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Everything posted by Crimrui

  1. A few more from me. Megazone 23 ED Ghost in the Shell SaC (As Eldin stated above, but it deserves to be inserted) Code Breaker OP
  2. Hello and welcome. Enjoy your stay.
  3. Japanese voice, of course, with Japanese text would be my vote but since I don't know Japanese at the moment, I would go with English text. And I would love if the localization would be close to original as much as possible. Removing all signs of Japanese origin and setting in games/VN usually bothers me.
  4. Just a few on top of my head. ^^ Sacred Seven OP (I LOVE this song!) Hiiro No Kakera Opening Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince OP
  5. VN of course, but video games tend to gave a good amount of storytelling, depending on the execution. So I guess both of them are at the top of my list.
  6. Not to mention that only hers sound like she did the recording at home. It's a bit different from the rest of them...
  7. Heya and welcome. Enjoy your stay.
  8. He raped all of the girls and they almost nonchalantly forgave him afterwards. Yeah, I'm surprised at myself why did I even bother with that tasteless fantasy. There were few, but School days obviously was among them. God, it was such a chore. Depressing atmosphere, it felt like I was on some school test where I barely knew the answers. I know I'm gonna get hanged since everyone loves the games but I'm gonna say it anyway. I disliked Rance. I was a even more disgusted how people ignored all his treatment of women and just concentrated how ''badass'' he is. And please don't quote me and try to justify his actions and whatnot. You have your opinion and I have my own.
  9. Graces F had a Japanese demo so people could try it out a bit. Shame that this one doesn't have one. Maybe you should check out few walkthroughs and see how the game plays it out. I think every JRPG fan should at least give it a chance and support localization of almost dying genre here in the west. If you take a liking of what you see, of course. Especially since sequel is coming next year. XD And hey, I'm still surprised that they left the original opening ''Progress'' by Ayumi Hamasaki. Thats rare for Tales of series. ^^
  10. ^ I still think taste is personal thing. You can't really have a ''wrong'' taste, like if he loved the games that no one else did... but yeah that is a discussion for another time. ^^' Anyway, welcome to forums. Have fun and enjoy your stay.
  11. My copy arrived today. Played it for like 3 hours. Man I'm so stoked.... It's so good! I though that linking system wouldn't appeal to me but it's so much fun. I can't get enough of battle system, it's so satisfying. The cast is great too, I'm using everyone from time to time in a fight, which wasn't the case with other Tales games. And Milla is so... :3
  12. Full patches of: Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na Irotoridori no Sekai Dracu-riot! Fortune Arterial Muv Luv Alternative Chronicles 01 Comyu - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku I'm afraid to search for more honestly... ;_;
  13. Hopefully they will do the Dead Patient at some point. Corpse Party sold pretty well. And I think they said that they are slowly working on sequel to Trails in the Sky, it's just that it isn't a big priority since the first game didn't sold well. As expected really, they did release it on a heavy-pirated PSP here in the west.... *sigh* I hope thy do the Trails in the Flash at some point.
  14. Haha, that would be a good advertising title for the game. Man, that reminds me that I never finished Betrayal at Krondor. It's definitely and epic game with excellent writing, as you stated already. Atmosphere was amazing, I was really into the world. Have to pick it up again at some point myself.
  15. Crimrui


    Hello and welcome to the forums. Have fun and enjoy your stay. And... what's with all the cutey images? Someone should counter that...
  16. Crimrui


    Welcome. Have fun and enjoy your stay. ^^
  17. Nothing like a naked duo rampaging through the city. XD Kidding, the game is really fun if you have a buddy to play it. I'm guessing in this case the less he/she is serious the fun factor is greater.
  18. Well, the website is still alive and well, it just haven't been updated at all. Let's hope that they bring it over at some point.
  19. Just finished the game yesterday. It was tons of fun. Just wish there were more boss melee fights. ^^ I'm occasionally playing White Knight Chronicles II now. Trying to be thorough so I get tired while fighting all the time. Whose idea was to make your avatar less then a third wheel? Man what a wasted opportunity. ;_; Tales of Xillia and Saints Row IV can't come soon enough.
  20. So much customization options. This and Blade&Soul are pretty much my most wanted MMORPGs. Darn, what are the localization teams doing...
  21. Hello and welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy.
  22. Hello and welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay. ^^
  23. You think I like Total Eclipse only because it's MuvLuv then? That is some shallow thinking. And your statements of protagonist, Yuuya, is in no way objective ether. So please, it's ok if you don't like it but don't bring hateful statements with no words to back them up. Makes me question if we watched the same show... He starts off in no way bland but more of an arrogant type, but has pretty more character then Takeru when is introduced at first. And Yuuya pretty much grows throughout the show and acknowledges his mistakes, so I don't see how he is so terrible? And saying that he is a knockoff of Takeru is pretty silly itself. It's not like Takeru is the most original protagonist out there. But I see that you're set on hating the series so there is no point in discussing anymore.
  24. For me it goes way back. When a show called Robotech showed on my TV screen. It was a bit different then the current shows I was watching, Ninja Turtles and He-Man. It was a time when I didn't know the show was actually Japanese. It felt different, like a movie... more like watching a real thing. I cared for love between characters more then I cared for robots, even though that was the first reason the show hooked me up. It was shocking to see that good guys actually die. Aah, I cried a lot... Then the war started in my country and we didn't have any channels anymore but thankfully I had first 15+ episodes on my tape. Since my dad sold all of my toys for bread (dark times they were...) I had to imagine a lot of stuff and just play with my hands. And I always dreamed on how the series actually finished, and that one day I'll somehow watch the rest of it. And to cut this short, after the war when I started the so-colled school, I asked around and luck would have it that I found people who had other tapes of similar shows. I borrowed some and began to be attached to anything that has big head and huge eyes. Then I learned that it was made by Japanese and so on. Later came Sailor Moon and few other shows that slowly shaped my childhood. My family member were always telling me that I'll outgrow them, but hey, the joke is on them. My link with anime has never been stronger.
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