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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. How to world domination through gay pride parade?

    Same way you dominate the world normally. Turn off the internet, you will become a god to them because you have the power of the internet.


    1. Is Redpanda weird?

    2. Whats the best way to recover after a tiresome day? :amane:

    3. What's your favorite dinosaur? :makina:

    4. Quote of person who just won The Internet.

    A bit, yes.


    Music with a nice glass of lemonade always helps.


    Littlefoot is my favorite dinosaur.


    "Yes! Now I truly have no life!"

  2. Tfw you don't dodge it and instead hit 4, and then right click to place block before it spreads.

    TFW the eternal question is: How can I make my house better?


    TFW you stay up all night, fall asleep at 10:30 AM and then wake up at 3:30 PM. Can't tell if this is a FML moment, or a Thank God moment.

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