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Country restriction - Why?


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So, I just received the reply email from Ullucus Heaven for my question half a month ago (their customer support sure is slow <_< )


Since their answer is kinda vague, I want to ask you guys here: Why do you think they made this kind of country restriction? Is expanding the sales territory of a digital product that difficult to pull off? Or this is just their way of hiding the real reason (whatever it is)?

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Pretty sure it has to do with individual country laws and licensing issues.


They probably don't want to go out of their way to pay extra to license stuff in other countries, this is usually prevalent with consoles as opposed to PC since the latter is a much more open platform although there are some companies who don't allow certain PC games in some countries. But in the case of PC, it usually has to do with individual country laws rather than licensing issues.



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to sum everything up


1. Idiotic copyright laws

2. moronic fear of piracy (its gonna happen anyway nomatter what you do about it, altough steam does a great job figting piracy because of convienience)

3. Inabbility to adapt to modern times and the internet by the old farts that are the bigwigs for company's.

4. 3. results in outdated values and rules regarding copyrights.


here is a good example, (it's in dutch though so you may need to use google translate)


Edited by havoc
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Japanese companies are afraid all their customers will buy Western versions of things because they're always cheaper. Everything is stupid expensive in Japan. Except manga. Imagine how hard it would be to sell VNs in America if each one that came out was $100.


That reasoning doesn't work for every case, there are also region restricted games which are not from japan and what about the games which are japanese only.

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