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Everything posted by Tatsujin

  1. I got couple of music files that are all combined into one. I have the CUE and WAV files. The WAV is the one that holds all the music. I completely forgot how to actually separate all the songs from each other because they are all combined into this single file rather than being separated. Anyway to break them down? I know there is a way.
  2. Onii-chan, Migite no Shiyou wo Kinshi Shimasu! Releases September 2014. Koi Suru Kanojo no Bukiyou na Butai. Releases November 2014.
  3. Alright, that makes sense. Thanks, Pabloc.
  4. I want to rephrases what I was asking. I mean to say the 2000+ MOON LETTERS that do not look like the same as the others. I know that if you combine few Kanji (and possibly Kanji plus hiragana/katakana? correct me if I'm wrong) then the way it is pronounced will change to fit the actual theme or word or THING. That much I understand. So my question implied on the 2000+ moon letters (no character is the same as the other one in terms of strokes) - that's my question.
  5. lol ... you seriously gotta learn ALL 2000+ Kanjis in order to read Japanese? That's just down-straight stupid. I heard it was 300 for elementary, 800 to be socially active and 1200 or 1600 if you are a lawyer or something like that. Someone confirm, I can't believe 2000+ that's just ... sorry :/ What does mnemonics mean?
  6. I don't think we have a thread like this? ... Anyways, any interesting VNs you think are worth posting or talking about put them down here. Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai. I'm a fan of tone's work. Their previous VN is being translated (no idea where they're at). I love the art. Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai seems to be getting 10s as of the last few days, too. AstralAir no Shiroki Towa. This one is from Hoshizora makers. Best way to track released and unreleased VNs - Link. Forgot to mention, there's a lot of trash releases so you just gotta go through them to find a good one. Do post a VNDB link, please!
  7. What VN? She even has a cute hat! (Not shown here, but in the sprites she does ^^) Whoa!!! Such amazing 2D graphics! And it is currently being translated ... Yeah can't disagree with this one. Tomoyo is an awesome heroine along with Kyo. I favor Tomoyo a bit more though. I also agree on the Saber one. I've heard of Comyu getting finished few weeks ago. I want to play it since the graphics look good. But that main picture or the picture from the game box is throwing me off in a lot of directions ... the ratings are not 10s and 9s so I think it's readable ... maybe! But if anything, Grisaia's five heroines all deserve to be accredited.
  8. As the title states. Per VN that you saw or played, which do you think is the hottest? You don't have to quote a single character or one of each sex. It can be more than one, just talk about it and what VN they're from. So right now I'm on Muv-Luv: Altered Fable and I always had the thoughts of Meiya, Ayamine and Hayase since you can see through with the suits and all. But now after checking out Altered Fable, I came down to pointing my finger at Irma .. They did a hell of a nice job on her anatomy in Altered Fable. So she takes the sexy place. Kasumi for cuteness and Meiya and Hayase for gorgeous. Well, that sums up my 2D analogy.
  9. awwwwwwww, Kasumi's introduction voice in Muv-Luv Altered Fable is sooo cute, lol. She was lost few times and then they just cut her off!
  10. Monomon. Can you do something about your signature? It's extremely long which it feels like its a really big sized .gif. I can't even right click the thing. Anyways ;/ if not then I'll just have to ignore your signature.
  11. Listen to the whole thing if it's the main cast/secondary cast. Others I may skip. Few exceptions were Yoroi from MLA (he was funny), Major Walkens, Sagiri and especially Yuuhi. Man Yuuhi blew my freaking mind, the whole Coup d'etat did. But yea, that big CO general in the command center I just skip his voice because his voice is not as serious. I skip a lot of other minor characters. I know for Fate/Stay Night, the only person I ever skipped there was Kita... mine? I think that was his name? The twisted priest dude. He was just annoying and pisses people off. Well, actually, because he pissed Rin off so much. Later on I got a really good reason why I should dislike him (Fate/Zero) ... fucking asshole character! >_>;;
  12. This post was informative. I'll take this quote and post it in the unrelated VN thread that I just saw. -- So the one thing that never gets to ever be explained is the controls in a robot. Rarely, ever, someone has perfectly made them make sense (besides some cool button pressing in the beginning of Evangelion 3.0). Though going back to my main question between TSF vs. Gundams - TSF had suits that actually made sense. There was logic behind it and there was a bit of physics. The same goes for TSF. During MLA, Takeru speaks a lot about how with each step, jump or whatever else you do then you'd wear the gear down slowly. Fundamentally speaking, Sagiri and Tsukoyomi with the three idiots were the best at making such steps and jumps without wearing down the joints - like the feet or when they slice their opponents with their close-melee weapons (knives, swords). These five had hard experience nonetheless whereas Takeru had more experience only in years, but not in actual combat. The UI in TSF's are not the best but they look about right. I did like how the UI changes from TSF to TSF and how things unfold in-between. Not to mention how heavily it was described between the G-bombs, G6, and G11 which was extractions from BETA. There is also the OS issue, though the only details that were ever explained is how Takeru was trying to input actions preciously between the frames (5 fps as he stated) so the machine would pick up the response faster. Then how he wanted to add combos and cancels into the new OS. So far those had some logic and physics (on the surface) since, to me, it relates a lot to my career in WoW as a Warrior. With cool downs and inputting actions to allow the system to pick it up and do a lot of other things. There's just a little relation to that. The new Muv-Luv game that's going to come out in 2015 will set the story back in 1983 where Alternative III began it's wide-scale invasions on the BETA. Now since the game will be about 18 years ago before the settings of Muv-Luv Unlimited/Alternative, the TSFs there are much older with an older OS, different UI (hopefully) so this will be rather interesting. Since it's Age, they're going to dig deep into those old models and give more sense on how they actually move, what's good, bad, and what needs to be improved. Something similar to the TSFs in Unlimited/Alternative. At least that's one of the points I'm looking forward to. As far as Gundam, I dropped the whole Gundam series after Gundam 00. I really enjoyed Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny, but I just couldn't comprehend the lack of physics and senseless movements. I really dislike "miracles" that occur out of no where or when the main character(s) are so bad ass they become untouchable. So Gundam Seed Destiny lacked a lot though the story was pretty cool. I watched Turn A Gundam (I saw it around 2008 or 2009, and I don't like old anime at all. I just watched to see the twin blonde chicks) and just the story was good and the characters. I dropped Gundam 00 after the fifth episode since it was soooooo dragged the shit out of things. The "cool" main characters and all that stuff, miracles, hidden abilities and all that just doesn't fit inside my mind. In general, there was barely any explanation - in details - of where it makes actual sense. I'm just wondering if there is some episode(s) that actually explain how Gundams work with deep details and not just some random crap or "well it just works". I'm so not a robot fan. But I'm a fan of physics and logic.
  13. omg ... keep the youtube stuff coming! i'm having an organism right now D: ...
  14. Quick random question: Are the TSF's in Muv-Luv make more sense than the Gundam stuff? It just feels like it does. Not overpowered and fits perfectly with some of the physics unlike Gundam's ... robots. Anyways, what do you guys think? Considering that TSF's where heavily explained in the Muv-Luv series.
  15. Speaking of Kara no Kyoukai, that last part in the uh ... the last movie (can't recall the name ... wait!) Recalled Out Summer! Lol! Anyways, those last 30 minutes where they introduced Mana made me scream in my room ... I was like "omfg ... nooo wwayy!" few times >_> ... I bought the Limited Edition BD box from Japan. Didn't open it. Box is bigger than the 10th Anniversary Type-Moon collection box I got months ago and it looks so good. It feels heavy ... I was looking over the Fate/Zero BD boxes today. I caught few good ones to purchase - they're imports from Japan. Since I dislike how fucking Aniplex is handling the distribution I just decided I may purchase the Japanese editions. I don't see the Limited Edition second box for Fate/Zero on Amazon though ... I only see it on CD/Japan.
  16. MLA - On last part before we take off in the shuttle. Awesome, stupid awesome feels. ML:AF - Started this yesterday but didn't play it much. I played more today. They doubled the quality (or the pixel density) for all the characters. New poses, new clothing (for special scenarios), some new music, too. Comedy is pretty good. I fucking LOVE Walkens. Can't believe they included him in. He's so bad ass LOL.
  17. That still doesn't restrict to "because it has H-scenes" and so they decided to go with a "movie". From how I see things, I personally think Type-Moon is going all out with the Fate series to make it into full animation from different angles. The ones who call the shots aren't ufotable or DEEN. ufotable has some core people plus they collaborate with others producers - like animators, series composition producers, etc, to actually make something really good (this is actually true for all animation studios). Type-Moon is heavily involved in their Fate series as of late. That's their baby. They won't let them fuck it up. HF is too long to just cramp it inside a movie but that still doesn't mean it won't be good. It's going to be good. But that won't bare their hands down from not making it into a full TV series, like with UBW. UBW movie was true to the source (no alterations basically, but obviously they skipped a lot of parts). Fate/Zero was true to the source as well. And I also absolutely agree with how things work. The TV is produced first, then the movie. Though this perfect scenario is flawed since this is Type-Moon we're talking about. There's still Fate/prototype which I'm actually interested in!
  18. Oh that's how it works around here? Alright. This is new to me. I've been on other forums and they have their own H-threads sections around with different types of threads inside. I like the 'link' idea.
  19. We definitely need one to move some stuff away from general public. There are people (including myself) that view stuff from non-safe NSFW places. Not like I encountered anything as of yet but it would be a good excuse to keep those things in a single section. To elaborate as to why we need one, think of what we could post of links and pictures or talk about dirty things without limits. Obviously, you want to limit the things we post like no real-life lolis and no-real life stuff. It should be related to anime, manga, visual novels, light novels, etc. Japanese stuff basically. So there you go!
  20. ^ The censorship is one thing. But you're forgetting that even UBW had H-scenes, not as many as HF, and they still produced a single movie and now they're making a TV series. So with the way things are they may produce a TV series later on. I don't think the censorship has anything to do with it.
  21. ^ With the way things are going it's most propel to actually see it this way. Though this is my theory and I stand firm by my opinion. Considering how UBW film came out few years ago and now they're making UBW TV and they hit it off with HF movie, they may make an HF TV just because of how lengthy the freaking arc is. I mean, HF's length is the combination of both Fate and UBW's arcs together. So how much can they stuff inside a movie that's no more than two hours? ......... Plus, if anything, they'll probably remake Fate into TV and conclude the whole series with the Final Episode (those who beat all 5 arcs will know what I'm talking about) considering that Saber is the main heroine of Fate.
  22. Fuck I can't wait for UBW TV series and the HF movie. You guys see the new picture of Saber Alter? You guys see that?! I'm about to bang my head across the wall and bleed from the hype :/ ...
  23. ^ This is incorrect. Unlimited Blade Works (Movie). Look over the Animation production and the type of media.
  24. Looking forward to this. ufotable does a hell of a better job than Deen Studios (with respect to the great action in UBW movie).
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