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Soulless Watcher

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Posts posted by Soulless Watcher

  1. It's pretty meh. I totally dig the conquest gameplay/vn genre in which you conquer countries along with their hottest women a la Sengoku Rance Style, but this one bored me to tears. The game-play was painfully easy and just feels like a grind (except for a handful of fights at the end), several of the character models have this weird thing going where they are wearing visible panties/bikini bottoms and no one acknowledges it, and the overall character art direction feels like a typical Japanese browser gatcha game as in they added the names and "character" after they received the character art. 

    It's still pretty satisfying to capture a nation and sleep with its' women, but the world and story isn't very interesting and when the game is soo fucking long it starts to get on your nerves. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Silvz said:

    After finishing CC I could only regret my time spent expecting something from the story. The art, voices, everything is perfect, and even some plots would work out of it, but again, it was terrible.

    I think my comment may have been a little agressive, so for that I apologise. Still, I say we wait for the release before throwing stones on them.

    You thought that Chrono Clock was legitimately bad, but you still believe that this could be legitimately good? I thought I had weird standards, but Jesus fucking Christ, and I thought the last American election debacle was enough to educate myself that there will always be people who I will be unable to emphasize with. 

    Like I said, I don't think this title will be bad, but it will definitely be a nothing visual novel. Going by the length of the previous game it will probably be completed in one lazy afternoon and then promptly forgotten about. 


  3. 10 minutes ago, exaccuss said:

    *walks away very slowly*

    lol seriously though, i seriously hope companies like mangagamer etc dont move away from these medium length vn's with romantic routes (what are they called moege's these days?) They are essentially the only VN's i like playing. The rest like steins gate/fate stay night etc just dont interest me at all.

    *Walks closer with a baseball bat in hand* 

    Well in all seriousness I doubt mangagamer and jast will change their business model anytime soon, it's just kinda sad that a visual novel company is actually paying attention to the western market.... but only to release titles that are slightly above Winged Cloud's stuff. 

  4. Just now, exaccuss said:

    Oh. I didnt realize divinity stage was an english only release. I hope they release the first one eventually. Im not too fond of these short VN's. I am more than willing to support companies with VN's like this such as da capo/chrono clock etc etc, just not these short ones. Thats just me lol

    I don't mind episodic kinetic novels, like the Fault series and I was totally on board for the Dysfunctional Systems series, but yeah I don't really care for the shorter self contained titles unless they indulge in one of my sick depraved fetishes. 

    It's a shame though, but I have a feeling these shorter throw away titles will become more and more prevalent. It's simply a smarter and less risky business model that the Sakura series has proven to work. 

  5. 1 minute ago, exaccuss said:

    Is there any reason why they didnt start with LoveKami first? I mean apparently it is longer and honestly, sounds better. Is it just because the one they translated is quicker, which would equal a quicker sale? Im confused lol.

    Well with that one they would have had to create a new all-ages version for that game for steam and I think the internet may have traumatized them after the If my Heart had Wings debacle, so they want to avoid a repeat incident as much as possible.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Silvz said:

    Well, Chrono Clock was released while ago, with a very, very similar idea (moe girls being moe) and Fuwans enjoyed it. The difference here is only the team handling it, right?

    Don't think that I don't love to see DI, Steins;Gate 0, Tokyo Babel etc being the new elite of translated VNs, but I think hating over a still unreleased game just for the hipocrisy? Wasn't this Forum that started a World War because of H-scenes?

    Chrono Clock actually had some interesting ideas though and the premise was a good draw for readers, nothing was really done with them, but at the very least there was a spark of creativity. Not to mention that there was actual sexual content for those who wanted it. 

    This, just feels like they are selling the cover art. Especially, considering this is already the second all-ages spin-off of, if Clephas is to be believed, a much better title. 

    I don't hate the title, I understand the need and the marketing decisions behind it, but it's hard to get particularly excited for it knowing it will be a short title, more then likely much shorter then Chrono Clock, with little substance. 

  7. Watched the available episodes of Eromanga-sensei, instead of studying for finals, and was thoroughly disappointed...... in myself. I enjoyed this show much more than any other this season and that's just fucking disgusting. 

    I'm quite curious about the motivations behind Tsukasa Fushimi in creating this shit. Like did he write the story as an attempt to create a version of Oreimo that doesn't result in fans sending him death threats? Or maybe he is a one trick pony who can't write anything else..... and which of these is sadder? 


  8. Sadly there are not many visual novels that focus on decision making on the part of the Reader. Pretty much the only visual novel that I know of that doesn't have heavily static routes, would be Cinders a retelling (if you so choose) of the Cinderella story that has allot of choices and allot of ending variants. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, pik3rob said:

    I actually think Slaine became even better in the second half. If I try, I can actually come up with a convincing argument as to why he was actually a good guy there. The only reason he ended up being the "bad guy" is because the ending fucked up everything and ignored any type of realism.

    I'll be honest, I don't really remember Aldnoah Zero that well. I only watched it once and was soo thoroughly disgusted by it that I tried to forget everything about the show. The only thing I really remember about Slaine is that he constantly makes poor decisions based on his infatuation with the princess.

    8 minutes ago, pik3rob said:

    I think that's probably the point, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating. The worst offender is probably the protagonist who is one of the most boring I've seen in a while.

    I don't know if "boring" is the correct terminology he is such a non-presence in the show, if he wasn't related to the creator of the military princess he would be completely fucking pointless to the overall plot. 

  10. 16 hours ago, pik3rob said:

    The only difference is that Aldnoah had at least one interesting main character to cling onto (Slaine), but in ReCreators there is nobody.

    Well at least in the first arc, in the second arc he became thoroughly unlikable. Although, I suppose that most of of Aldnoah's strengths crashed and burned in the second arc. 

    It's really odd though, the guy handling the story  of recreators is the same person who wrote the Black Lagoon Manga. Black Lagoon wasn't the greatest at characterizing its' heros, aside from possibly Revy, but it had some fascinating antagonists that oozed personality and while their backstories are usually just hinted at but we feel like we know them intimately by the end of the show.

    The characters from Re:Creators just feel hollow, like they are watered down copies of standard character archetypes. Everyones motivations are hazy and we know jack shit about the background of all of them. 

  11. Re:creators continues to throw out interesting ideas, but I get the feeling it's going to go the same way that Aldnoah did. It seems to be pretty shit at characterizing and it really doesn't help that the cast of main characters is already seven.  

  12. - The Muv Luv trilogy is a must, power through all the routes of extra I promise it will be worth it once you get to Unlimited. 

    - The Innocent Grey Crime Thriller series ( Starting with Cartagra then Kara no Shoujo 1 and 2) is superb. 

    - Majikoi is heavily waifu based, but it has some great comedy and a couple of the routes have decent stories. 

    - The translated Rance games (mainly 6 and 7) have surprisingly good stories and some genuinely great game play, I would even consider Sengoku Rance among my personal favorite strategy games. (Be warned that there is quite allot of rape....... quite). 

    - Ayakashibito is the gold standard in storytelling when it comes to Chunny, but it has quite a few awkward sex scenes. 

    - Grisaia no Kajitsu is also a must, I personally love it for its' strong characters. Some of the routes tend to go off the rails, but by that time you are soo invested in the characters that you kinda just go along with it. 

    - The Fault Milestone series is a lesser known fantasy series, but another personal favorite of mine (my avatar is a character from the series). The series is still ongoing, so you might want to wait until the rest of the volumes come out. 

    - Tsukihime is a very old visual novel and may be too dated for some tastes, but none the less it is my personal standard for visual novels. With a plethora of routes and a ton of choices, it is mechanically what I look for in a visual novel. It also helps that the story is great. 

    - Higurashi/Umineko great mystery thrillers, but you better strap yourself in for these.... they are quite long. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, SeniorBlitz said:

    I have similar interpretation at the back of my mind too, but some companies openly states what ending is "Canon" and some visual novels even call some endings true, the question is should that be a thing?

    This reminds me of a minor spat I got into with another fan of Madoka Magica, a rather homophobic one, who was quite upset that the original author of the storyline said in an interview that Sayaka and Kyouko would have become a legit romantic couple if they had survived the events of the show. One way to look at it, is that the god of the world is clearly stating the intent of his creation. That there is no other way to take it. The alternative I posited was to discount the Authors'  intent, that by applying the ideas of "The Death of the Author" there was nothing in the show itself that definitively pointed to romantic feelings between the two characters and that their relationship could have been clearly taken a different way. 

    To care about what an author (or company especially) declares as "canon" is to discount your own ideas and views about the work, and instead blindly accept what an authority figure states. 

  14. I don't put much stock into the term "true" end, other than it should be read after every other route. When reading visual novels I always keep the theory of the many worlds interpretation in the back of my head. Each route and ending, "exists" in an equal manner, they all happened, will happen, and are happening at the same time. It's not an exactly comforting thought outside the realm of narrative, but the theory is an equalizing force in the realm of visual novels. 

  15. Pretty sure all of the showings in theaters are now over for the dubbed version. I think it is suppose to come out on DVD latter on this year, so unless you can find a shitty pirated version, you will probably have to wait till than. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Okarin said:

    What is it? There are a lot of people who love Grisaia, but a whole lot too that bash it. Is it for the H scenes? For the writing?

    It's simply because it is popular and receives allot of attention, anything that has a large fanbase will always have an equal amount of detractors. 

    I give allot of shit to Frontwing, especially since the whole "Phantom Trigger" thing continues to baffle and confuse me, but if they are actively pushing for some of their lesser know titles to receive localisations that goes along way to buying my goodwill. Although, subtract allot of that goodwill if they have absolutely no plan to localize the +18 content at a latter date. 

  17. That seems like a poor business decision.

    Well, I'll pick up the 18+ version of Rakuen when it comes out, but I'll wait awhile and see where this phantom trigger business leads to before I buy any volumes in that series. 

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