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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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IceD I understand you they really should change the cutoffs at least it should be like 1-400, 400-1600, 1600-5500 something like that... The people who wakes up in their sleeps to play and use 2-3 gems should get 2nd SRs I think cause not everyone can buy love gems (And right now even if I spend 15 love gems I can get the second SR and I am rank 79)


You will do 50 gems draw?! How can you guys collect love gems so fast :D I will do my first 50 love gem draw on my birthday (The day Hanayo event ends) :D 

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I was planning to do a draw tommorow, but seeing how event is currently evolving, I doubt it will happen anytime soon. I planned everything perfectly, including potential expenses and gains, but as usual people are the only factor which cannot be predicted. I will propably have to use few more games, if I want to secure a spot in top thousand and I'm running out of time...


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Ah I see :D Well hopefully you will get the card you want! And Ceris I really do ope you will get Rin soon :D


Today they will give my all times favourite card!!! Although I like her idolized version :( And it seems impossible for me to be that lucky :D 

What's everyone's favourite cards?



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Didn't make it with the last run. I never wasted so much resources in this game. Should have started much earlier with the grind; I guess my inexperience with being competitive in the events migh completely kill everything I've work on so hard.

Let's wait and see. If I won't be in the top thousand, I'm done with serious event participation. On a sidenote, it's completely not worth to do anything in this game besides playing casually; events are extremely difficult due to bad cutoffs and prices are completely unfair and not balanced with the scores. Massive draws are pure RNG and you often don't get anything; since the game's main purpose is card collecting, it's preety much unreasonable, unless you're ready to spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. There's really no point, otherwise. LL:SIF's main purpose of existence is to feed cash to the franchise owners.

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Lost my top 2000 spot in score, and event points I'm on the very edge, but that doesn't matter since all I could lose is an alpaca.

I will never get my favorite, even with a couple hundred dollars spent


That Rin is just awww the SR Rin I have is one of my favourites too she smiles so bright :D

Hopefully in last half an hour 150 people didn't use 5 love gems :D I guess I am getting both tickets this time!

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Uhh..this event is getting crazier and crazier! I was seeing 700~800 point increase during the last few hours! Eventhough i maximised LP efficiency I still had to blow 14 love gems for a top 1000 spot. I'll be cutting it real close as well, I really do hope I made it or I'll literally flip! KLab really should increase the point cutoff for the next event, it's about time to do so I hope.

Ah I see :D Well hopefully you will get the card you want! And Ceris I really do ope you will get Rin soon :D


Today they will give my all times favourite card!!! Although I like her idolized version :( And it seems impossible for me to be that lucky :D 

What's everyone's favourite cards?



That's a very very kawaii maki card! It just became my new favourite replacing the UR Maki card that was added recently.

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I have 2 SR Rin

They're pretty cute

I always wake up 1 hour before the event ends because believe it or not the time it'll take you to grind (assuming you want top 1k) with just, say 30 mins, will probably not be enough because the songs will eat away all the time and you might not get enough tries.

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Didn't make it with the last run. I never wasted so much resources in this game. Should have started much earlier with the grind; I guess my inexperience with being competitive in the events migh completely kill everything I've work on so hard.

Let's wait and see. If I won't see myself in the top thousand, I'm done with serious event participation.

Yeah after Honoka event I gave up to be in 1000 again :/ wasted love gems to be the 1100th?! :( and event ended while I was playing the event song

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Uhh..this event is getting crazier and crazier! I was seeing 700~800 point increase during the last few hours! Eventhough i maximised LP efficiency I still had to blow 14 love gems for a top 1000 spot. I'll be cutting it real close as well, I really do hope I made it or I'll literally flip! KLab really should increase the point cutoff for the next event, it's about time to do so I hope.

That's a very very kawaii maki card! It just became my new favourite replacing the UR Maki card that was added recently.

They will give her in an hour I just really want her so muuch :D fingers crossed! Please please please

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Great. Just when I tried so hard and used up so many stones... and exactly for what? To end up in 1100, apparently. Now I can't do the draw either, since I ended up with 45 stones left. I'm so done with this kind of bullshit.

No SR Eli. I wanted to get her so badly. I should have started much earlier and shouldn't hesitate to use up the stones. Everything simply went to waste in this case. This is so depressing.



F**k me right? Just another 50 gem draw, another 20 bucks and no new cards. Fun!

Why are you still wasting money on this game is beyond logic; I wouldn't waste a penny on LL:SIF. This game is a pure P2W thing like any other game with game design revolving around mechanics, which include points that can be refilled in order to continue. With money you can rank up easily and this game is that stupid to actually reward and give benefits to people, who are on the very top of rank lists. And even if you will one day reach that top, there will be always people a lot higher than you and there's no actual way to compete with them. In TERA I could at least wipe the ground with all those self-proclaimed pros due to pure skill, but here there's literally nothing that can be done to remain competitive; it's not worth it, either. It's truly frustrating.
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Better than wasting money at least.

Like seriously guys i don't know what to do :(
Seven draws total, not a single new UR (got 3 Hanayos that came with the game initially that i don't care for, 2 was nice for idolization but a 3rd one is just.. *sigh*)
Not a single new SR either

What am i doing wrong :(

This misfortune is seriously making me depressed at this point, i feel like all my effort has not paid off in the slightest, i haven't gotten a single card i wanted yet.. it doesn't have to be one i want even, i just want NEW cards, but i can't even get that.

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Guys I am crying too happy! Got 2 tickets first ticket was a rare then it turned into SR envelope and had wings thenn bumm my first pure SR then used 2nd ticket got R cool Hanayo then used 5 gems got R smile Nozomi then used 5 more gems got smile SR Honoka :D Tears of joy!



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And this is why I cry at night


I also got nothing out of my scouting tickets if anyone's interested. Just to add to my depression.

Nuff' said.

At least we got new songs. It was getting preety boring. I might actually get back all those wasted games and do a draw later today. Hopefully, it will recompensate me somehow for this bitter event experience.

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My smile team is already all Honokas and Nicos.

I already had that SR Honoka so I guess I didn't cry too much, but just the fact you got 2 SR just like that is quite saddening to me.


I'd have done all single draws if I didn't have 50 gems really but since I did I figured might as well just do it, the probablities are the same right? Well apparently not.


Seriously this "guaranteed SR" promotion has only been a source of sadness to me.


*deep breath* Cute yukatas... just look at the cute yukatas... *deep breath*

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