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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Well dropped would be an entirely different thing. Things happen, things get stalled, but not working on it != dropped. Dropped would mean someone else would probably pick it up, etc.
  2. Just keep at it, there is no better way to learn but to read things and check if you are reading it correctly.
  3. Looks like it is going to be a long wait.
  4. Oh man, I'm looking forward to your next work already.
  5. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll be enjoying your stay with us.
  6. That chibi is so cute... Saved! <3
  7. Might be a good plan to practice the hiragana table a few times. Then when you memorize it in that order, start reading things and confirm with the chart. Looks like it is ta tsu ya ni i san. or tatsuya nii san.
  8. Yeah, the update is pretty big. I mean they did add a new class and race and all that.
  9. You may learn JP faster than waiting for this to be TLed.
  10. I think the easiest way is just to familiarize yourself with more words in Japanese. Reading basic sentences out loud will probably help as well.
  11. Looking forward to seeing it Cake.
  12. I think NNL talked about it, they have all of Minori licensed regardless.
  13. In case this helps, here is the scan of the CD booklet I found online.
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