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Soulless Watcher

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Everything posted by Soulless Watcher

  1. Haha, I love how they have you enter your birth date for crystal purchases to try and protect parents credit cards from little Timmy. Oh and in roman numerals too! Hahahahahah God.
  2. I get the feeling I'm going to really regret trying this game out, considering the catastrophic amount of time I sunk in Angelic Saga.
  3. Alrighty I think I can understand a bit more why a large portion of the white male demographic voted as they did, God am I depressed now.
  4. You know what, I just realized what it is. I live in bumfuck Kansas where everyone is white anyways, so I don't see many groups of minorities interacting with white men.
  5. @Kenshin_sama Huh, I didn't hear about this. That article is actually really encouraging.
  6. Ok, I may be misunderstanding something or I have simply not stumbled across the right news or comment sections. I have not personally observed anything that indicates that there is a mass movement to suppress the "white man's" voice, I fully admit that I may just not be aware of it since I don't get out of the house much. It's just usually when I hear about white dudes complaining about their rights being violated or being "shamed" for their race it's because of something like a cakeshop being forced to serve a gay couple, or African american students being bussed into a white school, or because the movie 12 Years a Slave exists.
  7. GUTB, is that you but with a different account
  8. So, because he talks like a grade schooler he doesn't sound like part of the upper class? I genuinely don't know what else about him doesn't ooze elitism. Yeah, I mean it is like only 70% of congress that is comprised of white men. Although god knows how many of them are closeted gays. We got to be careful that we don't alienate them when making important decisions regarding the country.
  9. No, because I don't like the term "fantastic masterpiece", it is needlessly repetitive. I also just thought the title was "ok", so I demand that everyone else side with my opinion and call it "ok".
  10. Well that is how you troll professionally, you use perfectly valid points in a annoying way and than you sprinkle just a dash of crazy.
  11. FORGET THE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY THING. I wasn't directly connecting the two, only comparing the laws.
  12. Well you just missed my point, what I was trying to get across was that mosaic laws don't say that pornography must have mosaics, but it must not have obscene objects (which are defined as "to promote a sense of shame or disgust in human beings"). I was just comparing how the laws are similar in that they don't directly outlaw the item in question, but highly indicate that laws do apply.
  13. From what I understand the laws on mosaics are incredibly vague and deliberately hard to interpret the exact parameters of what is allowed and what isn't. At the risk of opening another can of worms, kinda like lolicon and child pornography laws in the west.
  14. Because according to western ideas on obscenity it seems kinda silly, even though ironically it was western ideas pushed on eastern ideas that caused the mosiacs.
  15. This is a really fucking retarded thing to get annoyed about, but what the hell is up with the "RE" in the RE: Sharin no Kuni Project? Well, I guess it is still not as bad as "MuvLuv: A pretty sweet visual novel series". Well anyways, even though I probably will not back this one, it is always good to see more of the big titles officially localized by another company aside from the usual three (aka not sekai project).
  16. What are you talking about? Trump talked a bunch about foreign policy, like how he was going to pull out troops from South Korea and give them nukes instead. There was also the time he said that NATO would have to pay the USA for any assistance against a possible Russian invasion.
  17. Well technically it's like three different threads Frankensteined together.
  18. Well I'm not disgusted or anything like that, I just have questions....... Like, was this their first time? Whose idea was it? Was it intentional? If so, was it because his human penis was too small? Is that why he was only in-between because a wolf penis would be too big? Is that why the children inherited his abilities, like does his sperm change between wolf sperm and human sperm too?
  19. I love Wolf Children but, I have soo many questions about that implied bestiality scene.........
  20. Hahah, that was literally the same video I was watching just now.
  21. OH GOD, I just heard who Trump is considering for his Cabinet.
  22. Oh fuck, I forgot about that (shockingly). I guess I should probably make another paypal account in preparation.
  23. Interesting, going to have to see where my budget stands before I get a copy. I think Stiens;gate 0 is going to kill the last of my entertainment money for the year though .
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