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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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One need 3 more tickets for draw so that would be welcome. 4 more ranks til another ticket, and then a loooot of love gems :( if I got a ticket from the event, I'd just need 20 more gems for another 5 ticket draw soon.

Cant wait til the next page in this thread, for some reason it lags my phone excessively trying to load it...

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I need 7 more rank ups :D And 1 single draw to get 5 tickets :D if the game gives me one blue ticket I could do a draw after this event :D


And sorry but I need to share this with someone sword art online's new episode literally killed my heart T_T I have been crying for an hour now it is too sad :(

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I know exactly what you mean by that Mother Rosario episode.



(That's kb_z, Mr. Highest rank, thousands of dollars spent xD)

My combo sucked, because I broke on every fucking held, and my phone also contributed to 1,break with it's not so infrequent late detection of taps :cry:

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My love live is back! Thanks, guys. Btw, how does this new medley event works? I'm confused.



Go to the event page shown on the home screen and press the center button.

  1. Select how many songs you wish to play in a row (1-3) for the festival, as well as difficulty. If you select 2 or more, your stamina and combo will be carried over into the next songs.
    • Each song will be randomly selected.
    • If you choose to play 2 or more, all songs will be of the same attribute (Smile/Pure/Cool)
    • You will not get duplicate songs in the same festival.
    • There are 8 possible songs for each attribute (EXPERT pool is different from EASY/NORMAL/HARD pool).
  2. You can use G to "arrange" the songs, which will provide a special effect while playing to aid in success.
  3. Friends and other students will cheer you on at the start of each song in the festival, which will provide various effects.
  4. When you successfully complete the festival, you will receive event points based on difficulty and song count. There are bonuses for score, combo, and arrange/cheer effects.
  5. There are three types of festival rewards, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Playing higher difficulty songs will increase the chance of getting Gold and Silver.
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It shouldn't be that hard to get rank 70 on JP before the next Medley event so you can do 3 EX songs (beware some difficult songs lurk in there), since it's half EXP.


Yeah, I started playing the JP version a long time after the EN, and I'm 61 in both already. 

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This is why you get stomped by 4th place


Also, 1st place isn't too strong, he's just dedicated to getting first for Hanayo, he was first last time as well, his name is Umidah on Reddit, I've talked to him a couple times on his stream. He once created a full Rin team on stream just for me when he was grinding the JP Rin event :P

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I think they are all using the strategy of using slightly weaker teams so they don't get faced off with bots always. I heard Cryza, AKA Mr. 9UR teams does that.

#3 might not be though, since 340k is a lot for Wonderful Rush Iirc (sleepy=bad memory), so you have a stronger team than him. I guess he spends most if his money on recharges. (300 gems for Rin event made me shudder)


He does appear on this list :P

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kb_z, he's known for his smile team apparently. Zehel is on there, and I got rekted by Risk a few times this event. I have Cryza on my friend list, but never face him due to team difference. Can't vouch for others, I havent seen Umida's teams on EN, only see TKWizard posting on Reddit, I've seen KanbeKotori's teams (scary), and everyone else I don't know.



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