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How to Install and Run Untranslated Visual Novel Text Hooking Tools


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1 hour ago, Deep Blue said:

I don't think so, machine translations work well when there is some easy text and short sentences and even then can screw up everything, to be honest I don't know how people can read an entire vn like that :P that's why I'm learning japanese, which by the way I recommend you to do so, if you really are into vns and anime the hard work will pay off.

for me, its pretty hard to get through at first but after a while, it starts to become a language on its own. just like any other language you start to recognize its patterns and begin to understand whats going. true its not 100% accurate and hard to comprehend at times but it can work. in its own way. one key is to at least know a bit of the spoken language. it helps fill in the gaps left in the text hooker. not that im saying its better than learning the language but for me, i dont have the attention span to figure out the kanji. i started trying to write down familiar words in japanese and its translation but lost interest in it.

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I deal with names a bit differently than that guide, although that strategy works too.  I use TA substitutions to set up custom substitutions for every VN I play and simply change the hooked kanji to romaji.  ATLAS recognizes the romaji as a noun and handles it accordingly.  I try to avoid hooks with repeated names at the start or end, so that usually isn't a problem for me.

You find the names by playing the game, or alternatively looking the names up on VNDB or Getchu.

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Just now, sanahtlig said:

I deal with names a bit differently than that guide, although that strategy works too.  I use TA substitutions to set up custom substitutions for every VN I play and simply change the hooked kanji to romaji.  ATLAS recognizes the romaji as a noun and handles it accordingly.  I try to avoid hooks with repeated names at the start or end, so that usually isn't a problem for me.

You find the names by playing the game, or alternatively looking the names up on VNDB or Getchu.

Yeah. I kinda figured that out along the way while reading the tutorial you gave me. Everything is working fine so far, now I'm just waiting for my test VN to finish so that I can test the name thing with TA helper.

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1 hour ago, kyoukou said:

hey guys when i try to attach something i get this message:dzCSHw8.jpg

well it generally appears when i try to click on something in the process tab.

ITH doesn't work on win10 without the fix that is linked somewhere in this thread. You can also get ITHVNR.

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I am using Windows 10 64-bit

when I am gonna install the ith-fix.exe (for Windows 10) It gave me this error

"the program can't start because IHF.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"

then I try to un-register and register the dll it gave "The module ihf.dll failed to load"

what to do?

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13 minutes ago, Kiriririri said:

Ah like I thought. You see ITH can't hook 64-bit games that your Chrono Clock is. There should be an option to run/install it as 32-bit.

cmsv32.exe instead of cmsv64.exe

thanks but my google have

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  <p><b>403.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins>
  <p>Your client does not have permission to get URL <code>/translate_a/t</code> from this server.  <ins>That’s all we know.</ins>


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Please kill yourself if you actually wanted to use Google Translator to machine translate your VN. Alternatively, you can also just use a good MT or even learn Japanese. But considering the capital crime you wanted to commit, I recommend the first option in this case.

Google is broken for a while now and nobody cares to fix that because it's shit and unless you are a coprophile you shouldn't consume it.

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