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Everything posted by Nayleen

  1. Nayleen


    Oh damn. Hey, long time no see o/
  2. Sooo... The dreadful day. I'm not happy to announce that I completely removed the beta site. For those uninitiated, I started working on a complete overhaul of the fuwanovel.net late last year, and made some steady progress while I built the systems behind it, and luckily enough had quite a bit of design works done by the awesome @Emi. Things were looking good until, well, I don't really know. Real-life happened, my day job (I work as a web developer) got stressful when we wanted to finish up a working prototype of our new product, and my usual winter depressions set in, and I'm still fighting them every single day as I'm writing this. It breaks my heart to say that I couldn't deliver, since we had a lot of plans on what we wanted the new front site to look like, how it should behave and what kind of features we wanted. Yet, I'm not sure if it's what we need right now. Personally, it feels like we planned a lot of stuff that might end up never being really used, so I think I kind of want to just gauge community interest in a new site, or just new features, whatever comes to mind, since I don't want Fuwanovel to just be a dead-weight front site with a community forum attached to it; I want there to be a wholly integrated Fuwanovel Experience(TM). Question is how to achieve just that. So my question to everyone of you reading this is: What kind of features would you like to see on the main page? I'll just let this thread run before offering some input of my own, because I really need to see what you guys want before I sit down and invest time again, as lazy as that sounds. So go ahead, hit me, and go crazy - the more elaborate, the better. I'm a programmer, not a designer, so the better of a picture you draw for me, the easier for me it is to think about the implementation.
  3. Can't help but feel the song has some strong sexual undertones... (enhanced by the video, cmon, those totally look like floating vaginas!)
  4. Playing another NG in Dark Souls 1 (Dex this time around, rocking that Uchigatana) to git gud praise the sun prepare for Dark Souls 3's release.
  5. Too many assumptions, man Ironically, this thread is already the #1 result on Google for me, so just looking up the information is hard enough. Please fill us in on some more infos, what's it supposed to be used for, on which game/engine, a direct link to where you got it from would be nice as well to get this sorted out ASAP.
  6. It was to be expected, really. There was no chance in hell we'd see the top 50 VNs on VNDB translated and marketed in the West professionally after the whole thing started to pick up Steam. Money needs to be earned to even allow companies to try to get the licenses to produce and publish the Japanese VN experience over here. I wholeheartedly agree with @Rooke that the already existing Western Creation Scene is trying wayyy too hard to emulate what makes the games successful in Japan and for fans of the genre instead of doing their own thing. The medium still has a long way to go, especially some maturing to do, before it even dares try to become a thing in the West. For now it remains a niche, but by satisfying it and expanding from there I think we should be able to get somewhere.
  7. Holding out until the 2nd game releases on Steam to play both of them back to back. Been waiting so long already that I'll hold out to get the best experience, since a lot of people (at least seem to) like the second game a lot more.
  8. This killed all my desire to check out the Escape Games we have in Berlin until something similar arrives here. =3=
  9. Am I doing it right? Sorry I'm late to the party.
  10. Damn you're right. 7/10 because not Haru.
  11. Small, fluffy, white. No floppy ears. 8/10.
  12. That one looks like it'd fit the bill perfectly, yusss. And yeah, I keep adding stuff and never picking stuff up, so the list just keeps growing... and growing...
  13. I'll prolly give it Hyouka another try just for the sake of having to watch something. Thanks for the recommendations so far, keep them coming. Also, Ecchi shows probably aren't happening, it's just not for me.
  14. SnK suffered from one issue imo which was pacing and exposition in comparison to the manga, and I don't usually judge based on original material - which might not be entirely fair, but eh. Free! was the shit, though. Don't be hatin' because you're insecure. I also keep re-evaluating most stuff after some time, and just hit whichever feels appropriate right after finishing. Does it ever pick up? It feels like moe blob with Ms "I'm curious!". Pretty art style, though.
  15. See title. Somethings needs to actually happen, so probably not too slice-of-livey. Working! didn't work for me at all, for example. Oregairu Zoku hit me hard in its last few episodes. Go ahead, tell me how shit-tier my waifus are: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/nayleen
  16. German + Weeb + Bum? I can live with that. Though the second one is a big, fat lie.
  17. ^ Fair point, but still: A title that won't give anyone cancer would be nice next time.
  18. Show me one TV or PC screen that actually displays at a lower resolution than 1080p; They just don't exist (exaggerating, you've got laptops that are mostly at 1366x786, still above 720p ironically enough). If you're not at the native resolution, things get mushed, pixels bleed all over each other, the picture gets this washed-out look, and that's pretty much about it. 30 vs 60 FPS is a different issue in that a lot of people don't even notice the difference, I (and a lot of other people) definitely do. Hell, back in the NTSC/PAL days (60 vs 50hz leading to games running @ 60/50 FPS, respectively) people who are into gaming noticed the difference already. Games just play differently, and to me a lot more fluently, when they run at 60 FPS, especially with a screen running at a higher refresh rate. A perfect recent example was Tales of Zestiria, which, after the 60 FPS patch came out, played like an entirely different game.
  19. Work related team event until late in the afternoon, party in the evening. Shit's gon b gud.
  20. Will play later tonight. 30 FPS is a pain, already bugs me about the PS3 games, but oh well - I bought the PC version to support more Tales of games coming to the PC, after all. Hoping people manage to mod it to run 60 FPS in some way, then I'll be more than happy. Complaints about the story being lackluster are kind of silly considering it's a Tales of game, they always are to some extend. Out-of-the-blue twists indicating another 10-20 hour stretch in the game, overall lackluster story, but incredible character interaction are what I've come to expect from the franchise. It's a Tales of game for fans of the franchise.
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