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Posts posted by LinovaA

  1. You see, forum communities for me are just a wonderful place where I can hang my real world mask and be the real me. Its hard for me to be myself outside of the internet, as most people think I am kinda weird (human interactions simply baffle me is all). Therefore, a forum community, in my opinion, is simply a place where we can throw the shackles of the real world off our shoulders and spend time among people who actually "get it". This is made easier by having a level of anonymity that you do not get in real life. You do only get what people present to you, but that is kind of what makes forums great. You get to be whoever you wanna be. I just so happen to want to be myself. So a forum community is... well... Its all relative to what you make of it really.


    So to answer those questions:


    1) I use Fuko as my profile picture on pretty much every forum I participate in, but I have never thought of her as representing part of my personality. When I think on it though, my interests have a huge influence on my personality. If I actually took time to write a proper interests blurb on my profile, you could probably get a good idea of my personality looking at my regular posts and at my interests. Maybe. 



    2) Well... that depends really. I have always felt pretty unknown myself. Then again... I was always posting over at CR, so I think it is pretty easy to feel that way over there. Doubt I am recognized here, since I finally made my presence here known only a few days ago.  :holo:

    Guess there is always my Lemmasoft account too, but I don't post over there nearly as much as other places. When we sit down and have conversation like this though, I feel that we get to know one another a little better... if only a little.



    3) I haven't really ever felt I have known anyone online aside from the friends I have made over any multiplayer games I used to play. I mean, its easy to get a basic idea of people's personalities when you look through topics and see them post over and over again. I mean, one can argue that that is just the personality they are showing, but that just goes back to what I was saying about how a forum communities purpose is relative to the participant. Depends on what they are laying on the table. So you could you know some people really well, and others are merely acquaintances who you may talk to on a daily basis.

  2. When I bring up this series I always find that I sound a bit desperate when I try to convince others to read it as well, as I have only ever met TWO people who have ever heard of it, and only ONE who has ever read it.


    The Riftwar Cycle, or more specifically... The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist. This is a book series I greatly enjoyed and I feel there is something for everyone who enjoys fantasy novels in these ones. I really love how Feist writes his characters, and the world he has shown over the course of the entirety of the Cycle (which includes about thirty-one books if I recall correctly) is just absolutely beautiful and filled to the brim with interesting lore.


    Definitely my favorite author. 


    *breathes out* Annnnd done. You may go about your day now.

  3. Yang is best girl. *drops microphone* *exit stage left*


    (Honest thoughts, I enjoyed it.. but I wanted to marathon it.. so I stopped somewhere in the first season and still have not gotten around to continuing it just yet. Soon though. Soooon. It is definitely something noteworthy, as long as you do not ask the question of "is it an anime or not". That question will raise the legions...  :wacko: )

  4. Two of my favorites would have to be blinking/lip sync, and the battles in Little Busters.

    Muv Luv Alternative blew my mind when I first started it, as it was the first at VN I had read with that sort of feature (and you know.. all the other assorted Unlimited Budget Works that went into it).


    Little Busters just had awesomeness everywhere, but those battles always got me laughing, as I could see the battles being played out perfectly in my head. Infinitely amusing for me. ^^

  5. Hoshizora no Memoria

    Toradora! Portable

    Sengoku Rance (I am ALWAYS playing Sengoku Rance... so this shouldn't even count. xD)


    Trying to balance that with school and catching up on my unfinished anime is a tough task, I'll tell you hchwhat. <<<< *loads of phlegm*

  6. Clannad - FUUUUUUKOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


    Clannad After Story - I want Fuko back~


    Anohana - Lets just continuously destroy your heart for about five hours.


    Fate/Stay Night - People die when they are killed.


    Attack on Titan - Only some people die when they are killed.


    Bleach - Nobody dies when they are killed.


    Akame ga Kill - Death and Corruption - The Anime.

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