release of Clannad just a few days away I´ve been rushing through my current to do list so my schedule is clear for when it drops. I´m so hyped for this. 


    I´ve personally never read or watched Clannad before, so I´m really looking forward to it. What about you guys? For those who has already read it, are you planning on reading it again? What are you guys most hyped for? (Please use spoiler tags if needed)


    Found this interview with the Sekai Project team if you haven't read it yet: 


  8. Wow, that semantics thing really blew up.

    One of the big unknown factors I had was the quality of the translation, though I myself don't know Japanese and probably wouldn't notice a difference I would still ideally prefer the best translation so I can read the closest thing to the original story. It seems like the translation is pretty much the same with a few minor differences that I probably wouldn't even notice (except spelling errors but that's just a problem all the time). Cropping really doesn't bother me that much but it is poorly done in some cases. Usually when I have an option to play a game with or without H-scenes I always go for the version with h-scenes because it's the original  I'm a horny bastard.

    So far my list of pros and cons are

    Sekai TL

    +Better Aspect ratio

    +Better backgrounds

    +Choice to have voiced or unvoiced (some people view this as a con but it's really nice to have the option in my opinion)

    -Cropped CG's

    - No Hentai


    Fan TL

    + Hentai

    + Uncropped CG's (it's nice to have the full artwork I must admit)

    -Shit resolution

    Honestly it seems like both versions of the game are not by any means bad, it's pretty much like picking between the adult and all-ages version of a VN except that all-ages has a better resolution.


    This thread got way out of hand, but supplied me with something entertaining to read in a boring history class. 


    I never got the bad endings for the routes just because I didn't feel the need to get them. Maybe when I eventually play it again, I'll get the bad endings.

    Whoa! You should play the bad endings. No need to re-play it, just go back to the last choice and choose the other option. The bad endings are rather short, and worth it. Amane´s route actually has plot that you dont get to see unless you play the bad ending. Yumiko´s has a … rather special case as well for the "bad" ending. 

    Sachi, Michiru and Makina will just leave you emotionally damaged though. No real need to play those unless you want to be emotionally damaged I guess. 

    I agree that he should go back and read the bad endings, but I have to disagree with you about them all being good.  Sachi's actually made me laugh with how bad and nonsensical it was (this is coming from a Sachifag), and Michiru's felt really abrupt and didn't make much sense to me, even though it was, admittedly, quite sad.  Yumiko's was meh, for the very reason it can be called "special".  Makina's and Amane's bad ends, though, were great and well worth the couple minutes it took to read through them.  Makina's was delightfully dark with a minor twist that left my jaw dropped, and Amane's made me tear up a bit.  That CG set and the lines of that scene are still pretty well ingrained in my memory.

    Yeah I didnt say they are all good. I personally think Yumiko's and Amane is the good ones, then the other 3, like I said, left me emotionally damaged. Cant say I enjoy that.

    The sachi one was seriously just ... What the actual fu..?!

    The Michiru one actually felt a litte more like it could have happened though, which in turn made it feel more "real". Cant say it was good, but it felt a lot more "scary" knowing that this actually could have happened knowing how michiru was at that point in the story.

  10. H-scenes are censored with mosaics. So please be correct in terms, this really misguide people. That's why Sekai told their version is "unrated", not "uncensored".

    This is not it being censored, this is Japanese laws. Completely different. Censored in this case means the H-Scenes are literally not there. They are removed. 

    If we are going by the literal definition of the word, content being removed from the game in order to not show a part of it to a certain audience is censorship. And so, it is censored. 

    The mosaics however, are usually, (not all the time), added to H-Scenes due to Japanese laws when releasing H-content. And seeing as that then means its the original version of the game, nothing has in fact been censored. 

    No one asks "why". Image is censored, this is a fact. Why you tell "not being censored"? No matter what way it was done - first drawing a penis and after putting mosaic or putting mosaic on empty space - fact is that image itself was censored. Google, if you do not understand word "censored"...

    Not gonna get into an argument, its all there in my first comments :P Just read it again for my reply. Its censored, but its not. (Sounds kind of philosophical, doesn't it?)

  11. Hmm, lets see.

    I've tried using: Safari, Firefox and internet explorer, across 3 different computers. Same thing happens on all of them. I've restarted my browser and computer and it had no change. 1 computer was running windows 7, the other 2 ran 8.1.


    I'm not entierly certain how I would check if Java script and cookies are enabled.

  12. EDIT 2: The problem has been fixed. (That took like, 12 hours. They work fast!)


    EDIT: For anyone else in the same situation, I just got a reply from MangaGamer; ( To sum up, they are working on it and we just have to wait for them to fix it. )


    Hello Andreas.
    Thank you very much for contacting us. We are currently experiencing some technical issues with our website. Management has been made aware of the issue, and the problem is currently being identified and corrected by our website development team. We do not yet have an ETA for when the issue will be resolved, but we will email you immediately once the website is fully operational.
    We greatly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.



    Best Regards,
    MangaGamer Staff"


    Uh, actually I know there already is a thread asking basically the same thing as me, but I'm making a new one because I have one more question that wasnt answered in that thread.

    Anyways, on with the questions: So I went to buy a new VN on MangaGamer today, but after the purchase my account page is suddenly ... glitched or something. I can no longer manage and download my games. The page says that they are there, but I cant see them or download them. I've sent an email to their support mail, does anyone know generally how long it takes for them to reply?

    (This is how my account page looks):

    JKIq9xE.png (Basically, its blank. It says the products are there, but I cant see them anymore.)


    Does anyone know a way to fix this? I couldnt find any information about it on their support site, and I cant make an accuount on their forum to ask a question untill a moderator accepts my account creation (kind of a dumb system if you ask me.)



  13. @Dergonu

    Censorship isn't limited only to removal of content. Altering original material in a certain way can qualify as such, too. And no, original pictures are NOT drawn with mosaics - those are applied later (sure, some artists take that into consideration, and don't give a damn about drawing those parts correctly, but that's beside the point). "Uncensored" always used to mean "without Japanese mosaic censoring" - because this used to be the only censorship to speak of. In the past, cutting 18+ content from Western releases wasn't that common (only Hirameki was doing this regularly... and they're long dead).

    No no, of course not. That was not what I mean either. What I mean that in the case of this thread, the "censorship" in question was the removal of H-Content. It seemed like someone were confused with the use of the word "uncensored" when the game still has mosaics. 

    Of course mosaic censorship … well it is censorship. But when the original version, uncut, is released like that, technically you can't really call that censored, as it wasn't intended to be released without the mosaics in the first place due to Japanese laws making them add those. 


    Basically, the game is considered the "uncensored" version even though it has mosaics, as thats how it was originally released. 

    Like CryingWestern pointed out above, it is required to censor H-Scenes with mosaics in Japanese visual novels, and so by that logic, that version is the original. 

  14. it would be handy knowing what you already read.

    The one where the girl is in the wheelchair and they build that plane (sorry)


    "If my heart had wings", or Kono oozora ni, tsubasa o hirogete :P 


    As for recommendations, I´d say Clannad would probably fit your request. I haven't actually played it myself, but it seems to be one of the most popular romances, and its releasing with an official translation from Sekai Project at November 23rd, so in just a few days. 


    I´d also say Nekopara vol.1 might work. No real plot, just silly and cute romance in it, and its available on steam (can install restoration patch) or uncut version over @ Denpasoft.


    I never got the bad endings for the routes just because I didn't feel the need to get them. Maybe when I eventually play it again, I'll get the bad endings.

    Whoa! You should play the bad endings. No need to re-play it, just go back to the last choice and choose the other option. The bad endings are rather short, and worth it. Amane´s route actually has plot that you dont get to see unless you play the bad ending. Yumiko´s has a … rather special case as well for the "bad" ending. 

    Sachi, Michiru and Makina will just leave you emotionally damaged though. No real need to play those unless you want to be emotionally damaged I guess. 

  16. H-scenes are censored with mosaics. So please be correct in terms, this really misguide people. That's why Sekai told their version is "unrated", not "uncensored".

    This is not it being censored, this is Japanese laws. Completely different. Censored in this case means the H-Scenes are literally not there. They are removed. 

    If we are going by the literal definition of the word, content being removed from the game in order to not show a part of it to a certain audience is censorship. And so, it is censored. 

    The mosaics however, are usually, (not all the time), added to H-Scenes due to Japanese laws when releasing H-content. And seeing as that then means its the original version of the game, nothing has in fact been censored. 

  17. On a different note.. What is the nature of the sequels? These stories are basically ending stories. Does the sequels treat this vn as him fixing every problem, but never actually romancing anyone?

    Well, basically it's the Yuuji route. Just like if he was a heroine, we learn about his past, his wounds, his regrets and then he got into trouble the girls try to save him. With a lot of action of course but no concrete romance since they're all trying to get him for themselves. So its not a sequel but more of a harem alternative route that is incorporating a few elements from each heroine routes, including their "savings". Kinda like Hollow Ataraxia for Fate Stay Night if you played it.

    Much better articulated than my comment, thank you :)


    Going back to the main thread topic, my favorite route is torn between Michiru and Amane. Michirus was better overall, but Amane had some points that just had me literally glued to the screen. Then again, Michiru´s made me cry like a baby. 

    Guess its a tie. 

    Then the other three are in close second. All the routes were amazing. 

    There are people who say they dont like Yumiko´s route. I really dont get that at all. Her route is awesome. 

    Its also the only route that doesn't leave you emotionally scarred due to bad endings. I really liked that she basically has two good endings, but one that is … significantly better. 

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