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Wikipedia Editors on Fuwa


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Anyone else here at Fuwa edit Wikipedia besides me?  I originally made an account there to test how fast they'd detect spam and malicious edits, but after that I started actually contributing.  I mostly stick with the Current Events section on the English version, but I'll occasionally find, fix, or update a link or correct the spelling and/or grammar of a page I'm looking at.  Gotta admit,  updating the Current Events section really helps me keep up to date with news.  It's also amusing to trace the IP addresses of the anonymous editors that try to spin events a certain way, since Wikipedia records it after anonymous users make changes.  None of them seem to use proxies or anything, since they're usually from the country they're trying to spin events for.


So, if you do edit Wikipedia, do you have a page or topic you frequently fix, look over, monitor, etc.?  What language version do you edit or visit?  Do you have a registered account there, or do you edit anonymously?  How has Wikipedia affected your life?

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Yeah, pretty much  lol  They actually have a bot that looks at all the recent edits to check if they're spam.  I'm assuming that it runs words through a database and automatically flags it if it matches.  To get under the radar you have to write complete sentences and leave out any obvious spam words, like swears or insults.  It takes longer to fix if you do that, but there's still people patrolling the pages and checking the recent edits, so it's pretty hard to vandalize pages and keep them that way.


You can actually list yourself as a reformed vandal on your account page.  Guess it's not that uncommon.

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I created it almost solely for anal retentive reasons.




This too, though I ended up doing some more stuff (for example the mesopotamian mythology bit for I/O) (seems that you can't really link to edits made by one guy?)



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 Gotta admit,  updating the Current Events section really helps me keep up to date with news.  It's also amusing to trace the IP addresses of the anonymous editors that try to spin events a certain way, since Wikipedia records it after anonymous users make changes.  None of them seem to use proxies or anything, since they're usually from the country they're trying to spin events for.

A great question is why you trace their IPs in the first place.



This too, though I ended up doing some more stuff (for example the mesopotamian mythology bit for I/O) (seems that you can't really link to edits made by one guy?)



I like how there is everything from panty thief to Tropers. Ohnoa Bears

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Because I'm bored, and I want to see if they're from the country they're trying to look good.  It's their fault for editing anonymously  >.>

Bored huh? Sounds like me cept I wouldnt bother even tracing the IP. Ill get a friend to do it. (Yes I am bored and lazy)

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