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Valvrave the Liberator *Spoilers aplenty*

Dark Ariel7

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I am not in the least bit a fan of mecha so I left this until I had nothing left to watch. However, I am surprised by this series. It actually made me shed a few tears. I grew attached to the characters and then the story took them from me. Why is that only the good characters ever die? Why couldn't Shouko die instead? Or at least the bitch blond and the presidents lap dog girl? Did they really have to kill such a manly character as senpai(no I never knew his name. I love him but I am bad with names.)? And even the main character had to die. Just when he turned cool too. I feel so bad for the former Idol. She was alone and deserved him far more than Shouko. They also just had to take everything from     L-elf didn't they?

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It was so rushed. There is still no explanation for the prince, and no back story for Sachi 200 years later. So much potential left undone. They left too much of it up to our imagination, enough to fill a 3rd or 4th season. 


Awesome ride and awesome soundtrack though.

I agree that too much was left untold but I would not call it rushed. It really only need one more episode or so to tell us the end. Do you mean Saki? If so, I agree. But on the other hand ending with a tease keeps you wanting more. And above all you have to remember that there is no such thing as a good ending.

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You know, Valvrave isn't all that much different from the other recent real robot anime. You should take a peek at stuff like Aldnoah/Zero, Gundam 00, Gundam Seed, Code Geass if you haven't seen it already, etc...

And if we get into those who have a pretty bad reputation, Guilty Clown and Buddy Complex I guess. But Valvrape doesn't really have a good reputation either so...

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You know, Valvrave isn't all that much different from the other recent real robot anime. You should take a peek at stuff like Aldnoah/Zero, Gundam 00, Gundam Seed, Code Geass if you haven't seen it already, etc...

And if we get into those who have a pretty bad reputation, Guilty Clown and Buddy Complex I guess. But Valvrape doesn't really have a good reputation either so...

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Thats too bad for both of you. I've seen it. Maybe its because I am not too well versed in Mecha anime but I thought it was amazing. The sound track was soundgasmic(is that a word? Never mind we can just make it one). The story was really good but very sad. In case you think I rave about everything, I actually do not rave about Valvrave. I like it but thats it.


I also thought Mirai Nikki was good... I mean aside from Yukki.

Edited by Dark Ariel7
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Well, I didn't watch GC but I did watch almost all of the first season of Valvrave. It definitely had entertainment value, but pretty much nothing made sense, from rape to funding your revolution on kickstarter. Or letting ERU-ERUFU walking around the school unrestrained. Or arguments like "If you don't believe me I'll get naked!". Or sentences like "I'll fend that sea of students, call me Moose" (approximate translation-quote from memory). Or "hey, there's a power outage" "well, there's a big red button that solve it all, except it's located somewhere extremely difficult to access".


...The more I think back about it, the more I tell myself it was somewhat really funny. Just not sure if it was intended or not :P

I heard season 2 gets more serious too, that's a joykiller.

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Im surprised how the topic derails, haha almost like a Mecha Discussion.. Mecha is one of my Favorite Genre's That for some reason always have a great story line to it. As for Kakumeiki ValVrave.. Hmm i just loved it..Although like most of you agree, it was Rushed..Especially about the part where Renboukoji Akira was chosen to be a Pilot but there was NO discussion by anyone about why or how she became one..

Anyway one the things i like the most was the Op's..Whenever i hear it i get all excited xD.. As for the Story, It was GOod in many places but like i mentioned before, the story has way too many Plot holes..In the end i felt that this Mecha show was Unique and deserved a better way to end.

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Im surprised how the topic derails, haha almost like a Mecha Discussion.. Mecha is one of my Favorite Genre's That for some reason always have a great story line to it. As for Kakumeiki ValVrave.. Hmm i just loved it..Although like most of you agree, it was Rushed..Especially about the part where Renboukoji Akira was chosen to be a Pilot but there was NO discussion by anyone about why or how she became one..

Anyway one the things i like the most was the Op's..Whenever i hear it i get all excited xD.. As for the Story, It was GOod in many places but like i mentioned before, the story has way too many Plot holes..In the end i felt that this Mecha show was Unique and deserved a better way to end.

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Well, to be fair that's mainly Mecha logic. Unless the Mecha requires a special key to operate, anyone with hands and fight can jump in a Mecha and pilot it. It's easier than picking up a PS4 controller for the first time. No basic training required.


There's also that bit about all the students in the school having their DNA modified so they are all potential Valvrave pilots. Haruto is only special in that he was the first of the students to discover it.

It actually makes me a little sad that he is not the chosen one or anything. Turns out even shouko could pilot it. Which actually made me angry. She does not deserve to pilot it.

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IMO Valvrave is bad in the story department. I watched just for the flashy and intense space mecha action alongside the awesome soundtrack and the epic OP songs (Kakumeiki Dualism FTW).

The story was bad because too many untold stories as well as deus ex machinas... It's one of those so-bad-that-it's-good anime for most people honestly simply it's a pure trainwreck from the beginning to the end.


First season plot twists summarized



As for Guilty Crown, the concept story is honestly amazing but the execution is terribad especially on the second half. It was considered good for some people simply because the already smooth animation and Sawano eargasming soundtracks everywhere, not to mention EGOIST for the OP....

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It's one of those so-bad-that-it's-good anime



E-h-h-h. I wouldn't go so far as to label it that. I genuinely enjoyed it with its crazy plot twists and characters. It had Sunrise written all over it. I had emotions invested into the story, as I usually don't with the "So bad that it's good" genre.

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E-h-h-h. I wouldn't go so far as to label it that. I genuinely enjoyed it with its crazy plot twists and characters. It had Sunrise written all over it. I had emotions invested into the story, as I usually don't with the "So bad that it's good" genre.

I would agree. The story was not genius or anything but I would say it was that bad.


Also, I honestly believe that Guilty crown was actually so beautiful and pleasing to the ears that that in itself is a good enough reason to watch it.

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Exactly, the crazy plot twists are all deus ex therefore making it bad however since there's so many of those twists, it becomes good since you're pretty much set your brain to not know what's going to happen next and always excited+mind blown when one comes. Same with emotions, you see these OOC characters so many times you started getting attached to them, and when something happened to them *coughmariecough* you started getting sad. 


Of course these are only points for the story. The action, animation and soundtrack are all top notch.

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A good story doesn't have that many deus ex as well as that many inconsistent character development, it's a prime example of so-bad-yet-so-good.

If you like the story its a good story. Who made it a rule that you cant have "too much Deus Ex Machina" in a good story? Or consistent character development? If it were so bad its good it would be some form of over the top parody.

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If you like the story its a good story. Who made it a rule that you cant have "too much Deus Ex Machina" in a good story? Or consistent character development? If it were so bad its good it would be some form of over the top parody.


You're confusing between enjoyable and good.

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A story can be bad but enjoyable, a story can be good but not enjoyable.

There are plenty of examples out there for these stuff. For example I enjoy the story of Date a Live however I do admit the story isn't exactly good or in contrast I did not enjoy Mushishi however I did admit that it has a good story.

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How to explain it hm....

Alright for example take a really good anime.

FMA Brotherhood.

A lot of people like it, enjoy it and most agree that it has excellent writing, development, and twists.

However I've met some who did not enjoy it, whether it's the characters personality or some other stuff.

Yet they did admit it has some good writing, development, etc.


Then we take an example of a bad anime.

Highschool of the Dead.

People hate it, despise it because it has bad twists, inconsistent character development and most of the time trying to be serious even though it's not.

However there are still a lot of people still do like it.

Whether it's because they enjoy the character design, or maybe even the ecchi scenes.

Yet some of those do admit it is in particular a bad anime, HOWEVER they still watch and enjoy it.

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