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Everything posted by Tatsujin

  1. nice, ... I want to play this one. -- I'm at the end of MLA. After putting it off for few days now because I was playing ML:AF and doing other things. So now it has come to this. Comyu or ... Hoshizora (was it?) Not sure which one to go for. In fact, the urge to replay MLA all over again is very spiky right now ... much more than last years .. man, this was such ... it's so detailed in every corner yet it's so bitter. Anyways, gonna take a shower and relax for the night.
  2. Yeah, I like RPGs but this is not my cup of tea. I've never played VN RPGs anyways. I like linear plots like Grisaia and Muv-Luv Alternative + Chronicles volumes. I also like traps with bad ends like Fate/Stay Night which makes it a nice thing to mess around with. I freaking hate VNs that have too many options like Little Busters! (though I like the music, characters and the atmosphere). I prefer linear plots and I just don't buy RPGs in VNs since they don't look anything remotely amazing. I still prefer 2D RPGs ... I don't know. I'm not playing this one.
  3. So in the message box, someone said you can only play the game via PSP or an emulator ... So I can play this game on my PC? Link.
  4. I also think all the Grisaia ladies are pretty hot, can't really choose one though I might slightly favor Sacchin, or Yumiko simply because she looks like Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari.(both designs by Akio Watanabe I guess?) Also special mentions to the other Fate/Stay Night girls and Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad. Speaking of Saber, I bought the July 2014 release of the wedding dress Saber (no idea which type she is) - link. it's so beautiful .. it's bigger than the average FIGMA figure. Not sure if I want to take it out of the box to be honest. I may not do that. It just looks so gorgeous. I still have similar version of this from the PSP Limited Edition that was released more than a year ago. I have yet to pop that box open. It's big ass box and it is filled with goods ... let me see where I can find a link to that one. Here. I just saw this one so I'm debating if I want to buy it. Obviously and absolutely not from eBay. I'll have to do my own research .. but wow how the hell did I manage not to catch this one?! D:
  5. k well this is fucked if Diaz is for real on Nyaa ......... If what they're saying is true, there will be no more Nyaa tomorrow. Check the chat box stickies on the torrent site.
  6. Did my survey. I gave them my opinion. I hope they move away from KEY stuff (besides Angels Beats) and start bringing new releases from Japan to the West. KEY's ... only good game is Tomoyo After ... hmm, yeah. :/ Little Busters! just few arcs and it was filled with filler scenes .... Angel Beats is an exception. Just wondering if someone is going to do Schwarzesmarken, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (<-- no one will probably do it since it's very depressing VN), and Angel Beats (they'll probably do this one). I'm tired ...
  7. I wanted a new home away from BBT. Lately BBT's staff and members enjoy bashing things around unlike how it used to be when BoxTorrents existed. I'm just voicing my opinion out. Fuwa is easier to hang out around. People are not dicks and there's a common ground to come together and agree on or disagree on. Forums constantly being posted by different people. Hmm ... that is it!
  8. Just beat Meiya's arc, credits rolling. This was hilarious, lol. Yeah this wasn't as I expected at all. I wanted a bit of real romance but I'm okay with this. Great for after-tastes from MLA's ending.
  9. It's Altered Fable so yeah. Pure fan service and comedy. As long as I get the ending I'm hoping for!
  10. Yūki Yūna wa Yūsha de Aru AniDB | Official Release: October of 2014 Info: The anime is part of the "Takahiro IV Project" which includes four titles written by Takahiro during 2014. The first three titles are the PC game Shōjo-tachi wa Kōya o Mezasu, the anime adaptation of Takahiro's Akame ga KILL! manga, and the novel series Washio Sumi wa Yūsha de Aru. Description: The story takes place in the era of the gods, year 300. Yūna Yūki lives an ordinary life as a second year middle school student, but she's also a member of the "Hero Club," where club activities involve dealing with a mysterious being called "Vertex." The Army of Loli is getting bigger ...
  11. I don't know who said Yumiko and Michiru is the "worst plot" - those mere words are the opinions of the other readers. I prefer Amane over those two girls because of personality and physical appearance. Though roughly speaking, Amane's past is a total wreck ... fucking nightmarish compared to Yumiko and Michiru. Michiru's plot is very complex yet it was great. The way Yumiko acted was unbelievable when shit hit the fan in Michiru's arc. Seriously, that was SO out of no where considering how hostile Yumiko is towards Michiru - In fact, she shows her hostility to Michiru more than anyone. As for Yumiko's part, her past was bluntly speaking - it was bad and speaking from a psychological point of view, of course the person would turn non-social person and could become hostile if others approach them so Yumiko's behavior was excellent. Her story afterwards was damn cool. So damn cool (except for the strolling outside, that was cool, but I didn't like the fights) and the ending was really cool. In fact, her father ... let me see how should I phrase this; he went through a lot to be where he was at towards the end? When you become very narrow minded then people could become like that. The stories were well written. I can't say which one is my favorite at all. The three arcs so far were all worth it. Anyways, these are my opinions after observing all three arcs. I enjoyed them all. I think the others should decide for themselves after they read the stories. I like to take things from an overview head to see why things are happening and for what reason. Ruling out character behavior that links between others and their past(s) can be just as true as being prejudice - at least that's what I know. -- So now that I'm really deep in Meiya's arc, like ... what the fuck just happened. Things were going well ... this isn't a romcom VN after all..
  12. Is it possible to extract the audio files from Foobar2000?
  13. I just ...... I ..... I ... ... I can vent off .. just a little, right? So I was on the Beach arc in Muv-Luv Altered Fable ... and then -sulks in a corner-
  14. Yeah the anime is really good. I saw the VN on VNDB but it is hella old so I didn't bother reading it.
  15. ^ Who ?? .................. Could you guys please list the name of the VN and not just the name of the characters? Some people don't know who exactly these characters are.
  16. Amane ... I wanna dip my fingers into her flesh. But yeah, she's pretty long. I'm still on Sachi and Makina (half way through Sachi). I finished the other three and each one was great. Amane's broke my heart at the end .. kinda made me realize how fast life goes by.
  17. Yeah that is true to some parts. Though how would you like to read your subtitles is totally up to you. If you like them totally butchered (localized beyond belief) or semi-localization or just CR/Funnymation subs, or if you want to have better edits (which I prefer) or if you want close-enough to literal translation (I prefer this over the rest). Like releases from Unlimited Translation Works, Underwater, or Coalgirls (who modify a lot of subtitles) are few to name who actually work on the subs. I know there are few more fan groups like them.
  18. Yeah I also agree with this. Anime subtitles are a hell'of a lot better than the localizations - though some are below average in comparison so I try to avoid the fan group in general, if possible, like Commies.
  19. Yeah, there's few variations. :/ ... I'm hyped for all the critical parts from each heroine! I wonder if they'll do them one by one and then maybe the end of the series it will hint for a second season!? .. Haha .. well, who knows.
  20. I don't care if it is fanservice or not. I don't want this to be utter shit animation or art. I want a masterpiece from every corner ... :/ If they deliver that, with the music/ost from the VN, I'll purchase all the BD volumes!
  21. Yeah I freaking hate it when they do that. I go to CD/Japan to buy my stuff there if they don't ship it from Amazon.co.jp. Oh yeah ... my bad! Haha.
  22. July update with few pictures of what I purchased this month -- http://imgbox.com/g/DRewXqGbdF (gallery) Everything not there is tucked away in the closets or cabinets or it is sitting behind my chair (not showing in the pictures above). So if I'm not exposed to the fan translated stuff ... I guess I won't need to purchase what I like. Getting things "legally" from the Japanese government - bullshit. I'll say it again. Bull Shit. I'd like to see them trying to take down Nyaa. -grabs popcorn- The show starts today (it's August 1 in Japan right now).
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