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Posts posted by LinovaA

  1. For those who have watched the Cyanide and Happiness show, you (probably) get the reference and will now read the title in that voice.


    NOW THEN, onto the matter at hand.


    What are some of the lamest puns you have ever heard? You know... the ones that make the entire room groan, or the ones Uncle George always tells at family reunions relentlessly until everyone just kinda leaves.  :amane:


    Exactly how punny can you be?


    Let the collective groaning begin!





    This will forever remain my favorite pun of all time.

  2. I actually never played 9. I guess that one is even worse. But 8 was pretty damn bad and had real low review scores. After 8 and 9, it was no wonder the series died out for over a decade. 


    You see, I can never believe in review scores anymore when it comes to gaming. One of the my favorite gamecube games was Yu-Gi-Oh Falsebound Kingdom, but it had some pretty bad reviews last time I checked it. Then again, it was mostly the critic reviews of it that were low. Almost all the user reviews were positive.


    MM8 and 9 were pretty.. nyeh though. Reviews are not wrong there.

  3.  or I can't fap, because I know the characters and would feel awful for misusing them.

    I know exactly how you feel. That's the reason why I don't "misuse" Kud.


    I could never misuse Fuko. o-o Just... no. I too understand exactly how you guys feel.


    Generally why I stock up on harem stuff. Infinite Stratos was a boon to me in many ways. xD

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