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Posts posted by shadowolf64

  1. VA-11 Hall-A is a cool game that I would recommend but not sure how long it would actually take to see it all. I've started reading Tokyo Babel and so far it's good so I would also recommend it. Although Danganronpa 2 is probably your best bet since it doesn't have any content that is 18+ so you wouldn't be missing anything, plus it's a great game. 

    As a side note I am also curious about Gahkthun, I thought it had H-scenes? At least I see some on the VNDB page. Are they cut from the English version or are they considered ok for Steam for some reason?

  2. On July 21, 2016 at 11:58 AM, sanahtlig said:

    If you want the "full" game, go read the Special Edition.  It combines the content from the 18+ and non-adult versions, but it's Japanese-only.

    Otherwise, your choice is non-adult version or skip.  You could always play Seinarukana instead.  You won't miss much.

    So the JAST version of Seinarukana is the 18+ version? And it can be played without having played the first one?

  3. Looks like they have temporarily canceled the Kickstarter as they saw it probably wasn't going to happen. Hopefully they will do better on their relaunch. I know some people had a problem with how they handled the kickstarter, and while I didn't (except for one of the updates kinda early which sounded negative) I hope they can address these issues people had. 

  4. Kinda, I guess. I mean they are listed and talked about on video gaming websites I visit and they are typically interactive. On the other hand they are pretty different than other genres so they kinda stand out as something more similar to manga or books. There are some games coming out that either take from visual novels or straddle the line between what I would consider a visual novel and a "regular" game. 

    So I guess after thinking about it yes but I can also see them being different.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Nekolover said:

    So what wrong with liking another culture more than yours? Otherwise what the point of citizenship application for foreigners?    What wrong with changing your physical appearance? I feel like that not different than forcing people to obey a dress code but for race.  

    I don't think there is anything wrong with it myself, I like Japanese culture after all but other people do. I think its a mix of people not understanding, and people taking it personally that you don't think their culture is the greatest that has ever existed. 

  6. To be fair Michael Jackson got a lot of shit for his changing appearance. It died down after his death because well he's dead, but I remember him being the butt of a lot of jokes for a long time. That being said while I don't have a problem with people changing their appearance like that a lot of people do. Changing how you appear race-wise is a rather sticky issue as humans have a lot of hangups on race and how other people look compared to them. 

    To your question weeaboo is a weird word that to me is just a derogatory (usually) term for someone who really likes an Asian culture (usually Japanese) more than their own. So someone who would change their appearance to be more like this culture would fit under this but... I mean I have never really heard anyone outside the internet use this term. 

  7. Looking for a new VN to read (translated is a must) and I feel like reading something more actiony than the previous stuff I've read. So far I haven't read that many VNs and nothing I've read so far would really qualify as action or adventure in my mind. At least not in the way I'm thinking. 

    What I've read so far is: Grisia no Kajistsu (has some action but seems more SoL than action), Princess Evangile, Edelweiss, and Majikoi (again has action but seems to be more of a comedy). Games I've been looking at are Cho Dengeki Stryker,  Ayakashibito, Fate/Stay, and Koiken Otome. I'm saving Muv-luv for when the 18+ patch comes out because I'm weird like that. 

    So does anyone have any suggestions for me? Sorry if this is rambling or poorly worded I have not gotten the necessary sleep for me. 

    Also as a side note how often are you allowed to post recommendation threads? I am someone who is unable to choose what to play next for myself so... Obviosuly I don't want to post one like every week but is every 6 months cool with fuwa? 

    Thanks friends! :sacchan:

    Edit: Forgot to add Beat Blades Haruka as a VN I am looking at. 

  8. How was it stolen if you don't mind me asking? Were you out and about and have your laptop stolen or was it something in you home and it was broken into? If it was while you were out it will be a lot more difficult to get police or anyone to do much of anything in my experience. 

    I had an iPod stolen from me back in the day and I knew who had taken it but I had no proof so there wasn't much I could do about it in the eyes of the law. From now on I always recommend you keep your serial numbers and purchase proof for expensive or important things. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Fiddle said:

    Bear in mind that the downloadable version of a game sometimes has a different technical makeup from the retail version. Thus, the English patch may or may not work with the downloadable version. You might want to contact the group about that.

    Wow that is something I never thought of before. Interesting guess I'll have to make sure the patch works on the download version somehow then. 

  10. With the release of Koiken Otome I have been looking at the link under the Fuwa blog for buying it. Up until now I have been sticking to VNs released officially in English or resorting to other means to acquire them but I would like to support the developers so I'm looking at buying them from Japan. indo not want to deal with importing and having a bunch of physical copies. So I only really want to get download versions. 

    My question is how easy is this? Does it depend on the game? The site for Koiken Otome seemed to be Western friendly and mostly in English so that was a good sign but I wasn't sure how the conversion of yen to dollars would work. Do most banks do this automatically or would I have to get a prepaid card with yen or something like that? 

    Any advice or experiences you have had buying digital from Japan would be appreciated. 

  11. Only thing I see about the dub is this: http://attackofthefanboy.com/news/dragon-ball-super-english-dub-toonami-expected-july-august/ which talks about Toonami asia so I'm not really sure what is going on here. Sounds like Funimation isn't involved from that article which I assume would mean different voice actors. 

    I am also waiting for the dub since I watched the dub as a child so hearing the Japanese Goku voice is too much for me to handle. 

  12. FYI the kickstarter does not appear to be going that well. Current projections form Kicktraq and Sidekick (for whatever that is worth) have it not making its goal. Its my understanding this is a well licked VN so I backed it for the digital copy. May have to try and get the word out some more if it is going to make it. 

    They are giving backers the 18+ patch for free now so if that was holding you up now's the time. 

  13. To me its a female version of ecchi for shoujo and josei manga. Manga that have a lot of romance and kissing / showing women experiencing sexual pleasure. At least this is what I associate with the term when it comes to manga.

  14. If it was done well I would, but thats the main problem I have with all of the current JRPGs and anime dubs its typically not done very well.. I don't particularly care if it changes the original meaning some as long as it is done well and has quality actors. In fact I would prefer it in some instances where characters speaking Japanese doesn't make sense. In an 18th century Britain I would expect the characters to be speaking English so when they speak Japanese it take me a bit to suspend my disbelief. 

  15. I really enjoyed it. I definitely had some problems with it overall. You mentioned one of my biggest which is how does Rey know all these force tricks even though she has never been trained or seen it. Especially the force command one where she tells the storm trooper what to do with voice commands. She has never seen or been told the force can do something like that and yet she does it. Maybe in the next movies it will be explained somehow (oh she was a reincarnation of this badass jedi or she saw through the force people showing her how to do this) but right now it seems odd. 

    The fact that it felt very similar to episode iv was both kinda cool and a little odd. I don't think I would count it against the movie since I think it worked but that may be because it has been a number of years since I've seen episode iv. 

    Also when Kylo Ren takes off his mask he looks like a dork, not an intimidating sith. Maybe that's the point though. 

    Overall I loved the movie and am looking forward to where they go next. Glad to see Star Wars back as I am a huge fan of the setting. 

  16. I like Patrick Klepek (That may be because I love where he used to work, Giant Bomb). I don't always agree with him but he can write some good stuff. I think this is a good article which highlights both sides of the censorship argument. Even though it sucks when things are censored, a lot of the time I can see why they would make those decisions. Even if I think they are wrong at least I can see where they might be coming from, but if no one states there reasons it just seems shitty. 

  17. Are either Rakusen or Rakudai worth checking out? Action/romance/comedy feels up my alley right now but haven't kept up with the newest season. Are either one any good? 

    Rakudai is one of the few modern takes on romance and doesn't have a harem.  I'd say it's kind of worth checking out, but note that the romance develops incredibly slowly, and due to it being a promo for the light novel you aren't going to get much payoff.  On the other hand, as an action series, I find the animation quite stellar.  It doesn't have much in the area of comedy though.

    Also, what is Rakusen :michiru:

    Oh whoops, meant Gakusen as inGakusen Toshi Asterisk. 

    Don't really like the idea of an anime as a promo for a light novel so I may not check Rakudai out...I may give the first episode a try though.

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